Krishna to say the truth

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Krishna: Radhe i want to say you something.

Radha: yes Kanha...

Krishna: But don't cry or be scared..

She nodded in confusing.

Krishna: radhe...(hugging her more tightly) I have got a information that ayan had escaped from the prison a day before yesterday and also that's why we came to barsana and today me, vrishbhanu papa, ugrapath papa and some more people including nand papa is going in search of ayan.

Radha was so quiet hearing this.
He looked down at his chest to see why Radha was silent. He saw that tears are froming her eyes, she was looking at him. Tears started flowing her eyes and starts crying...

Krishna: Radhe... Please dear don't cry da... Please da... Nothing will happen to me... Don't cry da...don't worry... I will be safe... And I won't let anything happen to you... I promise before night I will return... Yashoda Maiya... Kirtida Ma... Your sakhis... All will be with you... Today spend time with them dear... Please da... Don't cry...

Radha hugged him tightly...

Krishna was kissing her hair for each 10 seconds.
After some time she calmed...

He made her looke into his eyes...

Krishna: Please dear... Please da. Nothing will happen to me or to you... I will be watching you everytime... I'm not going any far from you, how much far i am through body but I am always so close to you...I'm always in your heart... Please dear give me permission, before night I will return... All will be with you, ayan won't come here... Has per now he is hiding some where in a deep forest away from barsana and vridhavan. Don't worry da. Please da.. give me permission...

Radha: (still sobbing) okay Kanha... But return before night... And nothing will happen to you na...

Krishna: no no dear nothing will happen to me. I promise, nothing will happy..

Radha: Hmm...

Krishna: I have request radhe...

Radha: what Kanha?

Krishna: My radhe is strong na... When I'm not here you should not cry. You should be strong... You should not cry! My baby is strong! She has the power of true love, power of Radha Krishna's love, power of Krishna's love and care... Okay!! My baby should not cry when I'm not here but will return soon. You love to play na... Play with your sakhis, with small childrens and enjoy this day... I want my old strong radhe back. Can I get her back da?

Radha: Yes Kanha, I won't cry. I will be strong. Krishna's baby is strong. I will not cry and be strong. Krishna's baby is strong.

Saying this she hid her face in his chest... Hugging him.

Krishna: That's like my radhe.. okay now it's so early to wake up, not even the sun have rose up. So sleep for sometime.

Radha: Okay... But my one condition..

Krishna: what is it radhe?

Radha: My Kanha should sleep with me without thinking about ayan. Please.

Krishna: Okay... My radhe's wish is my order

Radha chuckled and slept slowly hugging him. He too slept has per his baby's wish..😅

To be continued...

The Rays Of Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ