Chapter 77

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Steve happily laid with Heidi while she napped again. This time, however, he stayed awake. He happily held onto her, admiring her, while she slept. But he did enjoy the uninterrupted time with his wife. Clint had brought Dustin in a few hours ago, just to show Steve that he was perfectly safe.

Steve kissed Heidi's temple several times, his hands starting to rub along her back lightly. "You ready to wake up, sugar?" He asked quietly. Despite having a date planned, if Heidi had kept sleeping, he would've canceled their plans and simply let her rest. He knew she needed it, they both did. But he also knew that they'd have the night to themselves tonight since Sam and Wanda agreed to keep Dustin until breakfast tomorrow.

Heidi quietly groaned, adjusting herself comfortably on top of Steve's chest before sleepily opening her eyes. The smile that spread across her face was immediate when she was met with Steve already smiling down at her. "Yes. I'm sorry I fell back to sleep, I can't believe I did that.." She mentioned.

Steve let out a small laugh, kissing her forehead lightly. "You needed it, you don't need to be sorry." He promised.

"Where's Dustin?" Heidi asked.

Steve leaned down, kissing Heidi's forehead again. "He's with Sam, him and Wanda are teaming up to keep him for the night." He reassured her.

Heidi let out a small sigh, frowning at her husband. "Honey, you know Sam can handle Dustin. Did you really need to make him have a backup?" She asked. She knew Steve and Sam loved to tease each other, but Sam was perfectly capable of watching their son for the night, she trusted him.

Steve let out a small laugh, his hands continuing to rub along her back. "I didn't make him include Wanda, she offered and he was happy to accept since he's never had to wake up to do feedings. He was worried he wouldn't hear Dustin cry." He defended. "Now, go get ready, sugar. We leave in an hour." He said with a big smile.

Heidi practically jumped up from the couch. She rushed to quickly peck Steve on the lips before rushing off to the elevator. The two hadn't spent time alone together aside from showers in weeks, they hadn't had a date outside of the compound since their honeymoon. She was more than happy to have this, despite the slight anxiety to be away from Dustin for so long. Aside from napping while someone watches him, she had never been away from Dustin at all. But she trusted the team, she trusted that everyone would lay their lives on the line to keep their baby safe.

Heidi quickly brushed through her hair and turned on the straightener, letting it heat up while she went to pick an outfit for their date. She quickly threw on a simple pair of boot cut jeans, almost doing a dance that her pre pregnancy jeans actually fit her.

Steve headed upstairs as well, but let Heidi get a jump start. He knew she took longer and he wanted to check on Dustin, anyway. He smiled brightly when he saw Sam holding him in the dining room, Nat and Wanda crowded around him, almost begging to hold him.

"No, it's my turn. You two are baby hogs." Sam said as sternly as he could muster. But the two beautiful Avengers at his sides making kissing noises at Dustin was making him laugh.

"Actually, it's my turn." Steve chimed in with. He laughed when Sam let out a loud sigh before standing up and letting Steve take Dustin from him. Steve smiled down at his son, happily asleep. Blissfully unaware that the entire team was fighting over him.

"Are you still having date night?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, of course. Heidi is getting ready now. I just wanted to check on my little guy before I head up to get ready." Steve said, his eyes still fixated on Dustin.

"Are we getting Dustin a sibling tonight?" Nat teased, smirking at Steve.

"No." Steve said sternly.

"You're no fun." Nat teased.

Steve rolled his eyes at her. He didn't object to the idea, he just knew it was too soon to put Heidi through all that again. Her first pregnancy was already a lot for her to handle. He wanted her to have a break, one where she could rest and relax without having to worry about nausea, mood swings and none of her clothes fitting.

"Dustin isn't even 2 months old yet, don't put that on her already." Wanda chimed in with. "May I? You should start getting ready." She asked, extending her arms to take Dustin from Steve.

"Sam is right, you are a baby hog." Steve teased. He gave Dustin back to Sam before patting Wanda on the head and heading upstairs to get ready.

Steve made his way to the penthouse, smiling when he saw Heidi in the bathroom straightening her hair. She had on a pair of jeans and a bra, her shirt still on the hanger, hanging on the bathroom door. "Beautiful." He cooed, chuckling when she blushed.

"You almost ready? I just have to get dressed." Steve asked.

"Yes, baby. I'm almost done, then just some perfume and we can go." Heidi said happily.

Steve came into the bathroom, giving her a quick kiss. "Take your time, sugar. I'll wait for you." He promised. He quickly went into the closet, throwing on a nice pair of khaki slacks and a tight white t-shirt before throwing on a simple powder blue button-up shirt. He rolled up the sleeves over his muscular forearms, letting the sleeves sit an inch or so below is elbows. Lastly, he put on a few pumps of his cologne and headed out into the livingroom to wait for Heidi.

Heidi came out a few minutes later, looking beautiful as always and smelling fantastic. Her perfume a gorgeous warm floral scent, almost taking Steve's breath away with how beautiful she smelled. He just wanted to bury himself in her scent and her warmth. She had on her perfectly fitted jeans and a lightweight sage green button up shirt, only 3/4 length sleeves and a deep plunge before the first button. She wore a simple white strapless bra, her cleavage looking flawless in her shirt.

Steve quickly stood up, meeting her halfway and wrapping his arms around her. "Absolutely stunning, my love." Steve praised.

"As are you, perfect as always. I can't wait to take this off of you later." Heidi teased.

Steve lightly squeezed her ass, his warm smile turning into a smirk. But he shook the thoughts away. The doctor had told them six weeks before they could have sex after birth, it had been seven. But he was worried that with his size, he would hurt her. So he wanted her to wait an extra week or two since he knew she wouldn't tell him if it hurt her. "Behave, sugar. You know it's too soon." He said calmly.

"We was told six weeks, you're killing me here." Heidi teased.

"We've lasted this long before." Steve reminded her. He took her hand, leading her to the elevator to leave for their date.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now