Chapter 30

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"Come on, honey. You promised me we would spend our last day on the main island." Heidi said as she happily threw her bags onto the boat.

"We are, snorkeling and petting the sharks. But whats your rush?" Steve teased, tossing his own bags in the boat on top of hers.

"Are you getting tired of my face being the only one you've seen in three weeks?" Steve joked, Heidi smacked his chest but he caught her hand and pulled her into a hug.

"Never. I'd happily be stranded on an island with you forever." Heidi admitted, smiling up at him.

"Are you going to be okay on the main island? There's a lot of people and it's just us. My shield will be on the boat with the weapons." Steve asked, his arms still tightly around her.

"I told you, the safest I could ever be is right beside you." Heidi said with a smile.

"You know it." Steve teased, leaning down to kiss her again before lifting her up to his chest and stepping into the boat carefully. He sat Heidi on the bench along the back before moving to drive the boat.

"When did you learn to drive a boat?" Heidi asked. "And don't say the military, I know you weren't in the Navy." She teased.

"I learned for this trip, for you." Steve admitted, turning his head back to smile at her for a moment.


Heidi and Steve were sitting together on the boat, watching the other couples snorkle while they waited for their turn, Heidi was under his arm with her head laying on his chest, Steve was smiling down at her while she watched the people in the water.

"Excuse me?" They heard someone say and both turned their attention to the man standing in front of them.

"Can I help you?" Steve asked calmly.

"Are you Captian America?" The man blurted out. "I told you it's not him." A woman whisper shouted from behind him.

"Yes, but I prefer Steve." He answered, Heidi was already annoyed. She got used to the attention he got everywhere they went but she always felt bad when people interrupted their time together.

"I told you!" The guy said confidently. "Can we get a picture?" He asked.

"No." Heidi answered for Steve.

"We didn't mean to intrude." The woman said, finally stepping out from behind the man.

"Not a problem, ma'am, we're just on our honeymoon." Steve said with a small smile.

"I told you we were being rude." The woman mumbled to the man as she pulled him away.

"So you're a celebrity?" Heidi teased, giving Steve's waist a small squeeze.

"You will be too when the public finds out about you." Steve replied, smiling down at her.

"When will that be?" Heidi asked.

"Once we find the people after you, until then the less people who know about you the better." Steve said apologetically.

"Good, I'm already kind of dreading when I'm publicly announced as Tony's COO." Heidi admitted.

"For someone that hates attention you sure had a strange pick for a husband." Steve teased.

"The shield is a real turn on." Heidi joked, gently bumping his side. Steve rolled his eyes playfully and kissed her temple.

Finally it was their turn, Heidi had on a skimpy red bikini with a pair of Jean shorts, Steve only had on a pair of swimming trunks. Heidi pulled off her shorts, leaving them on the boat with their sandals as the instructor suited them up.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now