Chapter 23

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The wedding was tomorrow and the team had just finished dinner. Heidi and Steve walked to the elevator together, tightly embracing as soon as they reached the elevator.

"Are you gonna be okay with Thor tonight?" Steve asked, holding Heidi tightly to his chest.

"I hope so, I haven't had any nightmares in weeks." Heidi said, smiling up at Steve.

"You have nothing to worry about, I'll be downstairs and you'll have Clint up there with you. He's excellent at keeping watch, okay?" Steve reassured her.

"I trust you." Heidi promised Steve, laying her face against his chest for a moment to take in his comforting scent.

"I don't care about tradition, if you need me have FRIDAY call me, okay? I'll rush right up." Steve promised her.

"I'm fine, it's been weeks since I've had any nightmares. I will see you in 16 hours at that altar." Heidi said happily.

"I already can't wait." Steve admitted, kissing her so passionately she had to grip onto his shirt to keep her balance, but Steve had ahold of her, cementing her to his chest.

"I can't either. I love you, Steve." Heidi said happily when Steve pulled away and rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Heidi." He promised, leading Heidi into the elevator but staying behind.

Heidi rode the elevator up alone to the penthouse, seeing Clint and Thor on the couch in her livingroom when the doors opened. "Hey, Shaw." Clint said with a smile when she stepped into the penthouse.

"Hey, guys. What do you want to do until bed? I'm not tired yet.." Heidi admitted.

"Wanda gave us specific instructions on what to do." Thor admitted. Heidi was confused as to what Wanda had planned but the elevator opened behind her, revealing Wendi, Nat and Wanda smiling back at her.

"We're having a girls day, with the guys." Wanda said with a laugh.

Nat put a cold sheet face mask on everyone in the penthouse before Wanda put one on Nat in return.

"How long do we have to keep this stuff on for? It's slimey." Clint asked as Nat laughed and put slices of cucumber over his eyes.

"Until we tell you to." Nat teased. Everyone was gathered around the couches in the livingroom, Heidi's head on Thor's lap while Wanda painted Heidi's toenails a gorgeous pearl white.

The group laughed, joked and snacked the whole rest of the evening while they played a collection of all of Heidi's favorite horror flicks for her.

"Can I ask you something?" Clint said to Heidi halfway through The Devil's Rejects.

"Anything." Heidi responded happily. She was sitting on the floor now with Nat behind her on the couch playing in her hair.

"How do you watch this stuff after all the shit you've seen and dealt with?" Clint blurted out, Nat glared at him but Heidi chuckled lightly.

"I don't know, I've always found slashers and ghost movies comforting. Even before my parents murder." Heidi said with a shrug.

"Has there ever been a movie that's too much for you?" Nat asked, still playing in Heidi's hair, she'd carefully braid it just to pull the braid out and do it all over again. But Heidi thought it felt so good she didn't want her to stop.

"That spit on your grave movie." Heidi admitted.

"I don't know what that is.." Nat said. "You don't want to, it's disgusting." Heidi said.

"Isn't that a movie from the 70s? I remember it, it was disgusting." Clint admitted. "They did a remake a couple years ago." Heidi added.

"Why the hell would they remake that?" Clint asked, Heidi shrugged.


Steve stepped off the elevator onto the rec floor after seeing Heidi off. Tony, Peter, Sam, Bruce, Rhodey, Vision, Scott and Happy were already waiting for him.

"If you tell me there's strippers I'm going to bed." Steve said to Tony who simply shrugged.

"Stark." Steve warned.

"There are no strippers, we don't need jolly green destroying the place because a girl sits in his lap." Tony answered.

Tony poured everyone a drink and passed them around before sitting at the end of the couch.

"Thor gave us something a little special for you." Tony admitted to Steve. "It wasn't fair that you'd be the only sober one."

"Right, cause I wanna be hungover on my wedding day." Steve said.

"Oh lighten up, Cap." Tony said with a laugh, handing him the glass with Thor's Asgardian liquor in it.

The men drank and talked for hours, playing pool and shooting darts while they listened to music until late in the night.

"Alright, I'm heading to bed. Early day tomorrow." Steve said as he sunk the 8 ball, winning his game against Sam.

"It's only midnight." Tony protested.

"Yeah and I have to get a run in before getting ready, wedding starts in 12 hours." Steve said.

"Are you joining me in the morning?" Steve asked Sam who rolled his eyes but nodded.

"I wouldn't call it joining you, but sure I'll trail behind you embarrassed while you run faster than traffic." Sam said with a laugh. The both headed for bed, Steve stayed in his old bedroom but asked FRIDAY to notify him immediately if anything was wrong in his penthouse.


"Okay, it's 11PM. Well let you get some sleep, we'll be back at 9 to start getting you ready." Wanda said to Heidi with a smile, pulling Heidi into a tight hug.

"Get some beauty sleep." Nat said, smiling at Heidi before kissing her cheek lightly.

"I'll see you in a few hours." Wendi said, pulling Heidi into a quick side hug as Nat pulled her away.

"Okay, Shaw. Get to bed. I'll be out here, keeping an ear out." Clint promised her as Thor led her to her and Steve's bedroom.

"I just have to change." Heidi said while Thor stripped to his boxers and threw on the sweatpants he had brought up to the penthouse to sleep in.

Heidi threw on a full length black silk nightgown with thin spaghetti straps and quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face before joining Thor in the bedroom. He was already laying down and under the covers of her and Steve's massive bed. She climbed in and under the covers without a word, hoping she'd be able to sleep and hoping she wouldn't have to curl up to Thor but she already felt uneasy. They'd been incident free for 4 months, but she also hadn't stepped foot out of the compound, so she couldn't guarantee she was safe.

"You know I like the company." Thor reassured her, opening his arms for her. Heidi let out a happy sigh and crawled up against him, already feeling a little better knowing that Thor was right there and Clint was right outside the door.

"Go to sleep, nobody can get to you." Thor promised her, Heidi happily fell asleep, already excited to wake up tomorrow and get married.

Heidi wasn't sure how long she was asleep but she woke up with a jolt, having seen the men surrounding her car in her sleep. She saw the bodies littering the street after Steve and Thor handled them. She say up panting, holding her head in her hands, Thor was up a second later.

"Do you need Steve?" Thor asked, lightly rubbing her back, but she wasn't crying. She just needed to calm down.

"No." Heidi promised him, resting her forehead on her knees. Clint came in and sat on the other side of Heidi, putting her hand in his.

"We're both here, go back to sleep." Clint said softly. Heidi nodded and laid back down, trying to calm her mind. Thor pulled her tightly against his chest and laid back down while Clint laid down beside her and held onto her hand. She drifted back to sleep easily this time between the two.

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