Vecnas Curse

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TJ wakes up with a surprise, feeling the body in his arms bolt upright panting and gasping for air.
"Hey, woah! You're okay! I've got you!" TJ tells his ex girlfriend trying to comfort her the best he can.

Flashback To Last Night

After Max asked TJ if he was coming in, he of course followed. En route to her bedroom, TJ noticed Max's mum passed out on the sofa. He stopped and looked at her for a second, seeing the bottles of alcohol lined up outside now made sense. Max grabbed his hand pulling him away from the sight of her mother and into her bedroom, slamming the door shut.
"Sorry... I didn't mean to..." TJ begins.
"It's fine, I don't care. My mum drinks her self into blackouts to forget everything, I wish I could do that too." Max interrupts.
TJ sighs running his hand through his hair, as Max fiddles with her boom box putting a cassette in it then pressing  play. TJ recognises it instantly, it's the one he got her for Christmas.

"Glad to know my present was loved." TJ smirks, causing Max to turn towards him, "This album is a masterpiece." She tells him as he nods in agreement, "I'll let you into a secret Mayfield. Vinny at the old record store has never sold me a bad album. Every single one he's recommended, has been the best thing since sliced bread."
Max involuntarily lets out a laugh, covering her face with the pillow as she lays down on her bed. TJ walks over and sits down next to her trying to prise the pillow away from her face, "Come on California. Don't be embarrassed for laughing, it's cute." Max peers out from behind the pillow, "Cute?" She questions, looking at TJ. He feels himself becoming flustered, "I mean yeah it's cute when you laugh. It's like music to my ears!"TJ stutters out. "Ew TJ that was too much!" Max utters in disgust.
TJ laughs," I know it was I wanted to see your reaction, cause I know you love it when I'm corny." The pair are silent for a second, when Max hits him in the face with the pillow.
"Oh that's it Mayfield!" TJ exclaims, the pair beginning to play fight.

Eventually, TJ taps out and collapses on the bed next to Max who stares at the side of the boys face.
"Stop staring at me stalker." TJ softly murmurs out. After moments of silence, Max reaches out touching the side of TJ face, stroking it gently,
"I'm sorry I pushed you away." Max whispers to the boy. TJ turns on his side now facing the girl, running up that hill softly playing in the background. The two for once look into each other eyes, as if seeing each other for the first time again. TJ reaches out and cups Max's cheek, as she closes her eyes relishing in the touch she's longed for since they ended. As he runs his thumb over her  features, he hears the girl speak,
"Your hands are rougher than the use to be."
TJ lets out a soft chuckle and replies, "Baseball and guitar will do that for you."
She reopens her eyes and takes in the boys face, he looks older more mature than before. Absentmindedly the exes rest their foreheads against each other, neither daring to make the first move but both visibly struggling to refrain from doing so.

The two abruptly break apart when then lights begin flickering, both looking at each other with furrowed eyebrows. In an instant the pair leap up after hearing a scream from the near distance.
Max goes over to the window as TJ stands behind her holding the curtain back, both watching as Eddie Munson scurries into his van and drives away like maniac. They share a look before heading back over to Max's bed, talking and listening to music, and in time drifting into a sleep.

Back to present day

Max leaves the bed as TJ follows her into the kitchen, watching as she grabs some Tylenol and drinks water out of her hands to wash it down.
"Why didn't you tell me you've been getting nightmares? The abrupt wake up call seemed similar to the ones I would get." TJ asks, Max continues looking out the window.
"Because it's none of your business." Max responds.
"Wow! Okay... so we're doing this again, are we Mayfield?" TJ scoffs out in disbelief.
"Doing what?" Max turns to face him, TJ looks at her as if it's the most obvious thing.
"This, you pushing me away. You helped me when I had my nightmares." TJ tells her walking closer towards her, Max looks up at him while playing with the sleeves of her jumper. TJ reaches out now playing with the bottom of the sweatshirt, looking into the girls eyes, watching as colour flushes to her cheeks, "I did wonder why you never gave me this sweatshirt back. I remember giving it to you at my soccer game. Obviously it's being put to good use."
If you were in the room with the two you'd be able to cut the tension with a knife. Out of nowhere sirens are heard in the distance gradually getting closer. The duo head towards the door of the trailer, watching as four police cars pull up outside of the Munson's trailer.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now