Radha's injury

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Next morning...

Krishna woke up first and saw Radha was awake but was holding her injured hand with another one and her face expression was different...

Krishna: What happened radhe?

Radha: Kanha... While sleeping, unfortunately this cloth removed and got pressed In your chain and it gort deep hurt...

Krishna immediately sat up and made her sit up slowly and took her hands in his...

Krishna saw her hurt have got deeper and blood was flowing... Then Krishna looked at his chain in his neck chest and it had blood stain in it...

Krishna: I'm sorry radhe...

Radha: why you are saying sorry Kanha...

Krishna: Because of my chain,your hurt got deeper...

Radha: No No Kanha... It's not your fault...

Krishna looked at her hand ✋...

Krishna: Does it is hurting badly?

Radha: hmm... Yes...

Krishna: wait dear, let me apply some medicine in it...

Radha: no Kanha, it will hurt more... Leave it.

Krishna: but it's hurting na...

Radha: hmm yes but also okay... I will manage it...

Krishna: always not listening me... Now be quite...

Radha: but Kanha...

Krishna: shh...

He went and took some medicine and came near her and sat near her...

Radha: Kanha, it's paining...

Krishna: Dont worry radhe... I will do it slowly has if it won't hurt you...

He started applying the medicine slowly has it should not hurt her...

But she was winced in pain...

She came some more near him and kept her head on his shoulder and holded his right arm with his left hand because he was applying medicine to her right hand palm... She was wincing slowly in pain, he was trying to do it so slowly that it should not hurt her... But, it was hurting her...

Tears are froming her corner of eyes, it was unstoppable because of pain.
He felt wet in his shoulder... He looked down to see Radha crying...

Krishna: radhe... Why are you crying? Does it hurt so much?

Radha: hmm... Yes Kanha... It's hurting so much...

Krishna took her face from his shoulder and wiped her tears...

Krishna: Don't worry, i have applied the medicine fully... Let me tie the cloth in your hand...

He took a cloth and started tieing in her hand but she kept her head in his chest and was giving baby sounds...

He tied the cloth and hugged her tightly...

Radha: Kanha... It's hurting...

Krishna took her hand and kissed her palm above the cloth...

Krishna: now the pain will reduce...

To be continued...

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