Chapter 13

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Steve prepared Heidi and him dinner while Heidi sat on the couch, her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them tightly. Her mind was in another world, still shaken about the 'robbery' about being hunted. Her phone ringing pulled her out of her head.

"Heidi Shaw how may I help you?" She said in the most convincing voice she could find.

"You may have escaped us today, but we will find you" the voice on the phone said. Heidi was shaking but got up off the couch and walked in the kitchen to find Steve.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She said as she walked into the kitchen, Steve caught on and came up beside her to listen in.

"You. We will find you, and we will kill you. Sleep tight" the man said before hanging up.

Heidi was speechless, just stared up at Steve with teary eyes, Steve was quick to pull her into his arms. "You're safe here. I won't let anyone hurt you" he vowed.

Heidi flopped down on one of the bar stools, calling her boss without giving it much thought.

"Mr. Connors, I quit" she blurted out, Steve's eyes widened. He hadn't heard her conversation with Tony but knew she wanted to quit after the trauma she dealt with today. Heidi spoke with the man on the phone for a while, he seemed understanding after everything she went through today. When she was off the phone Steve came and sat beside her.

"You sure about this? You've worked there your whole life" he said, reaching over and taking her hand.

Heidi nodded, her free hand wiping away a stray tear. "I have to, the crew doesn't deserve this ever happening again. I'll be safer with Tony."

Steve looked at her lost but rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. "So you decided to take Tony up on his offer?"

"I'll be safer there, more money too. But I don't need it now if I live here. Do you think I'll ever get to go home? Should I sell my condo? What about my stuff?" She started rambling, Steve felt her heart rate start to race and pulled her quickly into his lap, wrapping both arms around her.

"You don't need to sell your condo but you can if you'd like, Tony and I will come with you to get whatever you want to bring with you. Tony says he already has a room for you, too" he admitted, keeping his arms tightly around her.

Heidi sighed, she had hoped he wanted her with him. She didn't respond though, she just laid her head on his shoulder while he soothed her panicked mind.

"I'd prefer to have you with me, but that's your decision, okay?" He asked with a nervous smile. Of course they stayed most nights together and when he wasn't on a mission he'd accompany her to work but moving in together, he didn't know if she was ready.

"I'd rather be with you" she said in an almost whisper. Exhaustion from today finally catching up to her. Not only did she wake up at 3:30AM for work and it was now well after 10PM but the robbery weighed heavily on her mind.

Steve stood up, her still in his arms, and walked them over to the couch. He sat down and situated her comfortably in his lap, he reached up and softly pushed her head against his chest. "You can go to sleep, sugar, it's okay. I'm right here." he whispered, leaning down to give her a loving kiss on the lips. Heidi was asleep almost immediately after that, the comfort Steve gave her was unmatched.

Heidi woke up with a jolt, she was still on the couch in his arms but it was still dark out. She couldn't have been asleep for long. She carefully climbed out of his arms to see their untouched dinner on the table, the clock on the wall read 1:15AM. She felt bad Steve skipped dinner just to comfort her but she didn't think she could fall back to sleep so she wondered the compound.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now