Chapter 16

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The entire team was waiting outside when Steve pulled into the compound, Wanda rushed to her door and flung it open, wrapping her arms tightly around Heidi.

"I'm so sorry, dear." Wanda said into Heidi's hair as they embraced. Heidi just did her best not to cry, she was with a team of heros, they dealt with worse everyday. She didn't feel right crying about today, or yesterday.

"You're allowed to be upset, everyone was so worried when Tony told us." Wanda whispered to Heidi, having heard her thoughts.

"Thanks, Wands." Heidi mumbled. Wanda finally let her go and Tony kneeled down in front of her.

"Your former boss was pissed about the windshield, luckily your new boss is so much cooler." Tony joked, grabbing her hand and escorting her out of the car. Steve stayed back and watched her closely, but he knew the whole team loved her and knew they were all probably worried when Tony and Thor came home and told them what happened.

"I can pay for the windshield." Heidi offered.

"I bought the car to shut him up, then I left it there. It was crap anyway." Tony said with a shrug. "Your new car gets delivered in the morning."

"Thank you, Tony. But I don't think I wanna go anywhere for a long time." Heidi admitted.

"I wouldn't either." Sam said with a laugh.

"Should we get her inside?" Nat suggested. Heidi nodded happily, outside didn't feel safe anymore. New York didn't feel like home anymore, Steve felt like home.

Tony put his arm around her shoulders to lead her inside but Heidi didn't move, she looked at Steve with slight panic until he joined her at her side. Tony let go of her and simply walked behind her and Steve with the rest of the team as they went inside.

"Movie day?" Wanda suggested happily, Steve looked to Heidi for their answer. He promised her she made the decisions and he meant it, anything to make her feel better. Heidi nodded and smiled up at Steve, but he could tell it wasn't genuine, of course she was still overwhelmed by today.

"Of course." Steve replied after seeing Heidi's approval. The whole team headed for the theater, Steve went to sit Heidi on the end as usual but she shook her head no and sat by Thor, Steve sitting on the other side of her.

"Nobody can get to you here." Steve promised her as he wrapped his arm tightly around her and pulled her to lean against his muscular chest.

"I know. I just feel safer with you both here. Is that weird?" Heidi asked, she didn't want Steve to think that she didn't trust him to defend her by himself. "I know you can keep me safe." She added quietly, knowing only Steve would hear her.

"It's not weird, sugar. I just want you to feel okay. If you wanted him to sleep at the foot of the bed like a lap dog I'd be fine with it. Whatever makes you comfortable." Steve reassured her.

"What am I doing?" Thor asked, raising an eyebrow. Heidi couldn't help but laugh.

"Nothing. I just like having you around." Heidi admitted. Thor was beaming and pulled her legs across his lap happily.

"You will have to accompany me to Asgard sometime. It is beautiful, you would love it." Thor said happily.

"You've never invited us to Asgard." Sam pointed out. Thor simply shrugged.

"We'll take you up on that for the next mission, we need somewhere safe to stash her while we're gone." Tony said.

"I'm not going anywhere until this is over." Steve insisted. Heidi held onto his thigh, she could tell he was getting frustrated.

"Neither will I." Thor added.

Tony huffed and turned on the first movie, Peter's choice, Star Wars. Heidi watch happily while Steve held her tightly, she hated to admit that she only felt safe at the compound, and only with Steve by her side. But she did, she finally felt relaxed for the first time in days.

"Are you gonna be okay for a minute, sugar? I just have the use the restroom I'll be right back." Steve whispered into her ear. Heidi nodded and sat up from him, letting him leave the theater. Heidi almost immediately felt uneasy, frankly kind of scared. The last couple of days the only time she's felt safe was with Steve and he hadn't left her side since he got back from his mission.

"Would you like to come here?" Thor asked sweetly, Heidi happily accepted and crawled over to him, letting him wrap his arms around her tightly.

The last two days weighed so heavily on Heidi, being back at the compound her mind finally startled to settle, she tried to stop herself but ended up falling soundly asleep in Thor's arms.

Steve came back and saw the two, letting out a quiet laugh, he wasn't upset. In fact he was glad she was finally resting, he was hoping she would have already fallen asleep by now, they only got a few hours of sleep last night to begin with.

"I'm sorry, Sir Rogers, I did not mean to occupy her." Thor said quietly but apologetically.

"Not at all, I'm glad she's sleeping, she needs it." Steve said back just as quietly, joining the group again and sitting by Heidi again but letting her stay asleep against Thor. She looked so beautiful when she slept, he couldn't help but watch her.

"Twice in two days someone's tried to kill her, I don't see how she's not a hot mess." Nat admitted.

"She is, but she thinks what she went through doesn't compare to what we do everyday, so she doesn't want to bother us." Wanda admitted in a hushed tone.

"Did she tell you that?" Sam asked.

"No, I heard her thinking it." Wanda said.

"That's crazy, she's been through a lot." Sam said.

"At least she admitted Steve and Thor make her feel safe. It's a start." Wanda said, looking over and smiling as she saw Heidi sound asleep, Thor's arms tightly around her.

"You're not jealous that Thor's all over your girl?" Tony asked.

"Not at all." Steve admitted.

The group sat back, finishing Peter's choice before Tony switched it to The Blind Side, Wanda's pick. The group got about halfway through the movie when Heidi woke up, seeing Steve smiling back at her and feeling herself in Thor's arms.

"I'm sorry..." Heidi said to Thor as she sat up and shifted to lay against Steve.

"Don't be, I liked the company." Thor said happily, tossing a blanket to Heidi and Steve.

"Are you mad?" Heidi asked Steve in a whisper so low she knew nobody but Steve and Thor would hear.

"Not at all, sugar." Steve promised her, leaning down for a quick soft kiss on her lips before pulling back and smiling down at her. "I was just happy you were sleeping peacefully." He admitted. Heidi curled up against Steve, her legs resuming her place across Thor's lap and smiling brightly when she felt Steve wrap his arms tightly around her and lean his head against hers.

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