Radha's birthday (3)

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Has Radha wished to meet her parents... Krishna agreed with her to take her to barsana to meet her parents...

Now both got ready too go to barsana...

Both settled themselves in the bullock cart, while Krishna was driving it...

Here Radha was silent...

Krishna: what happened radhe ?

Radha: Nothing Kanha... Last time when we returned from barsana, i behaved so rudely with them... I know i did was wrong... But...

Krishna: radhe... You have understood your mistake dear... So they will understand, they are your parents...

Radha: hmm...

Krishna: radhe, come sit near me...

Radha: hmm...

She sat near him while he was riding the cart... She holds his arms and keeps her head on his shoulder...

Krishna smiled and kissed her hair...

Soon they reached barsana...

All welcomed them...

They spent their time in barsana till afternoon... (Not evening)

Now both bid bye to Radha's parents and returned to vridhavan...

On the journey...

Radha: Kanha, can I ask u something ?

Krishna: Hmm sure dear 💕

Radha: Do u like small kids, because you always play with them...

Krishna: radhe, whom won't like small kids... They are so cute, little,sweet, lovely, playful life without any worries, they never care for themselves, some one have to take care of them from protecting them from evils... only playful... Just like i have one...

Radha: you have one means ? 🤔

Krishna: That's u my sweetheart 💕... You are a kid, just like them cute, sweet, Little, lovely, and also never care for yourself... Always get hurt just like few days before...

He said in a little taunting yet playful tone...

Radha: Always teasing me...

Krishna: I love to tease you radhe...

Radha turned her face away from him... He laughed and turned her towards him and gave a sweet yet soft kiss on her forehead...
She blushed and kept her head on his shoulder while he was driving the bullock cart...

Soon after reaching vridhavan 💖...

Yashoda Maiya prepared makhan, and sweets for Radha...

She gave sweets to her and everyone, but Radha didn't eat much sweet... Yashoda Maiya too didn't force her to eat much sweet as always she would ask her to eat but today she didn't...

Krishna noticed it...

All enjoyed...

Soon after some time Krishna took Radha to a beautiful place... Radha was awestruck to see the beauty...

 Radha was awestruck to see the beauty

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Krishna showing Radha the place...

Krishna showing Radha the place

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It was so beautiful

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It was so beautiful...

Krishna: How it is priye ?

Radha blushed at her new name...

Radha: this place is so beautiful Arya... But, i have never seen this place before here...

Krishna: I can do anything for you...

Radha: I can't believe, really you are a mayavi...

Krishna chuckled at her words...

They enjoyed there for sometime...

Soon after some time...

Krishna: Radhe...

Radha: hmm...

Krishna: close you eyes...

Radha: why ?

Krishna: just close dear...

Radha nodded and closed her eyes...

Krishna went from there and came back with a pot of kheer...

He sat near Radha. Radha felt his presence near her and turned towards that direction with eyes still close...

Soon he told her to open her eyes, she too opened her eyes only to witness her Kanha holding a pot in front of her...

She asked him about what is in the pot... While he opened the pot... Her face glowed with happiness...

He slowly feed her some kheer while she too did the same... Both fed the kheer to each other...

Radha was so happy that Krishna took her to some more places and spent time with her...

He gave a pearl necklace, which was made of real pearls from the sea...

It was night 🌃...

Krishna gifted Radha a beautiful dress which was made with all his love...
He asked her to wear that, while she too did as he said...

He was awestruck by her beauty... While she blushed due to his continues gaze on her... He slowly went to her and holds her hand... He asked looking into her eyes...

Krishna: Radhe... Will you do raas with me...

Radha face captured with a long smile has she nodded yes for raas...

Both started the raas... But Radha was dancing but was carefully dancing... While krishna was adoring her while dancing...

Soon after sometime he felt that Radha was captured a tiredness, while she will not get tired even she does raas the whole night...

So he stopped...

He took her to a near by lake and made her sit there... He gave her some water 💦 fetching it in his hands from the lake...

To be continued...

The suspense will break at the next part... So sorry for the late part...

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