The Case of The Missing Lifeguard

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TJ is currently on his way to Hoppers cabin as Max told him to meet her and El there.
He's praying Hoppers not home as he walks up to the door and knocks, no answer.
He looks through a window and sees Max is currently belting the words to a song while dancing around the room, "You must be an angel I can see it in your eyes."
TJ realising they're are never going to hear him heads back over to the door.

He hesitates before turning the handle to the door and walks towards Els room.
"He's so hot right? I bet he's an amazing kisser too?" TJ hears Max say. He decides to make his presence known and bursts through the door, "You talking about me again Mayfield!"
Both the girls scream and TJ gets a teddy thrown at his head, "What's this gonna do? Cuddle me to death Mayfield."
He looks at the redhead whose staring daggers at him, trying to hide the blush on her face.
"By the way we weren't talking about you. El found Ralph Macchio." Max tells the boy whose still staring at her.
"Ah the karate kid. Hai-yah!" TJ mimics a kick, while El laughs at him knowing Max did this about two seconds before he entered the room.

Max turns back to El focusing back onto their conversation they were having before TJ arrived, "So is he ?Is Mike a good kisser?"
"Right I'm going to leave..." TJ goes to turn but Max grabs his arm pulling him down.
"I don't know he was my first boyfriend. Is TJ a good kisser?" El replies innocently.
"What!! We- we haven't kissed." TJ says.
"Yeah we haven't what makes you think that? And ex boyfriend. He's your ex boyfriend now El." Max adds on.
"Wait you and Mike broke up?" TJ asks, the girl who now looks sad.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Okay? He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now." Max tries to reassure the girl, then continues impersonating Mike "They're like, Oh, I hope they take us back."
"Holy shit! I thought Mike was in the room then." TJ says laughing at the girl.
"God, what I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces." Max says also laughing with El. Els face suddenly changes and TJ turns to Max and whispers, "Mayfield you've been friends with the girl for one day and look at the chaos you've already created."

TJ looks round nervously as he finds himself sat on Els bed next to Max. El is sat on the floor with the radio static on, she puts her blind fold on as Max says, "Holy shit this is insane."
"Max." El says.
"Yeah, quite. I'm sorry." The redhead replies.
TJ looks over at Max smirking that she just got told off, she responds by hitting him with a pillow. As El enters the void she begins to tell TJ and Max what Lucas, Mike and Will are doing.
Max moves to the floor, listening as El tells her the details, "They say we are species."
Max replies evidently confused, "What!"
El continues, "Emotion not logic."
Max this time replies blatantly offended, "What!" El goes quite before she bursts out laughing, Max then joins in while TJ sits there admiring the new blossoming friendship.

The laughing stops when they hear a car engine pull up, within seconds Hopper burst through El's bedroom door, "Hey! When I say three inches, three..." Hopper looks at the three very confused before Max says, "Do you knock? Jeez!"
El also with a newfound attitude says "Yeah! Jeez!"
Hopper apologies to the two girls and frowns at TJ, "Mikes not here. Don't worry."
Max tells the chief.
"Max wanted to have a sleepover. Is that okay?" El ask her parental figure.
Hopper then replies in a uncharacteristically soft voice "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your parents know about it?"
"Yup." Max replies.
"Uh, yeah it's cool. That's-- That's really cool." Hopper says before turning to TJ,
"I don't mind you being here but no sleeping okay?" TJ nods at the man who is obviously drunk who is still stood there.
"Did you need something?" Max asks.
"No, no. Uh, I'll leave. I'll just let you... I'll leave you..."

The three are now sat on El's bed with a board full off different names of people they can spy on.
El spins the bottle and it lands on TJ's dad.
"Nope absolutely not. We're not doing my dad he's probably asleep." TJ picks the bottle up.
Max takes the bottle of TJ and puts it back onto the board.
"You're so dramatic. Here El spin again." Max tells the girl.
"Against the rules?" El innocently asks the girl.
"We make our own rules." Max says with a shrug and a smirk.
"Chaos. You are creating utter chaos." TJ says pointing at the girl laughing.

The bottles is spun again and both girls say "Billy!" Max stands up to grab the radio and blindfold, pre warning El about what she might see Billy doing.
"Sounds like you've been traumatised Mayfield." TJ says to her and she shudders before giving El one last warning. As El enters the void TJ find himself looking at Max.
"What?" She mouths at him.
"I like the sunglasses. They new?" TJ mouths back. She nods before handing them to him and he puts them on and poses, Max tries not to laugh at the boy before he puts them on the top of his head.
"Looking good Wheeler." She mouths again.
"You always look..." he's in the middle of mouthing back, but El interrupts him panicked by something she's just seen in the void.

TJ wakes up to the sound of his alarm clock, he left Hoppers cabin late last night after reassuring El everything will be okay. He quickly gets dressed heading over to Max's where he promised to meet the girls, he's cycling down her street when he sees the two and slows down next to them.
"Hola amigos! Beautiful days is it not?" TJ says gesturing to the sky which is full of grey clouds.
"You two are happy this morning." TJ turns to the girls. El ignores him as he mocks offence and she says "But the screams?"
"Yeah I know, but here's the thing. When Billy is alone with a girl. They make like really crazy noises." Max tries to tell the girl earnestly, but TJ barks out a laugh.
"They scream?" El innocently asks.
Max glances at TJ daring him to laugh again and then turns to El, "Yeah, but, like... happy screams."
"Happy screams? What is happy screams?" El once again innocently asks.
"Oh this is absolutely brilliant! Yes Max what is happy screams?" TJ turns to the girl with a grin on his face.
"No. Stop now!" She tells the boy before turning back to El, "It's like... I'm just gonna lend you my mums cosmo."
El nods looking away worried, TJ leans over to the redhead and whispers "So Mayfield tell me more about these happy screams?" She hits the boy before walking forward.

The three are now stood in a room TJ thought he never would be in, Billy Hargroves.
TJ looks around not shocked at the amount of pictures of half naked women there is.
"Stop staring TJ!" Max scolds the boy.
"Sorry, sorry. I just there everywhere. I don't know where to look." TJ says, looking down.
Max opens a draw to find multiple magazines full of again, half naked women, "Gag me with a spoon."
TJ laughs at the her reaction, then notices El followed by Max is now in the bathroom. TJ sees what the girls are looking at, ice in a bath.
"He probably used it for after he works out. Pretty common for us athletic guys." TJ confirms. Max then turns and looks at him and says, "Keep dreaming TJ. Keep dreaming."
TJ scoffs , "I'll have you know Mayfield. I was the only freshman on both the soccer and basketball team last year."
They stop their bickering when they see El holding a lifeguards bag and a bloody whistle, but it's what's in the other hand that attracts TJ attention... Riley's house keys.

They arrive at the community pool and TJ looks round for Riley knowing he should be here today, but has no luck with finding him.
He goes back to find Max and El who are talking to the two staff members.
"You girls want a reward or somethin'?" He hears the male staff member, being an ass to Max and El.
"Hey man! You having bad day or something? Or are you usually just that much of a dick to people in general?" TJ says, stunning the two girls as he walks over.
"We're just good samaritans... TJ stop." Max tells the lifeguard before looking at TJ.
"Oh he's feisty and hot. I suggest you keep hold of him." The female lifeguard tells Max, causing the redhead to roll her eyes and drag TJ over to El whose looking at a picture of Riley and Heather. "Do you think you can find them?" Max asks, as El rips the picture of the notice board.
They head into the showers and El goes into the void. Moments past and she comes out panting as Max holds onto her.

Max and El head over to Heathers, while TJ goes on the hunt for Riley promising to meet back at Max's later.
TJ arrives at the Holland's and knocks, no answer. He knocks again and the door flies open.
"TJ, son how are you?" Mr Holland says.
"Mr Holland, Hi I was just wondering if Riley was home?" TJ asks the man.
"No he didn't come home last night, but then he rang this morning and said he had quite the bad fever so was going to stay at Cassie's for a bit longer."
"No worries Sir. Thank you! I'm going to head home with this weather need to change out of these wet clothes."
TJ gives the older man a wave before getting on his bike and heading to Max's.
"Shit." TJ yells, as he rides away having a gut feeling somethings not right.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now