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This first Saturday in December TJ had to babysit Holly. They were currently having a tea party, with TJ sat around a small table with Hollys toys pretending to drink tea. He has a crown on his head and Holly a tiara, she crowned him King of the tea party and herself the princess. TJ hears the doorbell ring hoping it's the pizza that they ordered, as he opens the door he see his girlfriend stood there looking anxious.
"Hey Max... what's, are you okay?" TJ asks, shutting the door to stand on the front step with her.

"I erm..." Max replies, looking down as she talks. As she goes to continue the front door opens, Holly appearing.
"Max! Come and join our tea party... please?" The youngest Wheeler begs.
TJ puts on his best puppy dog face, with his hands together also begging.
Max bends down to Hollys level and looks at the girl in the eyes, "Only if you have a crown like your brothers for me?"
TJ blushes totally forgetting he has the crown on his head.
"Yes! You can be the queen of the tea party, TJ's the King!" Holly exclaims excitedly, squealing as she runs inside.
"Well after you m'lady." TJ bows holding the door for Max.
"You're such a dork Wheeler." Max laughs going into the house, looking more relaxed then a few minutes ago.

TJ, Max and Holly find themselves round the small plastic table pretending to drink tea. TJ looks over at Max who is smiling at his little sister, noticing it's the first time he's seen her genuinely carefree in a long time.
She looks over and catches him staring at her, "Stop looking at me like that." Max tells the boy.
TJ stands up dramatically one foot on a plastic chair, looking at Holly he yells, "The Queen of this tea party has made a demand Princess. Do you think we should honour this wish?" Holly looks at her older brother laughing, while shaking her head no.
Max looks bewildered as he continues, "Well darlin' if you weren't so damn pretty I would find it easier not to stare." He finishes sitting back down, while Max blushes bright red.

Later on the three are watching the TV.
TJ is sat in his dads recliner, while Hollys got her head on Maxs lap fast asleep on the sofa.
Max is absentmindedly stroking the younger girls hair, TJ is watching the two smiling fondly, "She really likes you, you know?"
Max looks across at TJ smiling shyly at him, as he smiles softly back at her.

"Come here." TJ tells the girl, Max softly moves Holly careful not to wake her and heads over to the boy, he pulls her onto his lap just holding her in place. The two sit in silence watching the TV, TJ playing with the ends of her hair, all of a sudden he can feel her body shuddering and soft whimpers escaping her.
He turns her head as she tries not to look at him.
"Hey...hey what's wrong ?" He whispers worriedly.
"Why me? Why do you even like me TJ?" Max asks him.
"What! What's bought this on?" TJ replies shocked, as the girl refuses to look at him.
"Max look at me! Please." TJ stammers out, just wanting to comfort his girlfriend.
"You Max are the best thing about my life and I mean that. Look at me Max!" The girl slowly turns her teary blue eyes towards the boy, she buries her head in TJ's chest as he strokes her back.

"I don't know what I'd do without you! I... erm I care about you so, so much." The girl looks up at him searching for any ounce of a lie, but as usual the boy is looking at her like she hung the moon. She leans forward and places a chaste kiss to his lips which he gladly returns., as they part he kisses her forehead.
"Can I stay here tonight? With you?" The girl mumbles, her head buried into his chest.
"Yeah of course you can." TJ replies, placing a kiss on the girls cheek holding her tightly to him scared that if he lets go she'll disappear from his life.

TJ was currently on his third session with Ms Kelley and still said the bare minimum, he just wanted her to relay to Coach Tresscott that he was attending. He was currently watching the clock, anticipating the moment he's able to get out of this room
"Look Theodore! You know coach wants you to actually talk to me... not sit here and stare at the clock. He wants me to report back that you've actually spoken to me Theodore." Ms Kelley sighs out.
"Isn't there some form of patient confidentiality protocol you're meant to follow... I come here I sit and we have a small conversation. Why does it have to be more than that?" TJ tells the woman.
"I'm here to help you!" The therapist softly tells the young boy, TJ scoffs at this.
"Help me? You don't know me? What... you think I'm gonna sit here and tell you I've seen things I shouldn't, that my best friend attacked me the night before he died and I couldn't help him. That my other best friend left me here alone and that everyday I wait for the next person I love and care about to leave me. I'm not gonna sit here and you tell me that I'm not right in the head because I know that...okay!" TJ yells.
Some point in his rage of words he's stood up and made his way to the door. He looks back towards the therapist who has not moved yet, "You can't help me, when I don't even know what's wrong with me!"
TJ didn't return to Ms Kelley after his outburst too ashamed of himself to do so.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now