Chapter 19

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Heidi spent the next 4 months training with Steve, Nat and Clint on how to fight and shoot. Everyday she felt exhausted from trying to keep up with them but she refused to stop. She also was juggling her position at Stark Industries, surprisingly she fit into the position perfectly. She felt like she was meant to be there, and frankly she loved bossing Tony around even though he was her boss.

"Tony, let's go!" Heidi said, pounding her fist on the glass of Tony's office in the lab.

"I'm working, Shaw." Tony said back without looking up from his computer.

"Yeah, well now you're not." Heidi demanded, coming into his office and shutting off the monitor on his computer before grabbing his hand to pull him away.

"You know I'm your boss, right?" Tony said when he finally looked up.

"Then why do you always listen to me?" Heidi said with a smirk. Tony rolled his eyes and stood up, letting her pull him out of the lab and into the elevator so they wouldn't miss dinner.

"I don't always listen to you." Tony protested as they rode the elevator up to the common floor.

"Then why are you in the elevator?" Heidi replied cockily. "Fair enough." Tony said, taking his hand back from her.

When the elevator opened she was met with a smiling Steve and rushed to hug him, burying her face in his torso. "How was work, sugar?" Steve asked sweetly, leaning down until their lips met. Heidi reached up and tangled a hand into the hair on the back of his neck, keeping the kiss going and smiling into it until she pulled away out of breath.

"Oh the same as always, I had to drag Tony upstairs." Heidi said with a laugh, laying her face against Steve's chest to enjoy his embrace after not seeing him all day.

"Is it okay if we don't have dinner with the group?" Steve asked as they embraced, his arms tightly around her while his head rested on top of hers.

Heidi was still scared to go out into New York, anytime she did she always had Steve and Thor, usually Tony too.

"We're not leaving the compound." Steve promised her. Heidi nodded against his chest, she assumed he meant the penthouse.

Steve led her to the elevator and pressed a button she'd never seen pressed before, the very top button. She assumed it was Tony's penthouse and got confused why they'd be going up there. But when the elevator opened they were on the roof. Her mouth flew open as she saw candles everywhere on the ground, there were also black roses and red rose petals everywhere. There was a table at the edge of the roof with even more candles. Everything was beautiful.

"What is all this?" She asked, walking around and taking in all the beautiful effort Steve put in, she knew it was their first anniversary but she expected a card and some rough sex, not this.

When she turned around Steve was on one knee, she couldn't imagine anything would have surprised her more. She walked over to him and stared down at him shocked, both hands over her mouth.

"I'm not really good at this kind of thing, Nat's been trying to help me figure out what to say." Steve admitted shyly. "Heidi I've never met anyone that makes me feel like you do, you're insane, dark, creepy and perfect. I'd die to protect you, I've never felt this way about anyone. You're easily my best friend, I could spend every second with you and never get bored, you're the very air that I breathe. The only thing about you that I don't absolutley love is that you're not already Heidi Rogers. I love you, so so much. Heidi Nell Shaw, will you marry me?" Steve asked, staring up at her with so much love he wasn't even sure how he formed a thought, let alone got through his entire proposal without crying.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now