Chapter 54

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Heidi fell asleep at her desk, at 8PM Tony realized Heidi hadn't dragged him out of his office yet and came to check on her. He couldn't help but laugh, her face was pressed into her keyboard but her computer had already fallen asleep. He took a quick picture before stepping out of her office and calling Steve.

"Hey, Capsicle. Wanna come get your wife?" Tony asked when Steve answered.

"Yeah, why? Is something wrong? You guys missed dinner." Steve asked. Heidi had made him promise not to show up to the lab, dragging her away. She promised him that she'd only ever be late if it was important. Otherwise he would have went and checked on her hours ago.

"What is it?" Bucky asked when he heard Steve sound worried.

"She's out cold on her desk." Tony said through quiet laughter.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." Steve said with a small laugh as he hung up.

"She fell asleep in her office, I gotta go get her." Steve explained to Bucky before hopping off the couch towards the elevator. Bucky closely followed. When they reached the lab, Tony had already left to grab some dinner. Steve crouched down in front of her, smiling up at her beautiful sleeping face.

"Man don't wake her, probably slept terrible last night." Bucky said in a whisper. Steve nodded in agreement and gently scooped Heidi up into his arms.

"Can you grab her stuff?" Steve asked, pointing at her jacket, purse, shoes and phone on the couch. Bucky grabbed it and the two took Heidi quietly to the penthouse but Nat was waiting on them when they got there.

"We haven't gotten to see much of her the last week, I miss her." Nat admitted, smiling at the sight of her sleeping friend.

"She's just been really tired lately." Steve admitted quietly.

"How much longer does she have?" Nat asked as she followed the men to Heidi and Steve's bedroom.

"She's 31 weeks, the doctor said if she doesnt have him by 36 weeks they're going to induce her. But we're hoping to keep him in there at least another 3 weeks." Steve replied as he laid Heidi gently in bed, covering her up carefully.

"It's that serum, isn't it?" Nat asked, Steve shrugged. "We don't know, there's only 2 of us and we're not exactly pumping them out so they don't know if the serum will have any effect on either of them." Steve said as he led the two out of the bedroom to let Heidi sleep.

"Are we sure there's no Winter Soldier babies running around?" Nat teased, Steve rolled his eyes.

"We're sure." Bucky answered confidently.

"Can you just tell her I stopped by? And that I miss her? I already know you wont let me climb in bed with her." Nat joked.

"Nope, get your own." Steve joked. "I'm probably not going to wake her up tonight though, she had a late night last night." Steve admitted.

"Okay, I put dinner for her in the fridge if she wakes up though." Nat said with a smile as she got back on the elevator to leave.

"I didn't even think about the serum.." Bucky admitted once they were alone.

"We didn't either until the doctor couldn't figure out why the baby was growing so fast." Steve admitted.

Heidi's phone ringing loudly sent Steve running in the bedroom to shut it off, but Heidi beat him to it.

"Oh, hello Secretary. No, no, this isn't a bad time." Heidi answered as if she wasn't just asleep three seconds ago, an acquired trait from years at Starbucks.

"Really? That's great! Can you fax the paperwork to my office? I'm already out for the evening but it will be a pleasant thing to come into tomorrow morning." Heidi said happily, smiling at Steve and Bucky in the doorway.

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