Chapter 10

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Heidi was awoken by a loud knocking at the door, she groaned and buried her face further into Steve's chest. He didn't move, he just pulled her closer.

"Hey man we gotta leave in an hour" she heard Sam shout from the outside of the door.

Heidi unwillingly sat up, rubbing her eyes and stretching out her arms, Steve sat up as well. "I hate this part of it" Heidi admitted, looking over and admiring Steve.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, rubbing her back lightly before climbing out of bed to pack a bag for the mission.

Heidi remained in bed but pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. "Seeing you off, not knowing when I'll see you again or if you'll even be okay."

Steve sighed and climbed back in the bed, wrapping both arms around her "I always come home" he said as he kissed her forehead.

"Yeah, so far" Heidi mumbled, laying her face on her knees. Steve quickly lifted her into his arms and put her in his lap. "I will always come home to you" be admitted.

"Can you at least promise me you won't jump out of any airplanes?" She joked, but she's heard the stories from the team. Jumping from airplanes with no parachute and jumping out of buildings with only his shield to keep him alive.

"I can't promise that" he laughed, squeezing her a little tighter.

"Steve" she groaned "You frustrate the hell out of me sometimes"

"I will be careful" he finally promised as he let his grip on her go so she could stand up.

"You're off today, are you going to go back to bed when I leave?" Steve asked while he resumed packing a bag and dug his suit out of the oversized closet.

Heidi shook her head as she started getting dressed "I don't feel right being here without you"

"Sugar you're always welcome here, go back to bed for a while. You can always go home after a nap, when I know you're well rested." Steve said, now he was in his suit and ready to go. Heidi smiled up at him, admiring him in his suit. She stood up and closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around his torso.

"I still have to call an uber, so I won't leave until you're gone but I can't just hang out here all day. It feels weird, who would even still be here?" She asked as she smiled up at him.

Steve wrapped his arms around her tightly, leaning down to kiss her nose. "Wanda is staying here. But you're not taking an Uber home. Take my car" he offered.

"I can't take your car, plus mine is at home waiting for me" she said, she had a company car since she drives around all of New York everyday to check on the stores.

Steve however squeezed her a little tighter, just enough to lift her as he walked them towards the door before sitting her back down while she giggled. "Just take it. Then I have even more of an excuse to run to you the second I get home"

Heidi stood up as tall as she could on her toes to kiss him and smiled up at him "Am I not enough reason?" She joked as she tried her best to put a shocked expression on her face.

"Sugar you're the only reason I come home sometimes. I love you" Steve leaned down, giving her a soft loving kiss. Heidi's arms came up, wrapping around his neck tightly. She melted into his kiss, into his arms.

"I love you" she admitted, leaning her head on his chest. "Let's get you to that jet before I refuse to let go"

Steve chuckled, letting go of her but taking her hand into one of his, grabbing his bag with the other as they walked out of the room.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now