Chapter 40

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Steve walked into the common room, smiling to himself when he saw Heidi curled up against Nat, her legs draped across her lap. Nat subconsciously rubbed Heidi's side while she watched The Descent. Heidi was sound asleep.

"Hey, get your own." Steve teased as he came around the corner, finally making eye contact with Nat.

"She's so cute like this, I was sitting here on my phone and she just crawled up on me." Nat confessed, Steve couldn't help but laugh.

"Why isn't she at work? I didn't think to ask cause this was too cute." Nat said with a smile, looking down at her friend asleep with her head on Nat's shoulder.

"We have an appointment today, Tony insisted she take the day off." Steve said, he sat beside the two, shifting his gaze from his sleeping wife to Nat.

"Do you need us?" Nat asked.

"No. The doctor is coming here for all appointments. Tony built an entire OB office in the lab." Steve replied.

"She's not going to have the baby here, is she?" Nat asked, looking down at her friend worried.

"No, she's going to the hospital for that. This is just an ultrasound." Steve reassured her. "Can I take her? We have to head down there in a few minutes." Steve said.

"I want her back when you're done." Nat teased, Steve rolled his eyes and lifted Heidi into his lap.

"Hey, sugar." Steve said sweetly, kissing her temple several times until she finally woke up, nuzzling into his chest.

"We have your 15 week appointment today, you ready to head down?" Steve asked, Heidi sleepily nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. Steve stood up, happily carrying his wife to the elevator.

"Baby, I'm pregnant, not paralyzed." Heidi teased when she finally woke up all the way. Steve sat her on her feet, wrapping both arms around her.

"I know, I can't help it." He admitted. "You're so beautiful like this." He added, Heidi smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his torso, laying her face on his chest.

"What? Exhausted and bloated?" Heidi joked as they embraced. Steve pulled away, putting a hand on her growing bump. "I'm pretty sure you're the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen." Steve reassured her.

"You have to say that, you married me." Heidi joked as the elevators opened to an excited Tony. "I don't though, you've somehow gotten cuter. Even if it is Capsicle's baby in there." Tony joked.

Tony took her by the hand, pulling her to the new section of the lab. Steve firmly holding her other hand, letting her drag him behind herself.

"You're not staying." Steve told Tony sternly. Tony rolled his eyes, kissing Heidi on the cheek. "Fine. Have fun." He said before leaving the two alone.

"Tony's right, you somehow got even cuter pregnant." Steve reassured her. Heidi chuckled, staring up at the beautiful wall of muscle that she was lucky enough to marry. "I feel disgusting." She admitted.

"What can I do to help you?" Steve asked sweetly, his hands gently rubbing her bump.

"Nothing, baby. It's just my ankles are swollen and I feel like huge." Heidi admitted, leaning her forehead against his broad chest. "This baby is already so heavy." She said into his shirt.

Steve chuckled lightly, letting her out of his arms as he leaned against the exam table. He pulled Heidi to lean her back against his chest, his hands coming around her. "Tell me if this helps." Steve said sweetly, his hands came up under her bump and lifted it into his hands. Heidi let out a pleased groan, leaning against Steve's chest and closing her eyes to enjoy the moment. "You're an angel." Heidi cooed as she laid her head against him.

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