Chapter 14

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Steve and Heidi went to check out the penthouse Tony told them about. It was massive. It had 3 large bedroom, of course one of them was made into her office and had a beautiful view, the other was for Steve to draw since he loved drawing when he had the time. Their bedroom was the biggest. It had a massive comfortable bed with nightstands on each end, a walk in closet and a small balcony. The bedroom had a large couch lining a wall full of windows, and the wall across from the bed had a massive TV mounted to it.

Heidi noticed the team had carefully put away all her things and beautifully decorated everything. They must have went out and bought more stuff cause there was a lot of things she didn't recognize. They had a bathroom attached to the bedroom with a massive walk in shower and a claw foot tub big enough for them both. Everything was perfect.

The penthouse even had its own kitchen even though they both knew the team would prefer them to have meals with the them.

"They did this for us?" Heidi asked, she was shocked. Nobody has ever treated her like family before and it felt like Tony and the team did. Of course her and Tony had a rocky start but he's worked hard to make up for it.

Steve came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "It's all for you, I'm just here. The whole team loves you."

Heidi spun around to face him, her arms wrapping around his neck. Steve pulled her into his chest tightly as he buried his face into her hair. "Thank you." She said happily.

"For what, sugar?" Steve said with a raised eyebrow.

"You. I haven't had a family in 23 years and now I have the entirety of The Avengers by my side? Before this I don't even know if I had anyone that would care if I lived or died." Heidi said through teary eyes.

"Then thank you, too. Before you I was nothing but a hero. My life was nothing but the next mission, now I have a reason to live." Steve admitted. He leaned down until their lips touched for a kiss filled with nothing but love. Heidi laid her face against his chest when he broke away from the kiss.

"I should apologize to the team about the gym though, shouldn't I?" Heidi asked nervously.

"The gym doesn't matter, you do." Steve promised. "What would you like to do? I told you, you make the decisions."

"Honestly? I wanna see Thor." Heidi said.

"Okay. Let's go." Steve said calmly, letting her out of his arms and taking her hand. "Why Thor though?"

"I know he's the only one that won't ask how I'm doing, plus isn't he leaving soon?" Heidi said as Steve led her through the compound to find Thor.

"In a couple days I think." Steve replied, finally finding Thor playing a video game in the rec room.

"Lady Shaw!" He said excitedly when he saw her, pulling her into a quick hug.

"I heard you are moving in. How long until you join the team?" Thor said, guiding her to sit beside him on the couch, Steve sitting on the other side of her and putting an arm around her.

"I don't think you'd want me on your team." Heidi said.

"Nonsense, you may not join us in battle but you are one of us." Thor argued.

"You're family" Wanda said from the doorway.

"Sometimes we get to pick our family." Wanda added with a smile as she joined the group, sitting on the other side of Thor.

The four switched to a movie over Thor's game, watching it together. Heidi leaned against Steve as the movie played, she couldn't help but get nervous. She loved Steve, more than anyone or anything she'd ever felt. But she couldn't help but worry what will happen to her if things ever ended with Steve. What if he got tired of her? Or he was killed on a mission. What would happen to her newly found family? Or her sanctuary from the men hunting her? Heidi had to fight back a small tear as her head was overwhelmed with what if scenarios.

Steve gently nudged her and looked at Heidi with worry. Heidi simply nodded up at him, leaning against his chest.

"Can I borrow your girl for a moment?" Wanda asked sweetly as she stood up, offering her hand to Heidi.

"Whatever she wants" Steve said with a smile. Heidi grabbed Wanda's hand and let Wanda practically drag her out of the theater.

"Were not going anywhere, Steve's not going anywhere. He'd ever let you go." Wanda said as soon as the two left the theater. Heidi looked at her lost.

"I can hear what you're thinking. Nothing will happen with you and Steve, but if it does we all still love you. Plus I think Tony would choose you over him any day." Wanda said with a light chuckle.

"You're in my head?" Heidi asked. Wanda nodded. "Sometimes I can't stop myself, it just happens, I'm sorry." She admitted.

"No, I'm sorry, it must be terrifying in there." Heidi teased.

"Not at all, just got a little lost finding my way around." Wanda joked as she led Heidi back into the theater.

Heidi sat down between Thor and Steve again, laying her legs across Thor while Steve wrapped his arms tightly around her, Heidi laying back against his chest.

"You okay?" He whispered in her ear. Heidi nodded and held onto Steve's arms, giving them a light squeeze.

"You are all about to miss lunch if you do not head to the dining room." FRIDAY announced.

Wanda and Thor jumped up and headed towards the dining room, leaving Heidi and Steve alone in the theater.

"Talk to me." Steve insisted. Heidi stood up and offered her hand to Steve which he happily took as he stood up. He moved to wrap his arm around her waist as they headed towards the elevator.

"It's stupid." Heidi mumbled.

"Tell me anyway." Steve said.

Heidi sighed and stopped as they waited for the elevator. "What happens to me when you're sick of me? My condo is gone and I work for Tony..." she admitted, looking to the floor.

Steve wrapped both arms around her, pulling her into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere. You're my girl and I love you."

"I know. I love you, what if you finally do something stupid enough to get killed?" She asked, looking up at him almost teary eyed.

Steve leaned down and rested his forehead against hers. "I'll walk it off. Nothing will keep me from you." He vowed with a light chuckle. "You have nothing to worry about."

Heidi wrapped her arms around Steve's torso tightly, pressing her face against his chest as she did so.

"Can we take a drive after lunch? I have to return the company car." Heidi asked.

"Of course we can, can I ask someone to join us? So you're not driving alone?" Steve countered.

"Thor?" Heidi offered. Steve couldn't help but chuckle.

"We can ask him, Wanda is going to be a little jealous." Steve joked.

"I know, I'll promise her a girl's day soon, I just want to hang out with Thor before he leaves." Heidi admitted.

"Whatever you wanna do, sugar. I told you, you're in charge." Steve said with a smile, kissing the top of her head.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now