The Polywog

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"Oh shit! I think I'm dying!"
Are the words that leave TJ's mouth as he tries to open his eyes.
"You're going to be dead, when mum and dad know you're awake." TJ hears the voice of his brother.
He lets out a frustrated groan, knowing the telling off he's going to get will not be pretty.
"How did I even get home? Last thing I remembered was dancing and now here I am, now number 1 may I add on mum and dads hit list." TJ turns to his brother.
"Well believe it or not Steve dropped you off and helped you upstairs. You were a mess, may I add!" Mike smugly informs his brother.
"STEVE!" TJ regrets shouting the name the moment it leaves his mouth, "Ahhhh! My head it's pounding."

TJ eventually rolls out of bed and heads downstairs to the kitchen very, very sheepishly. He grabs himself a glass of water and sits down and patiently waits for the lecture, but it doesn't come instead a plate of bacon is placed in front of him with a warm smile from his mum.
TJ is more than confused, as he picks up his fork to take a bite out of his food, his mum explodes
"You're 14! 14 for goodness sakes... and you're coming home smelling like a brewery. I just can't believe it!"
TJ drops his fork, "I knew it. I knew you were leading me into a false sense of security."
"Hey watch your tone with your mother boy." Ted Wheeler sternly tells TJ.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay. I just, I didn't mean to get drunk and I'll take whatever punishment you give me... I just wanted to feel like a teenager for once and forget last year. At least just for one night." TJ says earnestly.
His mum ponders for a second, while his dad stares at him thinking of what to say.
"Get to school TJ. We will think about a fair punishment while you're gone." His mum says while softly smiling at him.

TJ is yet to see Cassie or Riley at school and for the first time in a while, he can't actually wait to talk to them about the party and the parts he missed due to being very drunk.
The sound of a voice takes TJ out his thoughts and back into reality.
"King Steve they use to call you, huh?" Billy Hargrove is currently taunting Steve Harrington during basketball practice, "Then you turned into a little bitch!"
TJ rolls his eyes before saying "Guess it takes a little bitch to know one."
"I suggest you shut your mouth Wheeler. You're already in enough trouble with me for upsetting someone I have to call family!" Billy retorts.
TJ is confused by this statement and before he can open his mouth to reply, Steve cuts in "Hey, maybe you would just shut up and just play the game."
Billy takes the ball around Steve knocking him over and scoring a point, over exaggerating his celebration "whoooo! That's what I'm talking about." Before Steve has time to reply he is being beckoned over by Nancy and they leave out the side door of the gym.

The prolonged basketball practice is over and TJ is walking down the hall to his next class, suddenly he is tackled to the ground and before he can react he's being pummelled in the face. The attacker is soon pulled off TJ.
TJ quickly stands up defensively waiting for another attack, though as he looks up he is baffled to see the person being held back is Riley.
"Riley what the fuck man!" TJ shouts out in pain, feeling the blood dripping from his nose.
"Tell me the truth TJ! You know it! I know you do!" Riley roars out.
TJ is confused and is hoping this is one of his nightmares.
"Riley. I don't know what you're talking about." TJ tries to plead with his best friend as honestly as he can, but this seems to anger Riley more, "Don't play dumb. I know. I know you know something TJ!"
He rips out of the grip of the person who is holding him back, bounding forwards and lunges for TJ again.
TJ is stood in a state of shock, he has never seen his best friend get angry let alone throw a punch.
As he is taken to the ground he sees his sister pushing through the crowd with Johnathan behind her, praying that one of them would be able to save him.
"Fight back! Fight back you coward!" Riley screams at TJ.
"Riley! I'm not going to fight you!"
TJ tries to say while Riley's fist is connecting with his face.
He knows his face is a mess right now, but he will not hit Riley, he can't...he's caused him enough pain.
"STOP! Riley please stop!" TJ hears the voice of Cassie. Riley stops for a second before turning to her and saying "Cassie he told me. My own best friend told me that my sisters gone!"
The dots start to connect and TJ has never felt so awful in his life.
"Riley please! Stop we can talk, we can talk to you. Just stop please!" TJ hears Nancy cry out.
Riley doesn't listen and instead turns to throw another punch before he's stopped by Steve, "Hey man! What are you doing!" Steve grabs Riley off of TJ and pulls him away from the crowd.
Cassie runs over to help TJ up,
"Cass go. He needs you right now!" Cassie hesitantly nods.
"Shows over!" Nancy yells at the crowd.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Where stories live. Discover now