Chapter 51

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Heidi was so close to dozing off, the throbbing in her face had subsided and she simply leaned against Sam with her eyes closed. She heard the men faintly talk amongst themselves but tuned them out. The van coming to a sudden rough stop jolted her awake. They all listened as the guards came around the back. Several of them had guns pointed at the group while a few grabbed Steve and Sam.

"Back off." Heidi warned sternly when a guard came for Bucky.

"Ma'am he's dangerous." He replied.

"You think I can't handle a geriatric super soldier? Go." Heidi said sternly. The guard rolled his eyes at her but backed off, standing outside of the van waiting for the two.

"Let's go, Barnes." She said, still hoping Bucky would catch on to what she was doing.

"Yes ma'am." He answered as he got out of the truck behind Heidi. She quickly spit another mouthful of blood onto the pavement before grabbing onto Bucky's arm as firmly as possible. She knew he probably didn't feel a thing but her knuckles were white from the grip she had on him. She followed the guards inside the large building, watching as they practically dragged Sam and Steve. She wanted to intervene but knew she couldn't without raising suspicion.

She was at Bucky's side with a death grip on his arm the entire time through booking until they were led to a large basement with a glass cell inside.

"He's not getting in that thing." Heidi said sternly, turning on her heel to face the guards.

"Rogers, stand down." She heard someone say and whipped her head around to see Tony, relief washed over her.

"What the hell did they do to you?" Tony asked, furious of the sight of dried blood under her nose and blood between her teeth, it had dripped out of her mouth onto her chin and dried. Heidi quickly wiped her nose and mouth with her sleeve again.

"How did you know i was here?" Heidi asked nervously. But she was so relieved to see him, she knew he could help.

"You four idiots were breaking news on every channel." Tony said with a laugh. "Now what the hell did they do to you?"

"It's nothing." Heidi promised.

"No, it isn't. Who touched you? I'll kill them." Tony snapped, glaring at the guard that was leading Heidi and Bucky around. "Was it you?" He yelled.

"No, it wasn't him. I don't know who it was." Heidi finally admitted.

"I'll find them. Guard, I want bodycam footage from every single man today." Tony demanded.

"Tony, I'm not going to let them kill him." Heidi said sternly when she got back on topic.

"They're not. They want a psych eval, this is a precaution." Tony answered.

"It's fine.." Bucky said hesitantly.

"Everyone leave." A guard snapped, tired of the argument going on around him.

"I'm staying, Tony you need to get Sam and Steve out of custody." Heidi said, Tony nodded and took off.

Heidi watched as they strapped Bucky into a strong metal contraption, bars coming up along his chest and around his arms and wrists.

"Does it hurt?" Heidi asked, Bucky shook his head no. The guard left the two alone after Bucky was secured.

"I know you don't know me, but please trust me." Heidi finally said when they we're alone.

"If Steve trusts you, so do I." Bucky answered, Heidi couldn't help but smile. She was hoping they would eventually turn into friends.

She stood patiently until a man came into the room, assuming he was the psychiatrist.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now