Chapter 67

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Bucky sat quietly on the roof, reading his book and enjoying the peace and quiet. He heard a faint noise, whipping his head around to see Wanda attempting to sneak up behind him. His expression softened, closing his book as she approached. She was a good kid, he didn't want her to think he was annoyed or upset that she was coming to join him on the roof. She came and sat beside him, her legs dangling over the edge of the building as she stared out into the field surrounding the compound.

"It's peaceful up here." Wanda offered in almost a whisper. She wasn't sure what to say, his thoughts invaded her mind like a parasite. She tried pushing herself out of his head, but she couldn't. She felt like she was trapped in his brain for so long that she wanted to scream out. That was this morning during breakfast, she'd avoided the rest of the team since then, not wanting to worry them. Heidi made Wanda promise to leave Bucky alone, not to bother him, definitely not to look into his head. But, she couldn't help it.

Bucky hummed in agreement. He sat his book on the ledge, the opposite side that Wanda now sat beside him, turning his face to look at her. "It is, I like it. There's too much noise in this century." He admitted. Wanda let out a quiet laugh. "I don't know about the past, but it's certainly louder here than back home." She agreed.

"Where is home?" Bucky asked.

"Sokovia." Wanda answered. She saw Bucky tense slightly, knowing that was a sore subject for her.

"Do you miss your old life?" Bucky asked.

Wanda shrugged. "I was 10 when my parents were killed, I was merely a teenager when my brother and I ended up in Hydra. There isn't much to miss." She explained. "I didn't like this new life, at first. I felt so out of place here, with the team. I didn't want to be a part of a family again." She added.

Bucky looked at her, a sad but content look on his face. "What changed your mind?" He asked.

"Heidi." Wanda answered. "She doesn't know that, though. When she and Steve first started dating, I was more distant with the team. I only ever spoke to Nat, Clint or Steve. But then she somehow made everyone closer, without even realizing it." She admitted with a small shrug. "She was even more hesitant than I was to be a part of a family again."

Bucky raised an eyebrow, surprised. Heidi seemed so close with the team, everyone seemed to gravitate towards her. It didn't surprise him, he gravitated towards her as well, even involuntarily. She was so warm and welcoming, even without trying. "She seems so close with everyone." He finally said after a long silence.

"We're all a family here." Wanda said with a half smile. "If you decide to stay, you'd be a part of our family, too." She added.

Bucky let out a small huff. "I don't know about all that. Stark only isn't trying to kill me in my sleep because of Heidi." He argued.

"You're wrong. Well, at first you were right. He's far too scared of her to do anything to piss her off." Wanda said with a laugh. "But, that's not the case anymore. He's still upset about what happened, but he's accepted that it wasn't your choice." She reassured him.

"He tell you that?" Bucky asked. Wanda shook her head. "I heard him thinking about it. Something Heidi said had been stuck in his mind ever since they fought about it. That when Loki was taking over peoples minds, the things they did weren't necessarily the things they would have done." She explained. "Clint never would have tried to hurt Nat, he cares about her too much. When Heidi reminded him of that, comparing it to what Hydra did to you, it clicked."

"You heard him thinking?" Bucky asked. Wanda sighed, making eye contact with him before nodding. "Hydra... the experiments. I can get into people's heads. Usually, I can control it. But sometimes, it just happens." She explained.

"Ah.. So, have you been in my head?" Bucky asked hesitantly. He broke the eye contact they had, his focus shifting to the view of the field in front of them.

"I have. Not intentionally, and once I got sucked in..I couldn't get out." Wanda said with a small sigh. She leaned back onto her hands, her gaze also shifting to the view around them. But she felt Bucky's eyes back on her.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked.

"I was trapped, for far too long. Normally I can get in, see what I need to see, and get out. But when it just happens..I have to ride it out. I was trapped in your mind all morning." Wanda admitted.

"What did you see?" Bucky asked hesitantly. He didn't want the team to he afraid of him, but he knew if Wanda saw the last 70 years of his life, she would've been terrified.

"Everything. Even the things you haven't remembered yet. But, nobody would be afraid of you. We all have things we weren't proud of. It's not like anything you did was willingly. Hell, I joined Hydra willingly. I didn't know they were bad, I didn't know..anything." She said with a huff.

"Everything?" Bucky asked. He swallowed down his nerves when she said everything.

Wanda finally made eye contact again, nodding at him. "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional." She promised. She heard the gravel underneath them shift a little before feeling Bucky's right hand grab onto hers. "You don't have to be sorry, you're a good kid." He reassured her.

"Steve is right though, don't even give Wendi the time of day." Wanda finally said with a small laugh. She smiled when she saw Bucky laugh back, a genuine laugh with a real smile. She knew that those only came out around Heidi and Steve, that he was far too broken about the last 70 years to feel comfortable being himself.

"I wasn't planning on it." Bucky said. He took his hand back, leaning back onto his hands, staring out into the field again.

"Did you get kicked out of the penthouse?" Wanda finally asked. Bucky looked at her with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head no.

"I'm surprised. Today was the 34 week appointment, right?" Wanda asked, Bucky nodded.

"When I came back from the appointment, they went another direction. Steve said he was taking Heidi to grab a nap, but I know she's getting sick of being trapped in the penthouse since she's been on bedrest." Bucky explained.

"They're not napping." Wanda said with an uncomfortable laugh, her cheeks flushing a faded shade of pink.

"Do you have a thing for Steve? ..or Heidi? I don't judge. You seem uncomfortable anytime sex is on topic." Bucky asked.

Wanda somehow turned a darker shade of pink, but shook her head no. "I was only a teenager when I was brought onto the team. Steve looked out for me. Then when Heidi came, she did too. I don't want to say they're my parents, but they definitely took on that role." She explained.

"Ahh.. So it's kind of like walking in on your parents." Bucky said with a loud laugh. Wanda nodded in agreement. "I've heard Heidi tell Dustin to hurry up and get out so she can have a night alone with Steve, that his sister would babysit him." She said with a laugh.

"So why don't you want to say they're your parents?" Bucky asked.

Wanda shrugged nervously, her gaze shifting to the field. "Isn't that something they should initiate? Plus, it feels like if I say it...I'm downplaying my real parents, that I'm replacing them." She said with a sad sigh.

Bucky shifted how he was sitting, turning his body to face Wanda. "I don't think that's how it works. Your parents will always be your parents, that will never change. But if you feel that way about Heidi and Steve, maybe they deserve to know. And not just you teasing them like you did at breakfast a couple of weeks ago." He said.

Wanda let out a quiet laugh, nodding in agreement. "Maybe I'll tell them how I feel once Dustin is a little older, I don't want to shift their focus from him."

"Your parents won't neglect you just because there's a new baby in the house." Bucky said with a half laugh, Wanda rolled her eyes at him.

"Come on, let's head to lunch. Don't want you to get grounded for skipping meals." Bucky teased. He stood up, shaking the loose gravel off his pants before offering his hand to Wanda, pulling her to stand.

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