Will the Wise

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"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max says, before continuing, "Did that not freak you guys out?" Lucas ignores her and looks to Mike and Dustin, "Two episodes in two days. It's getting worse."
"Do you think it's true sight?" Mike asks the group.
TJ looks at Max who looks just as dumbfounded as he is, "What's true sight?" He asks.
The boys walk off discussing possible theories,
"Guys! What's true sight?" TJ calls after the group, he then turns to Max "Are we just supposed to guess what true sight is?"
Max huffs walking off, leaving TJ pondering about what true sight is.

The Wheeler children were sat downstairs having breakfast, Nancy is telling their mum who's in the lounge that she was staying at Stacey's, which TJ laughs at knowing she's lying. As he goes to make a comment hears his mum ask for him to come into the lounge.
"Ted. Put your paper down." He hears his mum whisper.
"Wait... what's happened to your face Theodore?" Karen asks noticing the bruises on her sons face.
"I erm... I tripped." TJ stutters out.
"You tripped?" Ted questions his son.
"Yep. Straight into a locker. You're always telling me to watch my laces." TJ says back to his father. As Ted goes to open his mouth Karen cuts across him, "Okay TJ, we've come up with a punishment that we think is fair."
TJ waits in anticipation as his mum continues,
"Right. Me and your father have decided that you'll be doing chores around the house and garden for a month... with no allowance!"
TJ scoffs "What! No allowance! You know I was saving for a new guitar!"
"Well you should've thought about that son! Before getting blackout drunk at a party" Ted Wheeler tells his son.
TJ knows he has to accept the punishment and heads back to the table to eat breakfast.
He sits down next to Holly who looks at the bruises on her older brothers face and kisses his cheek, "All better now Teddy!"
He gives her a smile and says
"All better now indeed little one."

TJ decides to head down to the middle school to see if there was any updates on Will and if they had found Dart, what he doesn't expect to see is Lucas in a dustbin.
"Oh that's gross!" TJ says.
"Well someone's gotta be the man in this party!" Lucas exclaims, TJ sees Max roll her eyes, so TJ turns to Lucas and asks, "You picked the short straw didn't you?" Lucas nods a yes.
"Well on that note I'm going to my lesson. Seeing as you're no closer to finding the ugly little creature than before." TJ tells the group.
As he's walking away he hears Dustin shout
"Dart his names Dart!"

TJ has not seen Riley or Cassie all day, he doesn't know if he's grateful for this or upset. His basketball coach blows his whistle taking TJ out of his thoughts
"Wheeler! Hustle, hustle, hustle!" His coach shouts at him.
TJ has the ball and dribbles with it before passing to Steve, Billy is quickly on Steve trying to win the ball, "King Steve. King Steve, everyone!"
Billy taunts, as Steve tries to get round him  "I like it. Playing tough today."
"Whatever you're into Hargrove save it till after the game!" TJ jabs at the older boy.
"You're brave Wheeler. I'll give you that but you're also dead once I've dealt with Harrington!" Billy replies, not taking his eyes off the ball.
"Jesus! Do you ever stop talking?" Steve asks Billy.
"You afraid the coach is gonna bench you now I'm here?" Billy retorts back before knocking Steve to the ground going onto score a point. Scoring the point wasn't enough though for Billy, as he grabs the ball and launches it at TJ's head.
Billy walks over to Steve as if he is going to help him up, "You were moving your feet. Plant them next time, draw a charge." He lets go of Steve's hand who lays back down in a huff.
"And you!" Billy points at TJ, "You need to be more alert Wheeler. You never know when something might attack."

It's the end of the day and TJ is heading to get his bike when Steve runs up to him,
"Hey TJ, I, I just wondered if you know where your sister is?" TJ looks at him with a sad smile, "She said she was staying with Stacey tonight Steve."
Steve scoffs, "Stacey! Stacey of all people she can't even come up with someone believable. Well thanks man."
TJ watches as Steve goes to leave, "Steve thanks for the other night."
Steve gives him a nod before getting in his car.

"Hey Wheeler!" TJ turns to a pissed looking redhead marching straight in his direction,
"You're brothers a dick! You know that right?"
"Hello to you too mayfield." TJ replies before seeing the look on her face, he continues
"if it makes you feel better, your brother... sorry step brother launched a basketball at my head today."
Max smirks a little before saying  "Hopefully he didn't throw it too hard don't want you losing anymore brain cells. You're already running low."
TJ gasps "Wow Mayfield! That was a low blow... even for you."
TJ turns to the girl before saying "What has Mike done now?" She tells TJ everything how they locked her out of the AV room, but then say they want to be her friend, but then also keep lying to her. She looks up at TJ and asks,
"Do you know who El is or was ?"
TJ takes a deep breath but before he can respond Lucas runs over causing Max to let out a frustrated groan and walk off, with Lucas on her tail.
"And that's my que to leave!" TJ says out loud to no one.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now