The Gate

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Everyone watches on as the two embrace.
"Is that..." TJ, Lucas and Dustin nod yes watching on in shock. TJ feels so relieved that Mike has El back, watching as the two interact.
"I never gave up on you. I called you every night! Every night for..."
"353 days. I heard..." El replies.
"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike asks the girl, confusion spreading across his face.
Hopper steps forward, shocking everyone with what he says next, "Because I wouldn't let her." TJ watches as Mikes face becomes redder and redder, watching Hopper and El hug.
"You've been hiding her! You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike shouts at the man.
"Hey! Let's talk. Alone!" The group watch as the two walk off into room. TJ knows it's not going to be a pleasant conversation and when he hears the angry sobs of his brother, he knows he was right.

TJ stands still unmoved since the return of El, totally forgetting his pinky is locked with Max's, watching as Dustin and Lucas hug Eleven.
"We missed you so much!"
"I missed you guys too! And you Teddy!" She says looking at the boy, he shoots forward and embraces the girl, his voice cracking, "El. I can't believe you're here. Mike he was a mess but he never stopped believing not once."
She looks at him with a smile and says, "Taller." He laughs before she turns to Dustin putting a hand to his mouth, "Teeth?"
"What?" He replies.
"You have teeth?" She says again.
"Oh you like these pearls...grrrr." Dustin says laughing. TJ looks at the boy utterly bewildered that he's just done that, "What was that?"
But before Dustin can reply, Max comes forward and introducing herself to El.
What happens next shocks TJ, as El looks at Max's outstretched hand and walks straight past it and embraces Joyce.
"What the fuck! That was uncalled for!"
TJ says quietly, feeling protective over the redhead. He spins around, seeing the sad look on her face, "Hey don't worry! She'll warm to you! I did." He says with a wink. Max playful hits his arm and huffs out, "It was definitely the other way round."

The group find themselves at the table discussing the gate and whether or not El can close it. Though they have Steve as a babysitter, it's clear to say Hopper will definitely never be offering his services after tonight, especially after Dustin mentioning the word Demodogs again.
"I can do it." El says.
"You're not hearing me." Hopper says to the girl.
El replies back defiantly and determinedly
"I'm hearing you. I can do it."
TJ looks at his brother who interrupts the argument between El and Hopper.
"Even if El can, we have another problem."
"Which is what?" TJ asks his brother.
"If the brain dies, the body dies."
"I thought that was the whole point?" Max asks, TJ adds on, "Yeah. Isn't that how we defeat this thing? How we strike back?"
Nancy looks at her brother and sighs, "TJ. Stop with the Star Wars references... please?"
He looks down before Joyce leaves the room, with the group following her into Wills room.
"He likes it cold!" Joyce states.

It's decided Joyce, Johnathan and now Nancy are taking Will to burn this shit out of him. Eleven and Hopper are going to close the gate, while Steve sits and babysits the remaining teens. TJ watches as Nancy goes to get into Jonathan's car.
"Nance!" He calls out.
She turns as he brother runs towards her and gives her a bone crushing hug,
"Be safe. Okay." He tells her.
She looks up at him ruffling his hair, "Stop growing little brother. We've gotta go but I love you okay."
"I love you too... short stack." He smirks seeing the look on her face, she punches him on the arm as she gets into the car.
TJ walks back towards the others, joining them on the steps outside the Bylers house, watching as the two cars drive away. He looks at Mike who has tears in his eyes and TJ throws his arm around his shoulder pulling him into a side hug.
"She'll be okay Mike. She's done it once... she can do it again." TJ tells his brother with words of comfort.

Back inside the Byers house the group are trying their best to clean up the mess. TJ watches as Steve is emptying the Byers fridge out, making room for the demodog that Dustin wants to keep.
"Dustin what is it with you and these creatures man? I'm getting worried!" TJ shouts to the boy, watching as Steve eventually squeezes it in the fridge.
"It's a demodog! And as I've already told Steve it's a groundbreaking scientific discovery TJ." Dustin replies.
"Yeah well you're explaining this to Mrs Byers." Steve tells the younger boy.

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