Chapter 24

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Heidi heard someone say in her bedroom doorway. She groaned and opened one eye to see Nat, Wendi and Wanda in the doorway. Heidi was on her back with her head resting on Thor's chest and his arm tightly around her. Clint was sideways in the bed with his head on her stomach, Heidi had a hand on his shoulder.

"This is going to make an excellent picture for your livingroom." Nat teased.

"You're getting married in 3 and a half hours, are you ready to get up?" Wanda asked sweetly. Heidi smiled so big her cheeks hurt when she remembered what today was.

"I'm trying to sleep here." Clint groaned, covering his eyes with his hand.

"We need to get Heidi showered and ready." Nat argued with a lighthearted laugh.

"Fine." Clint said, finally sitting up. Thor woke up and let his arm flop down on the bed, freeing Heidi from his grasp.

"I'll see you down there." Clint said, leaning down to kiss Heidi's forehead before heading down to his room to shower and get ready.

"What about you?" Heidi asked Thor.

"I'm staying until Sam and Peter are ready. They're gonna come keep watch while I shower and get ready, then I'll be back." Thor told her, still half asleep.

Okay, then I'm going to shower. Thank you for staying, Thor." Heidi said with a smile as she took off into the bathroom.

Wanda grabbed one of Steve's flannels out of the closet and a black lace thong Heidi was going to be wearing under her dress. She needed something that buttoned up so she could get changed without messing up her hair later. Wanda set the outfit on the bathroom sink while Heidi showered.

Heidi took a hot shower, scrubbing every inch of herself with a delicious smelling bodywash, she didn't have to shave because Nat brought a waxer to the compound a couple days ago and had Heidi's entire body waxed.

When she came out she couldn't help but laugh at Wanda's outfit choice but slipped the panties on and buttoned up Steve's shirt, it sat halfway down her thighs but she wasn't worried about Thor looking anyway.

Heidi sat at her vanity in the walk in closet and let Nat do her hair first, she did beach waves, pinning them to her head so they'd set while Wanda did her makeup. When Nat was done Wanda started on her makeup, keeping it simple and elegant, Wendi gave suggestions as Wanda worked. Thor stood in the doorway to the closet watching them and keeping an ear out for anything.

"Thor, you ready." Heidi heard from the elevator. She assumed it must have been Sam and Peter ready to relieve Thor so he could get ready, it was already 10:45.

"That's Sam and Peter, I'll be back in time to walk you downstairs." Thor promised. Heidi smiled back at him while Wanda did the last touches on her makeup.

"Well come with you, Wendi is getting Heidi in her dress alone. We're not allowed to see it yet." Wanda admitted. Heidi knew it was a small wedding so she wanted as little people as possible to see the dress beforehand, keep the surprise.

"Then let's go." Thor said with a smile.

"I'll see you down there, Heidi." Nat said, lightly touching Heidi's shoulder before joining Thor.

"Blow us away, Heidi." Wanda said with a smile as she joined the two to leave and get ready. All Nat and Wanda had to do was throw their dresses on, Wendi was already ready to go.

"Hey, Heidi. We're gonna stay outside but I wanted you to know that Peter and I are out here." Sam said reassuringly.

"Thank you, Sam. You look very handsome." Heidi said. Wendi carefully pulled the pins out of Heidi's hair, putting in the final touches.

"Time for the dress." Wendi said happily as Sam left the room. Heidi took off Steve's flannel and Wendi pulled her wedding dress out of the bag, but it was quite heavy and she wasn't sure if she could get it by herself. But she had to, so she tried anyway.

By 11:40 Wendi was still fighting with the dress when Thor came back, relieving Sam and Peter to join the rest of the group outside.

"Are you decent?" Thor asked from the bedroom doorway, not daring to step food into the closet.

"No, but we need a hand. Are you comfortable with that?" Heidi replied.

"Of course, anything for you" Thor promised, stepping into the closet. But he didn't expect to see Heidi in nothing but a thong standing above her dress as it pooled on the floor.

"Help me pull it up? I keep worrying I'm going to rip the tule." Wendi admitted. Thor shyly approached the girls. Thor pulled the dress up slowly while Wendi made sure Heidi was situated inside it. Wendi came around the front and situated Heidi's breasts while Thor went around to the back and zipped it up.

"You look wonderful, Heidi." Thor said, smiling down at her.

"So do you, Thor. Thank you for your help, and thank you for giving me away." Heidi said, smiling up at him while she tried to ignore how weird it felt to have Wendi putting boob tape on her.

"You are family, Heidi. It would be the ultimate honor to walk you down the aisle." Thor reassured her.

"And the last step." Wendi said with a smile, grabbing the beautiful tiara from the counter for Heidi. She didn't want to cover her face with a veil. She took one long look at herself in the mirror, she felt like a Disney princess.

"Ready to go?" Thor asked as Wendi sped off to join the rest of the group.

"Yep, let's go." Heidi said happily, taking Thor's arm and holding onto it while he led them to the elevator. He grabbed her dress and made sure it was all in the elevator before the door closed.

"Are you nervous? Say the word and I can have us in Asgard before we reach the ground floor." Thor joked.

"I've never been so sure of anything, but thanks for the offer." Heidi said with a smile, leaning her head on Thor's arm for a moment.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя