The Weirdo on Maple Street

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TJ heads downstairs after noticing Mike isn't in his bed, TJ is trying to make himself feel better about this but a sense of fear washes over him.
As he makes his way to the basement door he sighs in relief hearing the muttering of three boys. He creaks the door open and slowly makes his way down "You know if mum and dad found out this was happening right now you'd be grounded for life Michael," He taps his chin in a thoughtful manner before continuing "Which would make this little room all mine and only mine".
The three boys jump out of there skin and look at each other worriedly, TJ notices there soaking wet and on edge "Wow hey look I'm only messing with you I wouldn't do that..."
As he goes to finish his sentence he sees the basement bathroom door ajar with the light on and movement from inside, he looks at the boys who are now really panicking but what happens next has TJ tongue tied  when out comes a girl with a shaven head and some of Mikes old clothes on.
"What the fuck... why, what, who is this?" TJ asks while pointing at the scared girl. The three boys look at each other hesitantly before all three take turns telling TJ about how they were looking for Will and stumbled across this girl. TJ gives an awkward nod to the girl who is watching them all sit and talk about her.
"So we have to tell your mum, she will know what to do." Lucas finishes with and Dustin nods in agreement.
Both Mike and TJ shut that idea down "NO!" The  Wheeler brothers shout, TJ seeing the girl flinch at the raised voices.
TJ continues lowering his voice "She will never let you see the light to day again, if she finds out you went out after dark".
Mike adding on towards his two friends,"I told you do you believe me?"
The poor girl was sat observing the conversation, shivering when TJ offered her his dressing gown she gladly took it with a shy smile.
Mike then spoke up "Look tomorrow I will have her sneak round the back of the house and pretend to be a missing child, mum will phone the child services and everything will be sorted". TJ yawns and tells the boys to head on home before their parents get worried about where they are after they finally agree to the plan.
Once the other boys have gone Mike and TJ build a blanket fort for the girl just like they use to when they were kids, Mike looks at his older brother who gives him a gentle smile and a nod acknowledging that they both remember.
Once the girls is comfy in the fort Mike asks her name and she shows them her tattoo '011'.
"You have a tattoo that's crazy cool, you're a badass 011" TJ states as a matter of fact.
This causes Mike to roll his eyes and nudge his brother "My real name is Michael but everyone calls me Mike and this here is Theodore but everyone calls him TJ or Teddy if you prefer...what if we call you El?"
She gives a nod and lays down on her back, the two boys say their good nights and head up to their room.
TJ can feel sleep overtaking him and rolls over to turn out the light,
"Do you mind if we keep it on? Just for tonight?" His younger brother hesitantly asks.
"Yeah sure and Mike?"
"Yeah Teddy?"
"I am really sorry about Will... I don't know what I'd do if it was Riles or Cass or... you."
Mike rolls over looking at his brother one last time before closing his eyes  "Night TJ."
"Night Mike."

During breakfast TJ is playing with Holly hoping last night was just a bad dream and there's not currently a girl with a tattoo and shaven head in his basement, though this is soon proven to be reality when he notices Mike sneaking extra eggos for said girl and hurrying down to the basement. He lets Mike go down there by himself not to make it to suspicious though he doubts his family would even be aware. Once Mike comes back up he notices the look on his little brothers face it's fear and confusion.
After bidding a quick goodbye to the family, for the first time in forever Mike and TJ ride to school together. "So you're telling me the girl in our basement is not playing ball with us because and I quote bad guys are after her?"
"Yes TJ that's what I said" Mike says looking at his brother frustratedly .
TJ takes a deep breath and stammers out
"Oh god we're harbouring a fugitive Mike, what are we going to do?"
"That's not the worst of it TJ... she said that the bad people looking for her are willing to kill to get her back."
As they pull into school Riley, Cassie, Dustin and Lucas all stand at the bike rack shocked that the two brothers are riding in together and not arguing.
"Well well well wheeler you've lost your morning crown to yours truly" Cassie claim's victoriously. Riley stands next to her with an arm draped over her shoulder and a smirk on his face. Before questioning this TJ notices Lucas and Dustin staring at Cassie, he clips them both on the ears and gives them a scolding look. "Hey don't look at her like that it's creepy."
They both mutter their apologies and scurry away, with Mike following behind "Hey Mike we will talk later okay!" TJ calls after Mike.
His brother nods his head, leaving Cassie and Riley stealing confused glances before heading into school.

TJ is stood talking to what is known as the 'popular crew', he has never been one to care about this but he sort of just fell into the hierarchy that exists in the school system through playing sports.
He looks over at a Lucas and Dustin who are hesitant to approach him but finally do "Erm TJ... have you, have you seen Mike?" Lucas asks. "Wait what?" TJ responds.
One of the popular boys steps infront of TJ and shoves Lucas away "Hey freak why are you talking to us? Learn your place it's over there by the dumpsters loser".
TJ feels his anger boiling but remembers the threat of coach Tresscott "one last strike TJ".
He hangs his head in shame and watches as Lucas and Dustin stalk away defeated and upset by the words of TJ's so called friends.

The day passes by and TJ makes his way home ignoring the stares of Dustin and Lucas. He knew he'd let them down and couldn't face them right now. As he gets on his bike Riley and Cassie appear either side of him, they both look at each other when Riley finally speaks up first "Hey man you good? You seem really off?"
Cassie adds on "You know you're our bestfriend and we will always try to help and listen to you no matter what".
TJ breaks and looks between the two "Look I appreciate the sentiment I really do but you can't help, not with this... I'm sorry I'll see you later". The two look on at TJ as he begins to peddle away.
Once home TJ heads up to his bedroom to see Dustin and Lucas looking very angry at the fact El is still there.
"Oh I bet you know all about this didn't you!"Dustin shouts at TJ.
"That's it I'm telling your mum!" Lucas adds on while making his way to the door when it slams shut on its own.
"What the..." Dustin says with TJ finishing his sentence while staring at El whose nose is bleeding "Fuck!"

The gang are all now sat around watching as El devours their leftovers from dinner, Dustin and Lucas apologise to the girl but it is evident Lucas is still a bit hesitant of El. As they make their way to the dungeon and dragons board TJ is shouted by his mum that there's a phone call for him.
"Hello?" Tj asks into the phone.
"Hey dude I know you were a bit miffed earlier but I just wanted to make sure you're okay?" It was Riley.
"Do you wanna come over to mine? Barbs out with Nancy and thought we could finally have a guys night? " Riley interrupts.
"Yeah alright man I'll head over now."
"Mum I'm heading over to the Holland's I totally forgot, me and Riles have got a science project in for tomorrow, okay love you bye". Before hearing a response he's already on his bike down the drive.

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