Chapter 5

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Steve led Heidi through the compound to head back to his car, getting glances from everyone as they walked. Heidi ignored them this time but Steve's face flushed.

Steve led her to his car and like the gentleman he is he opened her door for her, closing it once she was inside. He must have had an idea where to take her because he knew exactly where he was going.

"Do you already have a place in mind?" Heidi asked.

Steve looked over at her and smiled, squeezing her knee lightly. "I do."

They arrived at a small Mexican restaurant after a short drive. Steve yet again rushed to open her door for her, Heidi couldn't help but smile at him as she took his hand and let him lead her into the restaurant.

"I hope this place is okay" he said nervously as they waited for the hostess.

"It's perfect" she said, smiling up at him.

"Captian America, it's an honor" the host said as he approached the podium.

"Steve Rogers, and thank you. I just need a table for 2" Steve replied calmly. Heidi couldn't help but think that he has to be tired of all the attention he gets.

"I'm sorry about all the looks" Steve whispered in her ear as the host led them to a quiet table in the back. Heidi simply nodded, it wasn't his fault and she knew that.

Luckily their table was far enough away from everyone that the only people watching them was the staff as they made their way around. Steve pulled out her chair for her before sitting in the one across from her.

"It must get pretty tiring, always being watched" she said softly, picking at her nails.

"You get used to it" he shrugged.

When the waitress came she couldn't keep her eyes off of Steve, Heidi had to hide her jealousy but she was jealous. Who stares at a man while they're obviously on a date.

"What can I get for you, Captian?" The waitress asked with a flirty smile. Steve just reached his hand across the table and took Heidi's hand into his. "My date can order for me" he said with a smile. "I don't really know what to order" he admitted.

The waitress opened her mouth to offer a suggestion but Heidi interrupted her. "Well take the pork flautas, birria with extra consume, Elote and queso to go with the rice and beans" she sounded confident.

The waitress wrote it down but lingered at the table, staring at Steve. "That will be all" Heidi quickly said, causing the waitress to focus again and leave the table.

"We didn't really have a lot of Mexican restaurants in the 40s, I've been dying to try it" Steve admitted with a smile, her hand still in his. His hand was big enough to swallow her tiny hands, everything about him was massive in comparison to her. She wondered if her hand would even fit around his wrists.

"I hope you like my recommendation then, I didnt order anything spicy" she smiled over at him and couldn't help but notice even with all the staff coming around and stealing glances his eyes stayed on her.

"I trust your judgment, but you're driving back if it kills me" he joked. He seemed more relaxed than on their date, but thinking back asking a superhero if they're a serial killer probably wasn't as funny now that she knew who he was.

"Then maybe I should change our order, I quite liked driving your car. It's fast" she said back with a small laugh.

Steve quickly reached in his pocket, handing her the keys. "I'd much rather stay alive to hang out with you, you can just drive it" he smiled over at her and her cheeks flushed.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now