The Upside Down

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TJ didn't have a choice when he saw Johnathan Byers car speed out of the school parking lot.
"Well that's great..." TJ turns heading back inside
and can't seem to find any of the other kids.
He walks round and eventually wanders into the locker room, grabs a soccer ball throwing it up a few times, he holds the ball and lays on the bench, smiling fondly at the thought of his biggest worrying being whether or not he was going to get kicked of the team. He thinks about all Coach Tresscott has done for him while at the school and saved his ass multiple times. He knows Tresscott isn't a fan of sentimental things, so instead decides to leave the coach a lovely drawing, which can be left to your imagination.
and writes a thank you for all he's done for him.

TJ heads  back to the cafeteria thankfully seeing his younger brother who is oh awkwardly having his first kiss.
"Is now really the time?" TJ purposely asks provoking his brother while El looks down.
Mike goes to open his mouth but sees the look on TJ's face change who is looking outside "Teddy what is it?" Mike asks.
"Shit, shit, shit we've gotta go!" TJ shouts while ushering the two to follow, they bump into Lucas and Dustin but are soon stopped by several agents pointing guns at them.
"We're kids! You don't need to point guns at us!" TJ shouts, while in the process of saying this El decides to contradict his point by killing several agents. TJ turns to look at her but sees that she's passed out on the floor.
TJ moves to help her but is restrained by several agents.
"Get off me, get off me you bastards!" TJ tries to fights his way out when one of the agent holds a gun to his head.
"Get away from her!" his brother shouts at Dr Brenner struggling just as much as TJ to get free.
After what feels like a lifetime El wakes up and sees her friends being held by the agent and Dr Brenner standing over her.
"Come home Eleven. You belong with us with me your papa." TJ stares at the man as if he has grown two heads and is completely freaked out by this man.
As Dr Brenner goes to pick El up, a inhuman screech is heard from the wall. Within seconds the demogorgon bursts through the wall and attacks the agents and Brenner.
Mike and TJ grab either arm of El, with Dustin and Lucas leading the way to a classroom.

"Blood it's drawn to blood!" TJ shouts as he can hear the sound of soldiers and agents being killed outside. This is the most scared he has ever been but he knows he has to stay brave. He can hear his brother telling El about the yearly snow ball dance and how he would love to take her. TJ feels a tear fall down his face, knowing that there's a likelihood they won't make it out of here tonight.

Time it's a weird thing, moments pass and sometimes it's fleeting but sometimes it's slow and painful, that what TJ felt it was like listening to the sounds of people being killed waiting for his turn but praying it never came. The door suddenly bursts open and the kids group together,
Lucas prepares his sling shot as the demogorgon opens its mouth "take that you ugly bastard." The monster let's out a gut wrenching roar, while TJ tries to find something to fight it with. He picks up a metre stick he found and tries to attack the creature, within milliseconds it is snapped and TJ is flung into a wall hearing the sound of his friends screaming his name.
Fluttering in and out of consciousness he sees El their saviour, throw the monster against the wall, using all her power to tear it apart she slowly turns to Mike sobbing out a, "Goodbye Mike."
Within seconds both El and the demogorgon vaporise into thin air leaving a distraught Mike screaming for her "El... Eleven where are you? El!"
The sound of his brothers voice shakes him to his core and he knows he needs to stand up and be there but he's lost a lot of blood and can't seem to see properly, he tries to get up but suddenly everything goes black.

Time, time is something we cannot control but we can make the most of the time we get while we're on this earth. At the start of this year if you asked TJ Wheeler if he'd be spending his time fighting creatures from another dimension he'd laugh in your face, but now here he is spending his time in a hospital bed because of said creatures.

"Beep, beep, beep." Is the sound TJ Wheeler is awoken to while blue Monday by new order softly plays from the radio. He looks around the room and sees his parents "Mum, dad? What happened? where am I?"
TJ can feel his voice it's sore and it hurts to say anything, his head is throbbing and he can feel every inch of pain through his body.
His Dad calls for a doctor while his mum encourages him to calm down by stroking through his hair.
"Hey kiddo, a doctors coming now I know this is confusing but you're in the best place" His dad tells him. TJ feels the burn in his head as he can remember the events that led him to the hospital bed, he looks to his mum "did they find Will?" His mum gives him a teary smile "yes sweetheart!"
"what, what about Barb?" TJ asks hoping that what El said was false, that she's not gone. By his mums reaction he already knows the answer.

"TJ Wheeler you had us scared there for a minute!" Cassie scolds as she walks into the room with sweets, Riley on her tail.
"Hey man they found Will, which means they're definitely going to find my sister I can feel it!"
Riley says while handing TJ a teddy bear holding a soccer ball.
"Now are you gonna tell us why you were even at the school?" Cassie asks.
"Oh also Tresscott is pissed he knows it was you who left that drawing on his desk." Riley adds.
TJ slams his head back down into the pillow knowing the laps he's going to get once he's out this hospital bed.

TJ is finally out of the hospital and it's
Christmas Eve, TJ is in his room when he hears his name called. He heads downstairs and picks Holly up and decides to dance and sing the song that's playing with her "Bah humbug but that's to strong cause it is my favourite holiday!" Holly giggles at her brothers antics, while Steve and Nancy look on fondly.

One day later and Christmas dinner was actually going swimmingly for once, everyone was happy even Ted Wheeler cracked a small grin. All of the Wheeler children hoping that the events of this year were over with, little did they know over at the Byers place Wills experience with the upside down was only just beginning...

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