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One Month Later

TJ is stood with his crutches at Barbara Holland's funeral, he finally understands what his sister meant when she said Riley will find out the truth. Even if it's not the whole truth it is some sort of closure.

At the end of the funeral TJ sits on a bench, he feels someone sit at the opposite side.
He turns to see a smiling Riley looking at him,
"So you got your ass kicked by me and Billy Hargrove? Rough year ay Teddy?"
TJ laughs, offering his hand for the boy to take.
"Friends?" TJ asks, nervously anticipating the answer.
"Nah... we're brothers." Riley replies pulling the boy into a hug.
TJ breaks down in his best friends arms, "I'm so sorry Riley. I really am."
"If you keep saying sorry I'll have to beat your ass again TJ." Riley says making the boy laugh again. Cassie heads over seeing that her two favourite boys have made up,
"Oh thank god! I've never been so grateful for anything in my life!" As she joins the hug.

TJ has a sense of Deja vu watching as his mum is taking Mikes picture again as he's in his suit for the snowball, "You look so handsome!"
"Right come on Mum! Mikes had enough pictures taken for a lifetime. We need to go! I'm meeting Steve at the school." TJ attempts to save his brother once again.
His mum turns around and snaps a picture of him waiting impatiently.

They arrive at the school and TJ sees that Steve's not here yet

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They arrive at the school and TJ sees that Steve's not here yet. He heads in and is stood with his sister, when he sees Coach Tresscott,
"Looking good Tresscott! Moustache is looking as perfect as ever!" TJ shouts at his old coach.
"If you wasn't on crutches right now. I'd be throwing you out by your ear Wheeler!" The coach retorts.
"Love and miss you too coach!" TJ yells over the music, while the coach rolls his eyes walking away with a small smile.
Nancy looks at her brother and smiles at his antics.
"You know you've gotta stop growing. Also I find it strange you're now like best friends with my ex boyfriend." Nancy says to her brother.
"Whoa, whoa don't let Dustin hear you say that. Anyways I better go see if bestie Harrington is here yet." TJ bids his sister goodbye and heads for the door.

As he leaves the door a familiar redhead is walking up the steps about to go inside.
"TJ! Hi." Max says getting the boys attention. The two haven't really spoke since their moment or whatever you want to call it in the tunnel.
"Max! Wow you look really nice. I mean you always look nice, even when you're covered in dirt. Right I'm going to stop now." TJ says feeling the girl staring at him.
TJ sees Steve's car pull up and points at it,
"Right well that's my ride so... I better skaddadle. But have a good night. Okay."
TJ goes to leave but feels a hand on his shoulder, he turns around as Max leans down and kisses his cheek, she then casually walks inside leaving the boy dumbfounded on the steps outside the school. TJ touches the spot, he's in complete shock that Max Mayfield has just done that.

"Wheeler!" Dustin calls out.
"Henderson I love it! Looking good man. But remember to keep that." TJ says prodding Dustin's chest where his heart is. They fist bump and TJ hobbles over to Steve's car.
"We gonna talk about?" Steve asks the younger boy.
"Fuck off Harrington! No we are not. And stop staring at my sister man." TJ retorts knowing full well what Steves just witnessed.
"Electricity! I told you." Steve smirks at the boy.
"I may be on crutches but I'll still be able to kick your ass!" TJ says as the two drive off still bickering, with It's my life by the Talk Talk playing from the radio.

With everyone trying to get on with their lives, more than happy with thinking that the upside down is no longer a threat.
However, they're naive to think that this is the truth, not realising that they've angered the beast inside, or is it outside...

The journeys only just beginning!

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now