Chapter 28

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"Do you have a destination in mind or are you going to make me walk until I drop?" Heidi whined as Steve continued to pull her through the trees on the island.

"I have a destination, I just don't know where it is." He admitted, Heidi stopped walking and gave him a lighthearted glare.

"Baby, we've been walking in circles for like two hours." She said. Steve laughed and turned his back to her, kneeling down.

"Get up here." He offered. Heidi laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind while Steve scooped her up and let her wrap her legs around his torso, locking her ankles together in the middle of his chest.

"You spoil me." Heidi said with a chuckle as she leaned down to kiss his neck.

"Yeah well I can't have you passing out before we see my surprise." Steve joked as he continued to walk in circles.

After another hour of walking around the island he finally found it, a beautiful waterfall that they were standing at the top of. Steve slowly let Heidi off his back and wrapped his arm around her waist. "Was it worth it?" He asked, smiling down at her. Heidi looked starstruck, her bright blue eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree as she stared at the beautiful scenery around her.

"It's amazing.." Heidi managed to say, not taking her eyes off the waterfall. Steve carefully sat down on a large dry rock above the top of the waterfall and reached a hand out for Heidi. She sat down between his legs and felt him wrap his arms around her waist tightly, she happily leaned against his chest.

"Do you wanna jump?" Steve asked, Heidi turned to look at him with a terrified expression.

"We don't even know what's down there. What if there are rocks?" Heidi asked.

"Fine, I'll jump. If it's safe we'll jump together." Steve said confidently as he stood up.

"And if it's not safe? You could break your neck." Heidi argued.

"I'll walk it off." Steve said with a shrug as he jumped off the top of the waterfall diving into the water below. Heidi stared down at the water panicked that he wouldn't come back up, she didn't even know how to get back to the vacation house from here. But Steve popped his head up and smiled at her.

"Join me" He yelled from the bottom.

"You're insane!" Heidi yelled back but was laughing as she said it.

"Come on, sugar. You know I won't let anything happen to you." Steve added with a big smile. Heidi rolled her eyes and stood up, feeling a lump in her throat as she stared down the massive drop. She swallowed hard, kicked off her sandals and jumped. She let out a scream as she fell before crashing into the water and sinking under the surface for a moment. When she popped her head up she was met with Steve's smiling face.

"I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He said with a smile. Heidi swam over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging herself to his chest.

"Hey, I believed you." Heidi said before kissing him.

The two swam and laughed for hours, kissing and clinging to each other as well until Heidi found a rock tall enough to sit on and keep her head above water.

"Are we getting tired?" Steve asked as he swam over to her and rested his elbows on the rock.

"We don't all get to be super soldiers." Heidi teased.

Steve helped Heidi out of the water and started walking towards the home, he seemed to know exactly how to get there.

"You knew exactly where the waterfall was, didn't you?" Heidi asked as Steve pulled her through the rocks until they reached grass.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now