The Piggyback- Part 1

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"You okay?" Nancy asks her younger brother, who is ferociously scribbling something down on a piece of paper.
"Grand! Never been better." TJ sarcastically replies, Nancy slaps her brother on the arm causing him to look up at her.
"Hey! Nothing bad is gonna happen Teddy we're all going to be okay... even Max. Stop worrying you'll be back with her in like 45 minutes." Nancy scolds. TJ nods at her, drumming his fingers against his leg, he can feel the tears threatening to fall but he won't let them, "Nance I can't loose her... I can't lose you, or any of you guys. After Riley I just, I don't know how I'd go on." The lump in his throat becomes harder to ignore while the tears prick at his eyes.

Nancy takes her brothers hand in her own and squeezes it gently, "TJ, it's gonna be okay. Remember what you said you'd be for Riles?"
"Brave!" The siblings say in unison, causing them to chuckle. TJ then pulls Nancy into an unexpected hug as the RV comes to a sudden stop, "I love you Nancy. You're the best big sister I could've ever have asked for." Nancy smiles into the hug and pulls back staring TJ in the eyes, "I love you too Teddy." She reaches her hand up and wipes a few stray tears off of his cheek. As she looks at him she's reminded of the vulnerable innocence of the boy she's grown up with, he may look older, but right now he's her baby brother and she wants nothing more then to protect him.

Darkness invites itself in, slowly swallowing up any daylight left in the town of Hawkins. TJ is still writing, but is interrupted by the assertive voice of his sister, "Okay, I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one..."
"We'll meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robins husky voice replies.
"Phase two." Nancy says.
"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her which will put him in his trance." Steve answers.
"Phase two...I'm still not ecstatic about." TJ mutters. Everyone ignores him as Nancy carries on, "Phase three?"
"Me, TJ and Eddie draw the bats away. Then TJ gets on a bike and pedals to the Creel house or back to Max we should really say." Dustin replies with a smile as Eddie pats the boys on their heads.
"We head into Vecna's hopefully bat free lair, and... flambé." Robin shakes the Molotov cocktail while responding.
"Now that's the word of the day Buckley." TJ tells her holding his hand out for a fist bump which she reciprocates.
"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy lectures.
"Ma'am yes ma'am!" TJ shouts as everyone else shouts, "Got it!" in unison. They all stare at him as he holds his hands up, "My bad, I thought you were giving like army lieutenant vibes."
The teens walk past TJ leaving him the last to head out of the RV. As if they were spies they sneak down into the trailer park, heading towards Eddies trailer.

While the others head inside TJ heads round the back and is ecstatic to see the bikes they took from his house, when they committed a minor felony were still there. He quickly grabs one and props it up ready to go. On entering Eddies trailer a weird feeling rushes over him, he grimaces at the thought of the last interaction he had with Vecna was in here. It's as if Eddie senses the boys discomfort, like he sees it radiating off of him. He places both his hands on TJ's shoulders, "Hey man we got you okay."
TJ pats the boys hand subtly thanking him.

Steve goes into Rambo mode the group watching as he begins preparing to head through to the upside down... again. TJ looks around the room and stifles a laugh, the light highlighting just how ridiculous they all look in their battle gear.
"God we look like dickheads." TJ exclaims.
"Speak for yourself Wheeler. I for one look amazing." Robin replies twirling and nearly tripping over her own feet. TJ looks down at himself confused, other then a bandana placed around his neck he isn't dressed up like the rest of them. The examining of his outfit is interrupted by Dustin, "Be careful." He tells Steve.
"Yeah man! Don't do anything stupid." TJ adds on.
"How can I? I'm leaving all the stupid with you." Steve pats them both on the shoulders.
"Ha-ha." TJ fake laughs at him.
Just as Steve climbs the rope, TJ looks up at him, "Steve though seriously... be careful." Steve nods in the direction of the younger boy and softly smiles, looking between Dustin and TJ he thanks them both and then continues on, "Here goes nothing."

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