Chapter 17

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"Can we go to bed?" Heidi said quietly to Steve as the credits rolled on Wanda's choice and Tony debated who got to pick next.

"Of course we can. Do you want me to bring dinner to you?" Steve said quietly to her, rubbing her side lightly.

"I forgot all about dinner..." Heidi admitted. "You can go, baby. I promise." Heidi lied, she was scared out of her mind to be left alone, but she felt bad making him skip meals and lose time with the team for her.

"Can we compromise? Would you let Thor stay with you until I'm back?" Steve offered, he'd do anything to make her feel comfortable and to get her to sleep. He knew she was perfectly safe at the compound, but he also knew she was afraid.

"That wouldn't bother you?" Heidi asked, honestly she was scared Steve would get jealous or assume there was something there that wasn't. She looked at Thor as a friend, as family and nothing more.

"Sugar, I trust you. I trust Thor, I just want you to feel safe. I know you're safe here but anything that makes you feel better we will do." Steve promised her.

The whole team gave up deciding who picked the next movie when they realized it was almost dinner, they retired to the dining room aside from Steve, Heidi and Thor.

"Thor, can I get you to come up to our penthouse when you're done?" Steve asked.

"Of course, what do you need?" Thor asked.

"I dont want her to be alone, but she's getting pretty tired. I just need to do mission reports and grab some dinner." Steve admitted.

"You can go, I will stay, just kick me out when you come back." Thor said happily.

"Thanks, man." Steve said, he was so glad Thor was willing to help Heidi, he was blown away the lengths the whole team went to welcoming her. They all loved her already.

"I love you, sugar. I wont be long, but I'm hoping you'll be sound asleep when I get upstairs. If you need me I'm here though, for anything. I'm not leaving the compound, okay?" Steve promised her.

"I love you." Heidi said happily, leaning her forehead against his as they embraced in the theater, Thor had already left to change into pajamas. "Thank you for being so amazing."

"That's you. I'll escort you to the penthouse and we can wait for Thor together." Steve said, leading her to the elevator.

The two embraced as they rode up to their penthouse, Heidi smiling when she already saw Thor standing in their livingroom looking lost. Heidi stepped out, hesitantly leaving Steve standing in the elevator alone.

"You're alright, sugar. If you need me ask FRIDAY to get me, okay?" Steve reassured her. Heidi simply nodded, feeling a little uneasy. "I love you." He said happily. "I love you." Heidi replied as the elevator shut.

"Let's get you to bed." Thor offered after Heidi turned around. She nodded and met up with Thor, smiling up at him. "I'm sorry to steal you away.." She said shyly.

"I like the company." Thor reassured her as he followed her to her and Steve's bedroom. He was a little nervous though, he didn't want to upset Steve, but he also just wanted Heidi to feel safe. Steve told him how tired she had been lately, and she looked it.

Thor hesitantly climbed into the bed and under their covers. "I just have to brush my teeth and change." Heidi admitted as she stepped into her and Steve's large closet, throwing on one of Steve's shirts and a pair of his boxers. She figured wearing his things would help her relax until he got back from the lab and dinner. She hurried and brushed her teeth, pulling her short blonde hair into a quick messy bun on top of her head before climbing into bed beside Thor.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now