The Body

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The morning after last night, Mike and TJ are sat with El in their basement who is fiddling with Mikes supercom.
TJ takes a big breath as he feels his brother begin to explode "How could you do this to us... to me.. you, you made me believe he was alive!"
TJ tries to calm his brother down but stops when he hears the song 'Should I stay or should I go now' being sung by none other then Will Byers. Confusion in their eyes Mike heads upstairs and convinces his mum to let him stay at home so he can find out more answers.
TJ stands behind him giving their mum his best puppy eyed look, she looks at TJ and says "Don't even try it! school in 10 mister."
TJ huffs but doesn't forget to give Holly a quick kiss to the head and whispers in passing to Mike to stay safe as he leaves.

TJ is in the locker room getting ready for soccer practice when Riley bursts through the door "Hey man, erm since when did you have a cousin? and since when did she come to this school?"
TJ looks at Riley with a confused expression and Riley gestures for him to follow.
As they head into Mikes grades memorial service for Will he sees Mike shove Troy to the ground, TJ rushes over as Troy gets back up and makes his way for Mike. However, TJ is stopped by James who slams him to the floor and punches TJ a number of times as TJ feels blood trickle from his nose, TJ quickly gets the upper hand and flips them around and begins punching James. He shoots up when he hears an audible gasp from around him to see Troy frozen in place and wetting himself, he looks to El whose nose is bleeding and encourages her to stop with a look.
The headteacher bursts through the crowd that had gathered
"Theodore Wheeler I'll make this quick you're off the team!"
"What!!" Shouts Dustin and Lucas "that's bullshit" Mike adds on.
Cassie and Riley make their way over to TJ who gives them a sad smile with blood trickling down his face, "It's okay guys I'll get over it I just need some space... I'm going to go and clear my head".

TJ is stood outside near the bike rack with ice to his eye and tissue shoved up his nose, he's kicking rocks and decides he's not wasting a second more in this dump. He gets on his bike and heads home.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now