Important work

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Revati returned back to her chamber after having some conversations with radha...
Krishna returned back to their chamber eventually knowing that radha is alone in their chamber...

Krishna came in the chamber and locked the door...

Radha: what happen kanha? What did dau say?

Krishna: He was feeling sad that he wasn't able to speak with my bhabi..

Radha: Some goes with revati... She too was feeling sad and disappointed as she wasn't able to speak with dau...

Krishna: We have to do something for their meet up...

Radha nodded towards him...

They discussed about their plan to make revati and balram meet... (*secret*)

It was night time...

Krishna: Radhe...

Radha: Haa kanha...

Krishna: Tomorrow, me and dau are moving out of mathura for some important work, Is that Okay for you? Because, im leaving you here alone... We will returning by tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow...

Radha: Its okay kanha... I have revati to spend my whole day with...

Krishna: If you are fine... Then okay... But, I want you to be very careful priye... I will say revati bhabi about your needs tomorrow.... And never ever try to skip your milk and food... Dont be a careless girl... Got it priye...

Radha: Yes kanha... You need to worry... I will take care of myself atleast for the sake of our baby... Okay?

Krishna nodded, with a slight smile...

Krishna: Now, its time for you to go the bed.. Let me help you...

Krishna made radha lie on the bed slowly...

Radha: Kanha...

Krishna: Say radhe...

Radha: When we will rise our own kingdom...

Krishna: Eventually after my princess birth...

Radha nodded to his words...

He made her sleep slowly patting her head...

He too slept after sometime...

Next day morning...

Krishna and dau left mathura for a important work... Before leaving krishna informed revati about radha's needs... And as usual radha heard kanha's lecture about her health, before his departure..

Revati was with radha the whole day.. The day went with them spending sister time with each other... With lots of talks, fun... Mata devaki and mata rohini too joined them, they all spoke about the radha krishna past in vrindavan... And about revati as birth... Etc.. 

Here krishna who saw radha happy with his heart, smiled seeing her laughing wholeheartedly after a long time...

Balram: Why are you smiling kanha?

Krishna: Im seeing radhe happy and laughing wholeheartedly after a very long time dau... Something is bothering her very much dau, but she refuses to say me... She is hiding that from even my subconscious cannot able to find it...

Balram: Maybe she is missing vrindavan and barsana... She is pregnant kanha... She may want her mother with her at this time... Maybe she wants to see them...

Krishna: I think the same dau... And I even informed kaka and kaki to visit mathura and be with radha for some days... They agreed too... They may reach mathura anytime soon... Maybe after today nor tomorrow...

Balram: That's good kanha... Lets continue our work...

Krishna nodded and they continued their work...

To be continued...

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My punishment is done @srinivaskishree

Bye guys... Meet you all soon with the next part...

Tata bye bye...

The Rays Of Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora