Radha gets to know the truth

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But I'm not your love.

Krishna smiled, said, my bholi Radhe now it's time for you to get to know the truth.

She looked at him at a confused face.

Soon Krishna said her the truth.

Radha's face was seemed to be little angry and little sad.

She made him sit next her, and started beating him softly on his chest,Krishna was laughing and trying to stop.

Radha while beating him said, is this the way to get me out of the feeling. She starts to cry, you know how much i was hurted , how much I was crying .
You have hurted me a lot,
She have showed her hand and leg, which was hurted badly.but she can't show her heart 💓 which hurted even more badly.

She was crying and sobbing.

Krishna went some what near her, and hugged her.

I'm sorry, my radhe. I know how much you was hurted. How much you was crying, but it was not intentionally to make you hurt. Situation made me to do this.
I wanted to make you get out from that feeling, there was no way except this. So, I have done this. I'm sorry my dear radhe.

No, I'm angry on you krishn.
I'm not going to talk to you,bye.

Saying this Radha stood up, but she again sat, because her was hurting badly.

Krishna saw her leg was hurting badly.and said,

Okay, say how can I make my radhe happy.He said sorry holding his ears , with a puppy eyes.

She melted, and said it's okay,.but don't do this again, this time I have informed you that I'm going to die, so you have saved me, but next time surely I will not send u a message and di..(die)

Krishna closed her mouth before she completes and said, nothing would happen like that. I won't let my radhe anywhere leaving me alone.

Radha smiled and hugged him.He hugged back and kissed in her hair.

She was feeling so safe in his arms and just wanna like this forever in his arms.

They broke the hug.

Krishn, my leg is hurting badly. It's paining.

Krishna saw her leg , he went near the leg, he made her close her eyes and using his power he made the pain disappear but the wound was still there, because Radha would surely get a doubt, because normal human can't do this.

Now he made her open her eyes and asked her , how is your pain now.

Ha, krishn now it's not paining much.
But, my hand. She asked with a puppy eyes.

For which he chuckled and she closed her eyes and did the same with her hand.

Now her hand and leg was not hurting much.
She said, now it's ok.

To be continued...

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