The Monster

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"Nancy, Nance where the Fuck are you!!" TJ desperately screams.
A little further ahead TJ hears the panic shouts of Johnathan "TJ over here quickly!"
TJ sprints to the sound of Johnathan's voice and once he gets there he sees his sister crawling through a hole in a tree, Johnathan is pulling her, while TJ scurries over and grabs her other hand both using all their might to pull her through.
"Nancy we're nearly there we've got you... okay I promise!" Johnathan says.
Eventually they pull her out and Nancy collapses into them both as they all watch the hole seal itself. "Shit!" is the only sound heard coming from TJ's mouth.

TJ and Nancy head through the front door while Johnathan climbs up to her window. TJ for once keeps his mouth shut at the sight of this knowing full well his sister needs comfort right now. Nancy heads straight upstairs while TJ goes to the fridge his dad is sat in his lounge chair staring at his son who is the sight of what only can be described as hell. He has a black eye and dried blood under his nose his soccer kits ripped and he has cuts all over him, Ted goes to open his mouth but dismissed the boy with a wave of his hand saying " I don't even want to know".

Tj heads down to the basement to clean himself up before his mum sees him, he gets half way down when he sees a distraught Mike ripping the blanket fort apart. He sprints down and grabs Mike holding him why he cries out "It's all my fault she's gone!"
"Hey...hey I don't know what's happened but this, this isn't going to bring her back. Now come on sit down tell me what's happened?"
TJ convinces his brother to come over to the sofa.
Mike looks at the state of his brother before laughing and saying "You look like shit!"
TJ runs a hand through his hair and looks his brother in the eye "I wish the fight from earlier was the biggest stress I've had today but as you can tell... it's not."
Mike smiles fondly remembering how his brother stuck up for him earlier. The stay down in the basement that night trading the stories of their day but ultimately finding comfort in each other.

"THEODORE WHEELER! Wake up NOW! You have some serious explaining to do!" Were the words that TJ woke up to from his mother.
He made his way up stairs with a frustrated groan knowing full well how this was going to go. TJ sits at the head of the table with his mum and dad either side of him looking at him with disappointment "You've been suspended boy, do you have anything to say for yourself?"
"I do in fact... it's utter bullshit I stuck up for Mike".
TJ could feel the anger boiling inside. "Look I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm a disappointment to you both but I didn't do anything wrong James tackled me first it was self-defence!"
TJ tried to reason with his parents but neither we're having it "Just go to your room I've never been so disappointed in you Theodore".
TJ would be lying if he said those words that escaped his mothers lips didn't sting, he stands up before looking his Mum in her eyes and saying "You know what mum, dad always told me to stick up for myself and for my siblings, I'm the eldest boy I have to be the 'man'... so that's what I did and this is what I get for doing it?" With those parting words TJ flew up the stairs without a second glance at either parent, who he didn't see but both held their heads lows.

Being grounded and suspended was the most bored TJ had ever felt, he couldn't even sneak down to see El as she was god knows where. Laying on his bed he heard a rock hit his window shooting up he saw Riley and Cassie
"Romeo oh Romeo where art though Romeo?" TJ fluttered his eye lashes while asking in an over dramatic high pitched voice.
"If you opened your eyes you'd see I'm down here you idiot" replied Riley.
"Always the romantic isn't he Cassie?" Strangely Cassie blushed at this comment leaving TJ to smirk.
"We wanted to come see how you were holding up. You went MIA on us yesterday" Cassie said. "I'm sorry I blew up yesterday I just needed time to cool off." TJ replied
"It's total bullshit that you've been suspended!" Ryan shouts.
While Cassie sees a Riley getting irritated she cuts over him and shouts,
"We've got you seen essentials to see you through the day buddy, we miss you and we love you!" "Thank you so much guys I love you too."
as TJ watches the pair leave he notices a repair truck sat across from his house.

TJ is sat in his room when he hears his mum shout his name. "Come here coach Tresscott is on the phone!"
TJ slowly makes his way down the stairs and looks at his mother who ushers him to pick the phone up.
"Coach hi it's TJ. I'm sorry that I let you down!"
" Son I spoke with the principle and argued your side... I don't know how it was you who was suspended and not James and Troy."
TJ stares at the phone for a second in pure disbelief  "Coach thank you... I'm lost for words."
"Well there's a first for everything! Let's just say your little friends are very persuasive when they want to be... see you next week TJ."
"Thanks again coach".
TJ let out a sigh of relief  that he didn't know he was holding while hanging up the phone.
He goes to make his way upstairs but his mother grabs his hand "I'm so so sorry Teddy can you forgive me ? I, I should've listened but I didn't and I'm sorry". 
TJ let's go of her hand and walks over to her giving her a hug, that they both didn't know they needed before she whispered "let's go get some ice cream my treat".
TJ, Karen and Holly leave the house with one last glance at the repair van TJ hesitantly gets into the car.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now