Radha in trouble

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As we know that Radha saw someone in her room and was shocked to see that person.
So let's continue......

Radha: What are you doing here?

Person: why can't I come to my wife's room.

Radha: who is your wife? I am going to marry Krishna ❤️. He is my future husband, he is my love. Today is our marriage, even you know this.

Person: I won't let this marriage happen dear.

Radha: Stop calling me dear.

Person: You are mine, i can call you whatever I want.

Radha: No, I'm not yours, I'm krishna's. He is the only person have right to call me whatever he wants.
Did you understand it Ayan......

Yes, correct it was Ayan.

Ayan started coming towards her... She was moving backwards and ran to the door and tried to open the door, but it was not opening.

Ayan came near and holded her hand. Radha was shouting ...

Radha: Krishna...... Krishna...... Kanha...... Kanha......help me... Help me...krishn...krishn...

Krishna heard her voice......

Krishna: This is Radha's shouting... I think she is in trouble... I should go immediately...
Krishna starts running towards to her room...

As soon he reached near her room, he started shouting

Krishna: Radha...radhe... dear... What happened... Why you are shouting...open the door radhe...

Here ayan holded her hand and pulled her towards him and was to push her on her bed... Soon they heard Krishna's voice...

Hearing that Radha shouted ...

Radha: Krishna... Kanha... Help me... Save me... Kanha...krishn..

Krishna: Radhe, what happened. Open the door.

Radha: Kanha...ayan..

Before she says the whole sentence,ayan pushed her on the bed and closed her mouth.

Krishna heard what Radha said and understood that ayan is inside...

Soon he started breaking the door by pushing.
Here, Radha pushed ayan and came near the door and started tapping...

Radha: Kanha... Help me... Open this door Kanha...

Soon ayan came and pulled her from the door.

Ayan: You idiot... How dare you to shout and call Krishna here..

He slapped her...

She starts crying...

Krishna heard her crying.... Which made him angry... Soon all the family members came there. They heard her crying and Krishna trying to break the door. Soon everyone tried and opened the door.
Soon they opened the door.

They saw ayan was pulling Radha towards and was trying misbehave with her.

Radha after seeing Krishna, pushed ayan down and ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Radha: Kanha......th..i..s a..y.an is ..tr ..y..i ng to mis..be..ha..ve wi...t..h

Krishna: No no radhe... Nothing happened.see your krishn is here. Nothing nothing. Don't cry..

He kissed her hair and caressed her hair. She was crying badly...

Everyone came in and saw ayan there. This made everyone so angry.

Krishan broke the hug and wiped her tears and gave her to her mother.
She hugged her mother kirtida and was crying.. everyone was trying to console her...

Krishna went near ayan... Krishna was so furious...
He slapped him harder...

Krishna: I have warned you that day itself... Be away from her. If you really love her is this the way to behave with her...
Again he slapped him..

Krishna: How dare you to misbehave with her... See her state how she is crying. You have slapped her hard.
On that day itself I said you don't touch her,on that you slapped her twice. On that day I warned you.

Vrishbhanu came near him and slapped him hard. Ugrapath too came and slapped him hard.

Vrishbhanu: How dare you to misbehave with my daughter.
Is this the way you love her. See Krishna's love, that is called true love. You love is just a lust. Don't ever again try to hurt my daughter again. I won't spare you.

Ugrapath did the same...

Ugrapath: You are not my son. You idiot.

Ayan: papa ......

Ugrapath: Don't call me papa. You are not my son. Vrishbhanu,I'm really sorry for my son's deed. I'm sorry. Please put him on the jail of our panchayat.

As per ugrapath said vrishbhanu took him to the jail.

Krishna turned back and saw Radha, she was crying badly hugging her mother.

Krishna came to her...
He kept his hand on her shoulder. She was crying so badly.

Krishna signed everyone to leave. Has he would make her comfortable.

All left.. Radha hugged him and was crying so badly.

Krishna: Radhe... Nothing happened... before anything had happen i came na. Nothing... nothing... He has went to jail. Now no one will come.

Radha: Krishn... He was trying to misbehave with me. He slapped me hard. He pulled me. He pushed on the bed. I'm feeling so worse, after that idiot touched me. I'm feeling that there is no use of my living.

Krishna: Nothing radhe.. don't say like that. Before anything would happen i came na. Don't say like that. If something happens to you. You won't see my aliv..(alive)

Before he could complete.. radhe closed his mouth and looked at him nodding in no and tears was flowing from her eyes.

Radha: Don't say like that.

Krishna: Okay... Nothing happened. Now stop crying, be calm.

Radha nodded and stopped crying but was still sobbing.

He was hugging her for some time. Soon after when she calmed. He took her out, where all was there.

Vrishbhanu: We have to finish the marriage as soon as possible.
Kirtida get Radha ready for the marriage.

Kirtida nodded and took Radha with her. She saw Krishna. He smiled that made her calm and went with her mother for getting ready for the marriage.

Soon Radha and Krishna got ready for the marriage.

Krishna was waiting in the mandap for his radhe to come has soon she come he was awestruck by her beauty.

He kept on staring her... Radha noticed this and was blushing but one part of Radha was thinking about kamsan and ayan and was scared.

To be continued....

Wait of their marriage...

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