Time with eachother

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Krishna hugged her from the back whispering...

Krishna: Sorry radhe... I was hell angry on him so, i didn't realise that i shouted on you. I'm sorry dear.

Radha: It's okay Kanha. You did this all for me.

Radha's eyes were pooled with tears.

Krishna turned her towards him and noticed her teary eyes...

Krishna: Radhe... What happened da? Why are you crying?

Radha immediately hugged him...

Radha: I missed you so much Kanha... You know, i was feeling so lonely. I was so scared about you. Don't leave me alone like this Kanha.

Krishna: Shh... Radhe, Don't cry. See, I'm here na. I wont leave you. Where will I go leaving you all alone. Don't cry. Calm down...

He rubbed her back and tighten his hold around her...

Soon her cries changed into sobs... Soon after some time she stopped crying...

Radha broke the hug... Krishna holds her face between his palms and gave a little peck on her lips... He bent his head down and touched her forehead with his...

Radha cupped his cheeks with one hand while another one was holding his another arm. Krishna cupped her both cheeks...

Both were chucking with some fresh tears in their eyes...

Soon there moment was disturbed by balram dau...

Balram: Ahem... ahem...

Both immediately seperated...

Krishna: what happened dau?

Balram came near them...

Balram: Did you forgot Kanha? We have to leave...

Radha: Where dau?

Balram: To mathura...

Radha: Again leaving me alone...

Balram: No radhe... You're also coming with us...

Radha: Me too...

Krishna: Yes radhe... You're too coming with us... We're leaving vridhavan... Has my parents won't let me stay here. They wish me to rule any kingdom...

Radha: Then we're leaving vridhavan Kanha.

Krishna: yes radhe... But, i promise we will come here to meet your parents... My Kaka and my kaki...

Radha: What about Maiya and baba, Kanha?

Krishna shifted his gaze from her...

Krishna: Time will say you radhe...

Radha nodded...

Radha: When are we leaving dau?

Balram: By tomorrow... Today you both will rest. Tomorrow will be hectic day... Tomorrow we won't get even a minute to rest.

Radha nodded...

Balram left with that...

Radha turned to Krishna...

Radha: Kanha...

She then looks at him properly... There was a cut on his arm and their was a blood stain in the corner of his lips... His knuckles has few scratches...

Radha looked at him painfully...
Dragging him with her and made him sit in the bed and she took a peacock feather and some coconut oil and applied them slowly in his wounds... She took a piece of cloth and wiped the blood stains in his wounds...

Krishna was looking at her continuesly without even blinking... Radha blushed slightly feeling his gaze on her.

After dressing his wounds, she looked him...

Krishna: You know, the wound will recover soon if you kiss there...

Radha: Don't act too much...

She unknowingly slapped lightly in his wound, he faked a wince. She immediately kissed there...

She looked up at him after realising what she done...

He was already smiling at her in a romantic manner...

Suddenly Radha winced a little in pain has the baby kicked hard...

Krishna: Baby, what happened?

Radha: You princess is there na. She is an attention seeker. You didn't even talk to her after you returned so she is angry on you and kicking me hard giving me pain you know.

Krishna kneelt in front of her while she was sitting in the bed. He kissed her bump...

Krishna: sorry princess... I was busy, so i didn't talk to you. Sorry. I love you  my little princess of her heart

Radha: Then what about the queen of your heart.

Krishna: I love her to the infinite...

Radha smiled...

Krishn made her lie in the bed and layed beside her and took her in his embrace...

Both slept peacefully after fews days in each other's embrace feeling the warmth of each other...

To be continued...

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