Chapter 75

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The jet ride to Wakanda seemed to take too long, but also not nearly long enough. Bucky held onto Dustin the entire time, Heidi leaned against him as his eyes constantly shifted between the two. He studied both their faces and the way their warmth felt on his skin. Heidi had her arm wrapped around his as much as she could without effecting how he held Dustin.

Bucky laid his forehead against Dustin's, breathing in his glorious smell, the way babies smell that somehow makes you forget about anything bad. He hoped he could memorize this smell, knowing he'd have to miss it for he didn't even know how long.

"I wish I could bottle this smell and take it with me." Bucky admitted, picking his head up and looking at Heidi.

Heidi let out a sad laugh, nodding her head in agreement. She was trying so hard not to cry, but her hormones were still going a little crazy. She was terrified to miss Bucky. "I'm sorry." She said in an almost whisper, not sure of what else to say.

Bucky leaned in, kissing Heidi on the temple. "It's okay. I'll come home." He promised.

The rest of the ride was spent the same, Heidi holding onto Bucky while he held Dustin, Steve piloting the jet. When they finally arrived at Wakanda, Steve headed to the back to meet up with his wife and Bucky.

Steve offered his hand to Heidi, wrapping his arm around her waist when she stood at his side. As expected, Bucky kept Dustin in his arms. He nervously followed behind Steve and Heidi as they made their way out of the jet. T'Challa and The Dora Milaje were waiting for them.

"Welcome!" T'Challa offered warmly. He offered a smile to the 4, but Bucky was almost hidden behind Steve. Not intentionally, he just had his eyes locked on Dustin, he hadn't even realized he was standing behind the two.

Heidi stepped forward first, letting the king pull her into a small hug. "Thank you for this." She said quietly to him.

"I made you a promise. My sister is a young genius, she will help him. I guarantee you." T'Challa promised.

A beautiful young African woman came rushing to Heidi from behind the king, smiling brightly at her. "I assume you are the pregnant woman that screamed at my brother?" She asked.

Heidi blushed and nodded. "I needed him to listen to me." She said shyly, suddenly feeling strange about screaming at the king. But she was heavily pregnant and had just gotten chased through a building, to say her hormones were in overdrive was an understatement.

"Good. I assume he deserved it, but you are no longer pregnant?" She asked.

"No. Not anymore." Heidi admitted. She smiled when Bucky approached her, holding onto Dustin still while Steve spoke with T'Challa.

"Oh, he's so beautiful!" The young woman cooed, her eyes fixated on Dustin. She spoke sweet nothings to Dustin as he stared at her in awe, his beautiful blue eyes fixated on the gorgeous dark skinned woman in front of him.

"Thank you, his name is Dustin." Heidi happily bragged.

Heidi and the woman, she learned her name was Shuri, spoke for a while. Bucky kept his hold on Dustin as long as he could, until they were brought inside to a medical lab. That was when he handed Dustin to Steve, despite Shuri's pleading to hold him. It wasn't his decision who held Heidi and Steve's son.

As soon as Dustin was in Steve's arms, Heidi clung to Bucky in a tight hug. Bucky buried his face in her hair, his arms around her just as tight as hers were around him. "I'll come home." He promised her over and over.

"We will not hurt him. Would you like to see the design for his new arm?" Shuri offered, trying to ease the worry everyone had.

"Uhm, yeah. Sure." Heidi said, finally peeling her face off of Bucky's chest. She let Shuri lead herself, Bucky and Steve towards the back of the lab.

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