Chapter 71

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Steve stood at Heidi's bedside, rocking an already sleeping Dustin in his arms. Heidi was sound asleep, the surgery taking quite the toll on her. The entire team peeked their heads in, all desperate to hold the baby. But Steve refused them all, wanting Heidi to decide who on the team got to be the first to hold him.

Tony barged in the room after Nat had quietly left. "I'm here to hold my son." He said a little too loudly, startling Dustin. As soon as he started to cry, Heidi was awake, reaching her arms out for Steve to hand him over.

"Out. Now." Steve said through gritted teeth. Steve handed Dustin to Heidi and sat on the bed beside her. She happily rocked him in her arms, placing small kisses to his forehead while she worked to calm him down.

"Oh, come on. You've been hogging him all day!" Tony argued.

Steve sighed heavily. "He's only 4 hours old, Stark. Heidi was in labor for 22 hours and then had to be cut open. She got like 40 minutes of sleep before you woke her up!" Steve whisper shouted.

Nat barged back in the room, almost dragging Tony out the door, scolding him the entire time.

"You did such a good job, sugar." Steve praised as he stared down at his wife and baby. He unclipped the front of her hospital gown, exposing her breasts so Heidi could feed him. As soon as he was latched onto her, Heidi leaned back into the bed, her gaze shifting to stare up at Steve. "He's so beautiful." Heidi cooed.

Steve kissed Heidi's forehead gently, running his hand through her hair. "He is. You did so good." He praised again. He felt himself unable to hold back praising how well she did and how beautiful he and Heidi both were. It slipped off the tongue so effortlessly.

"You have to decide who on the team gets to hold him first, that's what's got everyone so worked up." Steve admitted. He wrapped his arm around Heidi's shoulders, urging her to lean against him.

"I don't want to decide anything. I'm so uncomfortable.." Heidi said with a small sigh, she wanted so desperately to cry. The incisions in her stomach was throbbing and despite not having a natural birth, her core was sensitive and sore, probably from pushing for so long. Steve rubbed her arm gently, planting another kiss to her temple. "I know, sugar. I'm sorry." Steve said, his lips against her temple still. "Once he's fed, you take a nap, I'll handle the rest." Steve promised.

"I can't let you do everything. You need to sleep." Heidi protested. But if she was being honest, she didn't have the energy for anything. But she knew it wasn't fair to make Steve do all the hard work while she slept.

Steve placed several more kisses to her temple, giving her arm a light squeeze. "You just birthed our son, sugar. Let me take care of you, please." He almost begged.

"Bucky." Heidi finally blurted out after a few minutes. Steve gave her a quiet laugh, kissing her temple several more times.

Bucky knocked gently on the doorframe, having heard his name from the hallway. He assumed Heidi needed something, he would've rushed out to do or get whatever she needed. "Did you need something?" He asked. When he opened the curtain his eyes opened wide at the sight of Heidi's chest exposed. But he ignored it, staring into her eyes with an almost proud smile.

"No." Steve answered at the same time Heidi said "Yes."

Heidi finished up feeding their son, gently burping him as she stared at Bucky. Steve covered her chest again, knowing she'd been nothing but cold since the surgery, so he also tucked the blanket back over her.

"What do you need?" Bucky asked. He had his keys in his hand, ready to rush to do anything she could've possibly asked for.

"I need you to come hold your nephew." Heidi said with a warm smile. She saw how nervous Bucky was, she was worried he would say no, that he'd refuse. Steve took Dustin from her arms and approached Bucky.

"You won't hurt him. Hold him just like this." Steve instructed, showing Bucky how he was holding him.

"I.. me?" Bucky asked. He didn't expect they'd trust him to hold their newborn, he definitely didn't expect to be the first of the team to hold him.

"Yes, you." Heidi insisted. With a lot of hesitation, Bucky took Dustin from Steve's arms. Steve helped him situate him safely, but backed up when he was secure. He laid in the bed beside Heidi, wrapping his arm around her again. He smiled brightly when Heidi slowly situated to lean against him, fully relaxing to his touch as she stared at their best friend holding their baby.

Bucky just stared down at their son, their eyes meeting as soon as he looked down. He felt himself fighting off crying as the beautiful blue eyed baby locked eyes with him, staring right into his soul. "I don't want to ever leave him.." He said in an almost whisper. He didn't dare move, he couldn't even look away. He felt hypnotized as he stared into those blue eyes that seemed just as lost in his own.

When Bucky finally looked away from Dustin, he was sound asleep in his arms. He looked up at Heidi, seeing she had fallen asleep against Steve. He smiled at the sight of her, knowing she needed the rest. The last day had been especially rough on her. "He's so beautiful." Bucky almost whispered to Steve, knowing with him impeccable hearing he heard him.

"Of course he is, he looks just like his mom." Steve bragged in the same low whisper. His eyes shifted to his wife, smiling at the sight of her finally resting.

"Get some sleep, I can hold him until you wake up." Bucky insisted quietly. Steve nodded in appreciation. "Heidi will want Thor to hold him next, after that it doesn't really matter." Steve explained as he settled into the bed alongside his wife. Even asleep, Heidi slowly situated against Steve's chest, laying her head against him and wrapping an arm around his waist.

Bucky slowly rocked Dustin, pacing around the room as he stared at the beautiful baby in his arms until he heard someone else come in, Wanda. She noticed Heidi and Steve both resting, smiling at the two before shifting her attention to Bucky.

"He's so beautiful." Wanda cooed in a whisper. She walked up to Bucky, gently stroking Dustin's face with her delicate fingers.

"He is. I love him so much." Bucky whispered back. "Is Thor still out there? Steve said he holds Dustin next."

Wanda nodded, smiling up at Bucky. "I'll go get him. Maybe I can be after Thor?" She asked quietly. Bucky nodded, but his eyes stayed locked on Dustin as Wanda rushed out the door.

The whole team slowly took turns holding Dustin, all being as quiet as possible to not wake Heidi. Steve woke up almost everytime someone new came in, but he always drifted back to sleep, holding onto his wife, after a few minutes.

Steve woke up hours later, when everyone had their turns holding Dustin and the nurse took him to the nursery to allow himself and Heidi to continue to rest. The whole team had returned back to the compound, aside from Bucky and Thor. Bucky sat back on one of the small couches, reading an ebook on his phone that Heidi had helped him download. Thor was sprawled out on the floor in the corner of the room, sound asleep.

Steve climbed out of the small bed, leaving Heidi to rest and joining Bucky on the small couch. "I'm going to go get Dustin. How about you take the bed with Heidi after she feeds him?" He suggested.

"I'm okay, she's your wife. The three of you need time together." Bucky insisted. But Steve shook his head. "I'm up now, but you haven't slept a wink in almost 2 days. I'll take care of Dustin while you 2 rest a little." Steve said calmly.

Steve headed out of the room to grab Dustin from the nursery while Bucky climbed in the empty space on the bed beside Heidi. He was surprised how quickly he felt himself drifting to sleep, but Heidi had that effect on him. He stayed awake with Heidi until Dustin was fed and back with Steve. Only when Heidi was peacefully asleep again did he fall asleep for a few hours.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang