Chapter 56

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Heidi woke up to the all familiar sick feeling in her stomach. She groaned and let out a long slow breath through her mouth.

"Are you going to be sick, sugar?" Steve asked, he started to rub her bump lightly. She was on her side with her face resting on Steve's stomach as he sat up and sketched in bed. Heidi didn't answer but shook her head no.

"Would you like some water?" He asked, he sat down his sketchbook and moved his free hand to her head, running his fingers lightly through her hair. She nodded but didn't move, she was comfortable but was also worried she would be sick if she moved.

"Okay, I'll grab you some cold water, okay?" Steve asked sweetly, he leaned down as much as he could without disturbing her and kissed her forehead lightly. Before Steve had the chance to slide out from under Heidi, Bucky let himself in the room with a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I wasn't trying to listen in." He admitted, he tossed the bottle to Steve and stayed in the doorway.

"No, you're good, thanks." Steve promised. He opened the bottle for her and laid his hand gently on the side of her face. "This will help, okay?" Steve said.

"I need a straw." Heidi whined, both Steve and Bucky chuckled at her sleepy whine.

"I'll grab one, where are they?" Bucky asked.

"There's a coffee mug full of them by the ice machine. But it has to be the clear glass one, she hates the rest of them right now." Steve said with a small laugh.

"Why?" Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She says the metal ones don't taste right anymore and the plastic ones are too small. She only likes the glass ones right now. But only the clear ones." Steve explained.

Bucky let out a quick laugh but nodded and headed out the room and into their kitchen. He dug through the straws before finding the ones Steve was talking about and rushed back in the room. Steve held the bottle for her while she took a few small sips, refusing to open her eyes.

"Did that help, or do we need the zofran?" Steve asked, he kept the bottle held close to her in case she wanted more, his free hand resting on her back. Heidi didn't answer but let out another long slow breath.

"I'll grab it, sugar." Steve said. "I'll get it, just tell me where." Bucky said.

"There's some in her bag, they're individually wrapped pills, can't miss it." Steve explained, Bucky headed into the livingroom to grab them. He felt weird digging through her bag but eventually found a box full of the pills Steve was talking about and brought the whole box full back to Steve. Steve quickly peeled one open. "Open." Steve said sweetly, Heidi opened her mouth and stuck her tongue up so Steve could put the small pill under her tongue to dissolve. Heidi still refused to open her eyes, but she did shift to sit up higher on Steve's chest.

Bucky turned around and left the room, he didn't want to be in the way, he just wanted to help.

After about twenty minutes the nausea subsided and Heidi finally sat up, still leaning against Steve. "You let me miss work." She said sleepily. Steve chuckled and wrapped both arms around her, his hands resting on her bump. "You needed it." He said.

"What I need is to get Dustin out of here." Heidi whined. Steve kissed her temple lightly and started to rub her stomach. "I know, sugar, just a couple more weeks. You're doing such a good job." He promised.

"We only have three weeks until Bucky leaves for Wakanda, he needs to hurry the hell up and get out so they can meet." Heidi said.

"How long will he be gone?" Steve asked.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora