Suzie, Do You Copy?

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It was the summer of 1985...
TJ felt like he'd hit the jackpot with Mike never being at home anymore. He took full of advantage of the now, almost always vacant basement and decided to start a band.
The band was made up of Riley on the bass and two juniors at school he stumbled across, Lori on drums and Axel on vocals with a cigarette tucked snugly behind his ear.
"You got me running going out of my mind
You got me thinking that I'm wastin my time
Don't bring me down
No, no, no, no, no ooh-ooh-hoo."
They were amazing, so they thought...
"TJ! Will you shut that racket up!"
He hears his Dad shout from the top of the basement slamming the door as he leaves.
TJ let's out a frustrated groan, giving the others an apologetic smile seeing that they've stopped playing, as a result of his Dad rudely interrupting them playing Don't Bring Me Down.

"Right let's ignore the misery upstairs and carry on." TJ says to the group, looking down about to start again.
"No can do man! I've gotta shoot...shift at the pool." Riley pats TJ shoulder and heads out.
Over the summer Riley became a lifeguard at the local pool, which TJ avoided as much as he could knowing Billy Hargrove worked there.
This meant that TJ has only really been able to see Riley at these sessions or when he has to third wheel him and Cassie. He turns to the other two who are also their stuff away, "Guys where you going? We can still play?"
"No can do man. Gotta head to the star court meeting some people later." Axel tells the younger boy.
"There still a rager at Benny's Axe?" Lori asks him, Axel nods and points at her.
"Expecting you there Lori? What about you TJ, fancy a party?"
TJ thinks for a moment having not been to a party since the Halloween one last year then replies, "I've got plans tonight actually man... but thanks. I'm game for star court for a bit if you two are?"

TJ finds himself in Scoops Ahoy with Lori and Axel, there sat in a booth eating ice creams. Knowing this is Steve's place of work he's excited to see the infamous Harrington, but is yet to, as a girl with the name tag Robin has been serving.
"You know I think with more practice, we could definitely do one of those competitions." Lori says to the other two.
"Yeah I think so too." Axel agrees, before adding, "I gotta go to the toilet guys. Be back in two."
TJ and Lori carry on talking and eating their ice creams, stealing a bit from Axels every now and then giggling as they do. Tori is saying something to TJ but he loses focuses when he sees a flash of red hair enter the ice cream store followed by his brother, Will and Lucas. Though he doesn't really pay them much attention, his eyes staying trained on Max which does not go unnoticed by Lori.

TJ is bought out of his daze by the sound of a bell being hit repeatedly by his brother.
The girl named Robin shouts towards the staff door, "Hey Dingus! Your children are here again!"
The door flies open and out comes Steve making TJ smile once he hears the older boys voice, "Again really!" Steve goes to continue but notices the older Wheeler brother sat with a pretty girl,
"TJ! Oh man where you been? I've missed you... how long have you've been sat there for? I didn't know you had a girlfriend ?" TJ's brain tries to catch up with the amount of questions that have just been fired at him, but one definitely caught his attention. The group turns not realising they'd walked straight pass TJ, looking at the boy who is sat in a booth panicking as it definitely looks like he's on a date.

"Oh no! This isn't a..." TJ tries explaining that Lori is his friend, but someone interrupts him mid sentence.
"Steve are you going to let us through. We've got a movie to watch. We don't wanna stand here listening to you and TJ talking dates...
or not dates." Steve looks at Max, shocked at her outburst,
"Fine! but I swear if anyone hears about this..."
"We're dead!" The group repeat back as if it was the 100th time they'd heard this.
Just as there about to walk through, TJ has a dose of courage, "Hey Max!" She turns, letting out a huff, "What TJ? Aren't you busy?"
"Green." The boys says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, watching as the girls face contorts into one of confusion.
"What are you taking about TJ?" She asks.
"Green. You said it doesn't suit me... but it definitely suits you."
TJ replies, watching as she arches her eyebrows challengingly at him, he smugly smiles back at her as he watches her face disappear behind the door.
"Hey! What did I miss?" Axels asks sitting back at the table.
"A lot!" Lori says, causing TJ to look at her confused now.
All of a sudden the lights go out,
"What the fuck!" TJ says looking around to see Steve flicking the light switch up and down, as if that will help. Within minutes the powers back, TJ looks at Steve questioningly who just shrugs his shoulders at him.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora