Chapter 59

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Heidi woke up in the passenger seat of Steve's car, assuming they were on the way home from her meeting. But she felt the familiar sick feeling and quickly reached over to turn off the heat in the car. Steve understood immediately and pulled the car over, turning on the hazards. He knew when she got warm she was extra nauseous.

"Sugar, are you going to be sick?" Steve asked. Heidi didn't respond but took a long slow breath out of her mouth before looking at Steve in a panic. Bucky jumped out of the backseat and quickly lifted her out of the car, Steve was at their side a second later once traffic was clear for him to get out. Steve leaned Heidi over the guardrail while she got sick into the grass. Steve gently rubbed her back with one hand, steadying her with the other.

Bucky dug through her bag and found her a bottle of water as well as one of those individually wrapped pills, he wasn't sure how to help but he wanted to try.

When Heidi was done being sick she held onto the guardrail with both hands while Steve shifted to lean his body against the guardrail, pulling her gently to lean against his chest. He wrapped both arms around her while she buried her face in his chest. "Sorry." She mumbled into his shirt.

"Don't be, sugar. Are you feeling better?" Steve asked, resting his cheek on the top of her head. "No." She replied into his shirt as well.

"Do you want some water?" Bucky offered, opening the bottle for her and holding it close to the two. Heidi pulled her head away from the safety of Steve's chest and took the bottle, taking a small drink of it into her mouth but swishing it around and spitting it over the guardrail into the grass. She took another drink, this time actually drinking the cold water, feeling it soothe her now aching throat. She laid her face back against Steve's chest, closing her eyes while he rubbed her back.

"Do you want one of those pills from your bag?" Bucky offered, Heidi nodded but didn't move. He tried to hand her the pill but she didn't open her eyes to take it.

"Her hands shake after she's sick, she can't open them." Steve said to Bucky who nodded in understanding and peeled the pill open for her. "Do you want to open up and take it?" Bucky asked her. Heidi didn't respond but opened her mouth and lifted her tongue for Bucky to put the small strawberry flavored pill under her tongue.

"Thanks, Buck." Steve said to his friend, picking his head up to look down at Heidi.

"We can stand out here as long as you need, sugar. Take your time." Steve promised her. He kissed the top of her head before laying his head back down on top of hers. Bucky moved to lean against the guardrail beside Steve, willing to wait with Heidi as long as she could need. Heidi picked up her hand and made a scissoring motion with her fingers, making Bucky look at her lost and Steve chuckle.

"His appointment isn't for a couple of hours, I'll get you laid down first and Buck and I will head out." Steve explained.

The three stood there for a while, until Steve felt Heidi leaning onto him more. "Let's get you home so you can sleep, sugar." Steve said softly to her, already feeling her struggle to stay awake. He quickly moved to lift her to his chest, carrying her to the car as her legs dangled down his body. He sat her in the passenger seat and buckled her in, stealing a kiss from her sleepy lips before rushing over to the driver's side.

Once they arrived back at the compound, Steve scooped her up in his arms, carrying her inside bridal style while Bucky followed closely beside them.

"I thought she had to work today?" Wanda whispered when she saw the three and started to follow them to the elevator.

"She had a meeting, but it's over. She's having a harder and harder time lately." Steve explained to Wanda as she followed him and Bucky up to the penthouse.

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