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"TJ! Mike! Get up now!" Karen Wheeler yells.
TJ rolls out of bed, getting ready for his first day back at school.
"Mike get up. You're gonna be late on your first day of high school." TJ shouts at Mike who still hasn't moved a muscle. TJ takes matters into his own hands, grabbing the boys feet and pulling him out of the bed.
"You bastard!!" Mike screams at his older brother, as TJ laughs walking out the door downstairs.
TJ sits down next to Holly giving her cheek a stroke, causing the youngest Wheeler to smile at her older brother with a toothy grin.

TJ is sat in the car with his older sister and his younger brother, who has been glaring at him for the whole ride.
"So you're not getting a lift home Teddy?" Nancy asks him.
"No thanks. I've got soccer try outs." TJ replies.
"What about after you want a lift home? I have the school paper?" Nancy questions.
" I'll walk." TJ answers.
"You sure?" Nancy queries.
"Yes I'm sure!" TJ groans out, knowing he's getting cross examined. Nancy wants to know everything what's happening with Max and yes he's seeing her after soccer try outs, but that's none of his sister business.

TJ walks down to the high school with Mike, meeting up with the rest of the party. He's a sophomore now and didn't realise how lonely he's going to be without Riley and Cassie. He sees Axel and Lori sat with their friends and gives them a small wave, which is returned by Axel and a not so subtle middle finger from Lori.
TJ looks around desperately for Max but can't seem to find her, hearing the bell go he heads towards his first lesson.

As the school day goes on, TJ is just trying to keep his head down. Suddenly he feels an arm wrap around his shoulders and he's pulled into a head lock.
"What the fuck! Let me go!" TJ shouts.
"Woah, calm down Wheeler it's just me. I was playing with you." Axel calls out, feeling bad that he startled the boy.
Lori looks at the younger boy who is now free, she notices how tired he and fed up he looks, "TJ we haven't, well we haven't heard from you since... and we miss jamming with you man." Lori tells him honestly.
TJ considers whether or not to start the band up again, he looks between the the older pair and then responds,"This Saturday be at mine. I've been working on some stuff and think you may like it." Axel and Lori turn and look at each other excitedly.

TJ is yet to see Max and is beginning to worry, as lunch time arrives his first stop is the cafeteria to see if she's there, she's not. He goes outside and that's when he sees her, she's sat under a tree with headphones on. He walks over to her as she looks up at him smiling, he gestures for her to move forward and sits down behind her so she can lean her back against his chest.
"Hi. Where have you been all day?" TJ asks her softly. She turns and looks at him with a questioning look but realises he's being serious.
"TJ, we might both be the same age now, but I'm a freshman and you're a sophomore. We have different schedules." She answers him.
"But this morning I looked around for you. I couldn't see you anywhere?" TJ questions.
"That is a secret between me and the school shrink, who is adamant on me going to see her." Max retorts, sarcasm lacing her tone.
TJ groans throwing his head back. "Oh shit! She's going to come to me as well isn't she?"
Max laughs at the boys reaction.

They sit in silence just people watching, when TJ has a sudden realisation, "FUCK!"
"What, what is it?" Max replies startled by the boys outburst.
"I missed your birthday. You said we're the same age now, when was it?" TJ blurts out.
Max giggles and turns and looks at him, "That reaction alone means I'll let you off, as it was in July."
"No, no, no I need to make it up to you." TJ stubbornly objects.
"You really don't need to, but out of interest how would you?" She questions back.
"Like this." He turns her head fully and captures her lips with his own. The kiss last for a few moments, the two breaking apart as the bell rings.
"I'll see you later, after soccer tryouts?" Max asks him, blushing bright red at the public display of affection that has just occurred between them.
"Yes you will. Secret knock on the window, you'll know it's me." TJ replies, leaving with a wink.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now