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It had been a few weeks since Max and TJ's relationship came to an end. TJ found himself staring at the red headed beauty whenever he saw her at school, she would avoid looking in his direction or so he thought. Little did TJ know that Max would often find herself gazing at the boy, hoping he wouldn't catch her staring. Although they didn't end on bad terms, they were both heartbroken and hurting.

TJ decided he wanted to give Basketball another shot. He needed a way to keep himself preoccupied all the time to stop him thinking of a certain redhead and a different way off releasing the anger that was trapped within.
When he arrives the new captain who had taken over from Steve since he had left, was front and centre smiling smugly at TJ who looks over at him confused.
"Ah Wheeler decided to finally join us?" The captain shouts over, as the whole team looks over at TJ. TJ feels very insecure as everyone's eyes are on him, he sees Lucas and TJ sighs in relief seeing a friendly face smiling over at him.
TJ makes his way over to the coach whose questioningly staring at the boy, "You're a few months late for try outs Wheeler!"
TJ takes a deep breath before looking at the coach, feeling everyone's eyes still on him,"Coach, I'm sorry I missed trials. I was going through some stuff but if you would have me I would be grateful."
The coach ponders for a second before looking at the boy, "This session is your try out Wheeler. Don't mess it up!"

TJ is on the court, playing on the opposite team to the captain. TJ is currently blocking the captain whose trying to get by him,
"Jason Carver, captain... I've heard about you Wheeler."
"Nice to meet you, but I need to impress the coach." TJ responds, successfully still blocking the blonde haired boy.
"Well I can't let that happen." Jason tells him, barging straight into TJ's stomach knocking him over and winding him.
As the session comes to the end TJ storms off not even bothering to speak to the coach, he's made the decision he doesn't want to be on a team with a prick like Jason Carver.

As TJ is waking down the hall he sees the group of basketball players stood round each other looking at something. Walking by them he hears the group stop laughing as Jason calls out to TJ, "Hey Wheeler no hard feelings yeah?"
TJ looks at him and scoffs going to walk off, but the basketball captain decides to carry on taunting him, "You know I don't think you'd have made it back onto the team anyways, nobody wants a sad, angry loser who uses his best friends death as an excuse for a try out."
TJ barks out a laugh, turning around and grabs Jasons lettermen jacket, pinning him up against the lockers.
"Mention my bestfriend again and it'll be the last thing you do!" TJ is furious, he's never felt anger like it.
Jason does something that makes TJ's blood boil even more, he smirks. TJ can't help it any longer and throws a punch at the older boy. As Jason goes to punch him back, TJ find himself being dragged away by Coach Tresscott.

"Sit now!" Coach Tresscott demands.
TJ hesitates before pulling out the chair glaring between the adults.
TJ was now sat in Ms Kelley's office with Coach Tresscott who had dragged TJ in here after his fight.
"Theodore. Coach Tresscott. How can I help?" The counsellor asks, sensing the tension.
"I think Tresscott has a crush and wanted an excuse to be in here." TJ says sarcasm lacing his tone.
"Boy! You better quit with this attitude, you are in enough trouble as it is!" The coach speaks out, putting his hand on his forehead continuing as he addresses Ms Kelley, "Look TJ is a good kid and is at risk of not just being thrown off the soccer team, but out of school!"
TJ's eyes widen, as he yells over the coach, "WHAT! But I can't... my mum, dad they'll kill me!"
"Maybe you should've thought about that before you got yourself into not one but two fights TJ." Tresscott sternly tells him.
"Okay so what role do I have to play in this?" Ms Kelley asks.
"I made a deal with the school governors, if TJ carries on his sessions with you till the end of February, he won't get suspended. Hopefully they don't get wind of what's just happened in the hall." Coach tells the woman in front of him.
"No-no way I did what you told me to do, I don't like this whole therapy shit, please coach." TJ begs.
"Hey! Watch your mouth! The coach warns before continuing, "Look TJ, I know you don't like it but this is the only way. My hands are tied. Every week you must visit Ms Kelley twice. Are we understood?"
TJ looks away annoyed, the coach gains his attention again speaking more firmly this time, "I said are we understood?" TJ nods before getting up and leaving the room in a huff.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant