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January blues, a result of cold weather and dark days, but if this was really a thing TJ didn't believe it existed in his world. Everything was going perfectly at the minute. Max and TJ had hit a rough patch but we're back on track, not even the gloomy weather could bring his mood down.

The Christmas break was over and TJ is unfortunately back at school, walking down the corridor in the first day back, he hears his name called.
"TJ here now!" Coach Tresscott yells.
TJ groans and turns around walking into the coaches office.
"Take a seat boy." The coach points at the chair, sighing then continuing, "I have a couple of things to discuss. Number 1, you owe Ms Kelley an apology... no arguments, the tone you spoke to her in was not okay. Number 2, once you've done that you're back on the team."
"Wait... what?!" TJ exclaims.
"Training tomorrow night and a game on Friday, I expect to see you there!" The coach stands up opening the door, patting the boys shoulder as he leaves.

TJ heads straight over to Ms Kelley's office, as he goes to enter he's shocked to see Max walk past him leaving the room. TJ goes to stop her but Ms Kelley shouts his name, "Theodore come in."
"Ms Kelley I erm, I wanted to apologise for the way I spoke to you that day before Christmas break. It was uncalled for and out of character and I'm really sorry!" TJ apologises.
Ms Kelley pauses , then leans forward in her chair, "You know Theodore... I think you are young man who has seen a lot and if you want to unload like that again, this is a safe space to do so. I appreciate your apology and my doors always open."
TJ nods and gives the woman a small smile before leaving, heading off to find Max.

It isn't until the end of the day that TJ finds his girlfriend, she's leaning against his locker waiting for him. He's relieved to see that she's not avoiding him after he saw her coming out of Ms Kelleys office. He walks over to her with a smile on his face, she looks up at him returning it,
"Hey, I've heard a rumour that the soccer team has their captain back." Max teases.
"No way, Max Mayfield listens to gossip!" TJ pretends to be shocked.
"Only when it comes to you Wheeler." Max retorts. TJ laughs and then leans in placing his lips on Max's. When they part he holds her for a second, "I was meant to ask. Are you having meetings with Ms Kelley as well?"
Max freezes hoping that the boy had forgotten about that, as she goes to reply, the two break apart hearing TJ's coaches voice,
"Wheeler! you're back on the team, now quit making out with your girlfriend and get your ass over here, you've got laps to run!"

Friday night had arrived and TJ was nervous.
Max hadn't really spoken to him after he asked her about seeing Ms Kelley, he didn't really see why she wouldn't admit it as he was was also seeing the school counsellor. As the teams were warming up before the game started, he saw the redhead sat in the bleachers and she gave him a shy wave, TJ returning a wave with a wide grin.
He noticed that his girlfriend was wearing just a jacket on this cold night, so he quickly went over to his bag and ran his hoodie up to her.
She gracefully took it and gave him a kiss to the cheek, whispering a "Good luck!"
The nerves soon disappeared as he ran back down, gathering the team in a huddle.

At the end of the first half the team were drawing 1-1. Coach was currently trying to motivate the team, "You boys know you've got this! You just need to keep the pressure on and don't take your foot of the gas alright?"
"Yes coach!" The team shout in unison.
As the team run back onto the field, TJ is about to step on but is pulled back by Coach Tresscott, "Hey kid, I gave you that captains armband for a reason. Show me why you deserve it!" TJ nodded at his coach before jogging onto the pitch.
The game ended with a 4-2 win for Hawkins high with TJ scoring 2 goals, he was feeling on top of the world.

After leaving the changing room to go and see Max who was waiting for him in the parking lot, three girls approached him.
He had never seen these girls in his life but they were definitely juniors.
"Hi TJ!" One of them says battering her eyes lids at him.
"Oh... erm hi." TJ replies trying his best to be polite.
"Sooo, that was a great game. You were all macho and like totally hot." The second girl flirts with TJ , stroking his arm, causing him to flinch away.
"You know we're heading to a party and you should totally come with us?" The third girls asks, looking TJ up and down. He's never felt so uncomfortable in his life and just wants to go to Max and celebrate together.
"I actually have to go see my girlfriend, she just over..." TJ points to the spot where Max was prior to the conversation with the three girls.
"I don't see anyone, do you Stacey?" The second girls asks.
The girl now known as Stacey turns and looks at TJ, "No, so I think you're lying to us and now you should come to the part and well make it up to us."
TJ abruptly steps back feeling like prey, he walks around the girls and turns back, "I just want to go celebrate with my girlfriend and my family. Have a good night." TJ bolts up the hill to Nancys car, hoping Max is in the car, but when he gets there she's not.

It had been about a week off Max giving TJ the silent treatment and he was beginning to get frustrated, he made his way over to the family film store knowing that the one person who would give him good and honest advice would be there... Robin.
TJ walks in and Steve perks up seeing the younger boy, "TJ! My man, what are you doing here?"
"Oh well, actually I was looking for Robin." TJ looks down avoiding eye contact.
Steve eyes the boy suspiciously, "Robin...why?"
"I erm, I need some advice." TJ mutters.
"On what?" Steve questions.
TJ takes a deep breath knowing the older boys going to erupt, slowly whispering " Girlfriend troubles."
"WHAT!" Steve yells, before continuing, "You're going to let me get this straight Robin and not me for girl advice? Wow I am shocked." TJ runs a hand through his hair feeling awkward, but hears his saviours voice, "Well Stevie boy with your track record, are you surprised he came to me?" Robin states, while Steve scoffs.
After ten minutes worth of bickering Robin finally gives TJ some advice... confront the issue head on.

When the weekend arrives, TJ's shitting himself to say the least. He's currently outside of Max's trailer waiting for her to come outside so they can go for a walk. Finally, she heads out and they both walk in silence both following the trail they know like the back of their hand. Once they arrive it's too cold and wet to sit, so instead they stand staring out over the lake which looks just as beautiful as it does in summer. TJ stares at the girl as she stares straight ahead, he watches as she takes a deep breath.
"Max? Talk to me please?" TJ pleads, sounding more desperate then he was meant to.
"Why? What can you do to help me TJ." She replies.
"Max you're my girlfriend you can talk to me?" TJ looks at her as she's avoiding his eyes. Suddenly she turns around marching towards her boyfriend, "Talk to you? How can I talk to you when you're too busy chatting to other girls, in front of my face?"
TJ quickly replies, " Wait...what? Max if you stuck around a bit longer, you would know I told them to leave me alone so I could celebrate with my girlfriend and family."

After what feels like an eternity, Max turns and looks at him. TJ all of a sudden is reminded of the girl he met 2 years ago, when she was guarded with walls built ridiculously high.
" I don't think I can do this anymore TJ." Max whispers out.
" Fuck... wait what!" TJ spits out in complete panic, continuing desperately, "No, please Max I... the girls I swear to you I told them no. I promise!" TJ can feel his eyes begin to water. Max looks away for a few minutes staring out at the lake, eventually turning back to TJ tears rolling down her face. She walks closer to the boy, "TJ it's not the girls... it's me. I'm not okay and I can't keep doing this to you it's not fair!"
"Max I don't care... I don't fucking care alright, I just want you!" TJ begs. The redhead shakes her head no, TJ looks up at her and seeing the look on her face, he knows she won't change her mind. He closes the gap and rest his hand on her cheek brushing some of the tears away, "I'll wait for you Max!" She gives him a sad smile and presses her forehead against his, TJ reciprocating.
No words are said and with one last passionate parting kiss, TJ is stood there alone standing out looking at the lake.

After Max broke up with him, TJ except for soccer did not care about anything. He completely threw himself into the sport because it was the only thing that kept his mind of Max for more then a minute.
The team were playing against their rivals and tensions were already high. The bleachers were full but TJ was only looking and hoping for one person to be in the crowd. As the game went on TJ was on fire, he had scored and assisted 3. Hawkins high were winning 5-4. The game was close and in the last 5 minutes TJ was through on goal when one of their players took him out with a two footed slide tackle. TJ went down as the player grabbed his shirt trying to pick him up. That's when TJ saw red.
"What the fuck are you doing, huh?" TJ darts up grabbing the boys collar. The opposition player then tackles TJ to the floor, with multiple punches are being thrown. TJ turns them around getting a few good hits in himself. As the two players are fighting TJ can hear the commotion of players trying to separate them. It's not until he feels his coach grabbing him away, that TJ can feel blood trickling down his face and his eye bruising.

If you'd have asked TJ at the start of the month if January blues existed he'd have said no, now it would be a complete different answer. Now noticing the cold drawn out days and how the sun had still not risen when he awoke, it made TJ realise the January blues were real, as the month came to an end.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now