Chapter 48

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"Has anyone seen my wife?" Steve asked when he stepped into the dining room.

"Isn't she working? It's only noon." Peter mentioned.

"No, we had a baby appointment today so Tony gave her the day off. I forgot my phone in the lab and when I got back upstairs she wasn't in bed anymore." Steve explained.

"Where's Nat?" Clint asked with a teasing tone. He knew if Nat skipped lunch, it was because she was with Heidi. Steve let out a quiet laugh and walked straight to the common room. Not even surprised when he saw Heidi and Nat laying down on the couch. Heidi had her head on Nat's chest, her arm slung around Nat's small waist while she held onto Heidi like gold. Nat had both arms securely around Heidi, her head leaned on Heidi's as she napped. Nat was playing on her phone, refusing to make a peep, refusing to wake Heidi for anything.

"We gotta get you your own wife." Steve teased in a hushed tone when he walked in.

"I have one, right here." Nat teased back quietly. "How did the appointment go?" She asked.

"Great, she gained 5 pounds over the last couple of weeks. The doctor wants to see another 5-10 but I'll take what I can get." Steve said with a shrug.

"Great! Is she on bedrest yet?" Nat asked.

"No, but the doctor still has her limited to an hour or less a day on her feet." Steve explained. "Didn't you ask her any of this when she came down here?" He said with a laugh.

"No." Nat said with a laugh of her own. "She came in, I opened my arms for her and she just crawled right over and went to sleep. I didn't care about anything else." She admitted.

"I think she's getting restless being stuck in bed so often." Steve explained. Over the last couple of weeks, Heidi had been insisting the nap in the common room or on the couch in the penthouse.

"Are we still looking at 6 weeks?" Nat asked. She knew this was their 30 week appointment, that the doctor planned to induce if she hadn't had him by 36 weeks.

"That's the max. The doctor is hoping at least 3 more weeks." Steve said happily. He couldn't contain his smile if he tried, within the next month he'd be meeting his son.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet him. I hope she's still this clingy when he's out." Nat said, giving a small frown at the thought of losing her napping partner.

"You'll be too busy hogging Dustin." Steve teased.

"You're going to have to make a schedule, so we all get equal turns with him." Nat joked. Steve came around and sat on the couch by the girls feet, not wanting to disturb Heidi.

"You're not getting equal turns. Heidi and I are gonna hog him, but we'll work something out." Steve joked. He knew the entire team would be sneaking into the penthouse to see their son.

"I at least want a longer turn than Sam." Nat teased. Steve rolled his eyes at her. "We're not taking turns with my son like a timeshare." Steve said with a quiet laugh.

"Are you still planning to take her to Fiji after her presentation?" Nat asked. Steve let out a small, disappointed sigh. "No, I can't have her that far away from home when she's so close to her due date. I don't know if she's going to want to take Dustin until he's a little older, we haven't really talked about it." Steve admitted.

"I think you should. Either take him with you, or wait until he's old enough to leave with us." Nat mentioned. "Poor girl hasn't caught a break since the honeymoon, she needs this." Nat added.

"I know. We'll discuss it when he's born." Steve promised. Steve sat back, kicking his feet up on the coffee table to watch the movie Nat had quietly playing. He wanted to leave Heidi to sleep as long as she needed. He also knew that Nat would be disappointed if he took her back from her. He couldn't help but admire how adorable the two looked together and how much Nat grew to love Heidi. He loved that the entire team welcomed Heidi so much, they all loved her like family, they all vowed to protect her without hesitation.

"You sure that's your wife?" Sam asked quietly with a laugh when he walked in.

"Nat didn't put that baby in there." Steve joked. Sam came and sat down next to Steve, seeing Nat had fallen sound asleep clutching onto Heidi. Sam took a quick picture of the two and sent it to Clint, saying "She stole your girl lol"

The rest of the team, minus Tony and Thor, filtered in. Everyone agreed not to bother Heidi or Nat, they both looked so cute napping together. Heidi had her face buried into Nat's neck as she clung to her, her bump was resting on top of Nat from how close they were laying together. Nat had her head resting against Heidi's, their legs tangled together.

"Did you think when she gave us her number you would end up here?" Sam asked.

"Honestly, I didn't think she was even going to let me take her on a date. Then when Tony tried to kick her out I didn't think I was going to get a 2nd date." Steve admitted to the group.

"I expected her to run after the first attack, honestly." Clint admitted. "I wouldn't have blamed her."

"I wouldn't have either. But I'm glad she didn't." Steve said, staring down at his wife while she slept.

"She wouldn't have left. She's loved you way before she said it." Wanda chimed in.

"So did I." Steve said with a shrug. "So fill me in on what I've missed." Steve insisted.

"We haven't found anything about the men after her, we're at a dead end. We should have kept a few alive after the attacks." Clint said with a huff.

"They're all dead?" Steve asked with wide eyes. Clint nodded. "Nat wasn't taking a chance." He confessed.

"But Stark has their phones, he's digging. He just got the phones from the last batch of attacks a couple days ago from SHIELD. Give him some time." Clinr reassured him.

"I'm trying to sleep down here." Nat chimed in. Steve let out a quiet laugh, offering Nat a half smile. "Oh hush, I let you borrow my wife, I can wake you up." He joked.

"That's her wife now." Sam joked.

"See, he gets it." Nat joked.

"Don't encourage her." Steve said with a quiet laugh.

Coffee House Love: Steve Rogers x OC Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum