Chapter 78

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Steve started their date night by driving the two to a small authentic pizzeria in Brooklyn. It was a place he and Bucky frequented in the 40s. But back then it was simply a small pizzeria, now it was renovated to a fully authentic Italian pizzeria. All the pizzas were made in a special pizza oven. But simply having pizza with his wife wasn't enough for Steve, he wanted something more intimate and more private. He led Heidi by the hand into the restaurant, surprising her when nobody was there.

"Are they even open?" Heidi asked. Steve simply smiled at her warmly.

A moment later, a young worker came out of the back. "Captian Rogers?" She asked. Steve nodded. "Come this way." The woman said warmly.

Steve pulled Heidi along with him to the back of the restaurant, leading her to the kitchen. The young woman handed Steve two aprons, offering him a smile before walking away and leaving the two alone. That was when Heidi noticed the prep table filled with ingredients and a small paper with a recipe in the middle of the table.

"What are we doing here?" Heidi asked.

"We are making our own pizza." Steve said with a casual shrug.

The two made the dough from scratch together, Steve standing behind her with his arms around her as often as possible. He'd kiss her neck, behind her ear, her cheeks, anything he could reach while they worked. He'd also steal kisses from her lips everytime she turned her head far enough for him to reach. They also made homemade mozzarella together. He thought making something from scratch was a unique bonding experience, and he definitely wanted the alone time with his wife.

While the two waited for their dough to rise, Steve pulled out their desserts and some wine for them. They sat on the small back patio, a timer in front of them. The two talked, joked, kissed and just enjoyed each other's company while they sipped on the overly expensive wine and ate their mini red wine chocolate lava cakes.

"Now what did you say I am again?" Steve asked with a laugh. He took another small sip of the chilled wine they two were enjoying. The two had been filling out personality tests for the last hour and a half, the dough had to chill in the fridge for a few hours anyway and they had plenty of dessert, wine and conversations to occupy their time.

"ISFJ. It says you're guarded and warm hearted. You like to follow the rules and love responsibility. The survey says you're the defender." Heidi explained. She playfully rolled her eyes. "Like we didn't already know that." She teased.

"And what was yours?" Steve asked.

Heidi let out a quiet chuckle, pulling up the results of her own personality test. "ESFP." She answered.

"And what does that mean?" Steve asked.

"The enthusiast." Heidi explained. "It says I am energetic, spontaneous, resourceful, upbeat and optimistic." She bragged.

Steve squeezed her hand lightly. "I could've told you that. So who are you most compatible with? According to the survey?" He asked.

Heidi looked down at her phone again, smiling up at him afterwards. "ISFJ." She answered.

"So even your little survey knows we're perfect together." Steve said with a victorious grin. He stood up, leaning across the table to kiss Heidi lovingly on the lips. "I love you, sugar." He said happily.

"I love you." Heidi said back. The timer went off before their kiss could get any more heated.

"Even the stupid timer is a cock block." Heidi said, rolling her eyes afterwards. Steve chuckled lightly, taking her hand and leading her back into the restaurant.

The two assembled their pizzas together. Steve making an authentic Italian pizza with their fresh made mozzarella, prosciutto, olive oil, fresh basil and tomato sauce. Heidi making a less traditional ricotta and spinach pizza with plenty of fresh Parmigiano. Steve put the two in the brick pizza oven, setting a timer. He immediately pulled Heidi into his chest once he'd set the timer. The restaurant was quietly playing slow music, so he happily swayed his wife around the kitchen while they waited.

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