Chapter 39

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Steve barged back into the medbay as soon as he was done giving his report, Heidi was still laying against Thor but wide awake. His stern expression softened as soon as Heidi looked up and at him.

"Let's get my girl home." He said, quickly crossing the room and taking Heidi from Thor's arms. She immediately wrapped her arms tightly around him, laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm here, sugar. I've got you." Steve promised.

Steve walked out of the medbay with Heidi. Thor and Sam quickly finding their way to each side of Steve, Clint stayed back to keep an eye out. Clint couldn't help but be extra cautious since there was already an attack today, especially now knowing that Heidi was pregnant. Steve sat in the back of Clint's car, keeping Heidi in his lap while he did so.

"When am I allowed to sleep?" Heidi asked against Steve's chest, looking up at him.

"I don't know, sugar." Steve admitted.

"Four hours." Clint interrupted. "I have all the information." He added, reaching into the front seat and handing Steve the packet the doctor had handed him as well as the small bag of pills stapled to the packet.

"Whats the medicine?" Steve asked. "They're for nausea." Clint answered.

"Are you feeling sick, sugar?" Steve asked sweetly, placing a small kiss on her forehead, Heidi shook her head no.

"She didn't feel well earlier. I think she's had morning sickness for a while and just didn't realize what it was." Clint admitted. "I think the work funk she's been in has really just been pregnancy hormones." He added.

"I should've known something was up, I'm sorry." Steve said sweetly. Heidi looked up at him and kissed his jaw lightly. "We didn't think this was possible, otherwise I probably would have assumed something was up too. Its okay, baby." Heidi reassured him.

When the group arrived back at the compound the whole team was outside waiting for them, Thor had caught everyone up on the incident when he got back. Tony opened their car door as soon as Clint was parked.

"I was so worried." Tony admitted, he backed up to Steve could get out of the car with Heidi. He still refused to sit her down, he didn't want to let her out of his arms ever again if he could.

"I heard you kicked some ass, Rogers." Nat said with a grin.

"He always kicks ass." Sam interrupted.

"Not him, her." Nat corrected. Heidi rolled her eyes and laid her head back against Steve.

"She did, she took down two of them." Steve bragged, kissing her forehead lightly.

"Not really, that second guy cracked my head open, remember?" Heidi said quietly.

"What?" Tony said frantically, he rushed over to Steve and looked Heidi over. His heart broke when he saw blood and stitches at the crown of her head. "Can we all agree that she never leaves the compound ever again?" Tony asked.

"Trust me, neither of them are leaving my sight for a while." Steve said sternly. The whole team aside from Thor, Clint and Sam looked at Steve lost.

"We're pregnant." Heidi confessed, she saw everyone's eyes light up and jaws drop. Wanda was the first to react, letting out a happy squeal and running to Steve and Heidi. She tightly hugged them both.

"I think you should name it Tony." Tony blurted out with a big smile as Wanda broke their quick embrace.

"And if it's a girl?" Heidi teased. "Tony with an I." Tony joked.

"Sounds like a stripper, no thanks." Heidi said with a small chuckle, she was trying so hard to be excited about all this. But her head was splitting, she was exhausted and covered in dust from Steve's car blowing up. The more she calmed down from the incident, the more her entire body hurt.

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