Dear Billy

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TJ woke up with a start, cold sweat trickling down his forehead. It had been an awhile since he'd had a nightmare about the events of last summer. Riley's vein covered face strangling the life out of TJ plagued his mind, as he shakes his head trying to get the image away.

TJ knew he was meant to go back to his house, but he completely loss track of time relishing in being a teen again, hanging out with his friends without all the seriousness of the world going on. He rolled off the couch he'd crashed on, minding his steps as Sammy and Axel were on the floor fast asleep. He scribbled out a note letting the elder teens know he'd gone home, opening the front door into the sunny morning.

TJ's walking a long the sidewalk humming a melody to a song that he was yet to write, he couldn't wait to get home and write some lyrics out and play the tune he's created on his guitar. He was in his own little world, eagerness running through him. The peacefulness of his little bubble is soon ruined when he hears car tyres screeching next to him and car doors flying open. Within seconds TJ can feel the rough surface of the tree he's being pinned up against, "TJ Wheeler, aren't I glad to see you? Thought you'd be hanging round that blonde headed slut that I have to call my sister!" TJ hears the voice of Jason Carver goading him.
"Evidently your dad didn't teach you manners unlike your sister, good morning to you too!" TJ replies knowing he's winding the older boy up. The grip on TJ tightens, "Is this what you're into Carver? You and your goonies pinning people up against trees, I mean... who am I to judge?" TJ snarks back, trying to contain his anger due to the way Jason has spoken about Cassie.

He sees the grimace on Jason's face, but can tell the blonde haired boy is trying to hide any trace of anger, not wanting to give TJ the satisfaction of knowing he's got under his skin.
"Listen here you little shit, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson, you have one chance to tell me where they are?" Jason threatens TJ, Andy gripping the other side of the Wheeler boy and Patrick stood further back watching.
"And what if I don't?" TJ asks.
TJ quickly receives his answer, when he feels a knee collide into his stomach. He groans out in pain falling to the floor, Jason grabs his shirt trying to pull him back up, "Now! Tell me where they are!" Jason demands, TJ looks at the boy, directly in the eyes still bent over in agony and spits out, "Never!"
That's all it took for Jason to throw a punch that collided with TJ's face, one after the other until TJ was on the floor blood streaming from his nose, Andy is quick to join in on the beating as TJ tries to fight back.

Moments pass as he's being kicked and punched by the two boys, TJ didn't think it was gonna stop until he hears the voice of Patrick, "Jason, man, that's enough. He's had enough, stop!"
Jason and Andy lift TJ up his face is bruised and bloods gushing from his nose now, "I've been wanting to do that for the longest time. Since you took my place on the basketball team in your freshman year!" Jason laughs out.
TJ stares at the older boy, "You're a sadistic bastard, you know that right?" He spits out, blood leaving his mouth in the process. This causes Jason to grab a handful of TJ's shirt again, "Tell me where the fuck they are, or I swear to god."
"FINE! Fine I'll tell you! It's..."

TJ stumbled home every inch of his body in agony, but he knew Jason and his gang would be pursuing him soon, once they figure out the address he gave them was Hoppers old destroyed cabin in the middle of nowhere. He arrives home, slowly closing the front door and sneaking over to the basement door, trying to avoid any confrontation with his parents. He opens the door to the basement and hears hushed voices, as he reaches the last step the groups attention directs to TJ, a collective gasp drifting through the basement seeing his current state.

TJ knows he's a mess right now, "Stop staring at me, I'm fine!" He lies. Dustin is the first to break the silent daze that consumed the group staring at TJ's bloody face, "Where the fuck have you been? No call, no message, nothing and you come back looking like... well like this." Dustin lectures like a parent would, while gesturing to TJ's face.
"I'm sorry I didn't come back last night, I really am. I just got carried away and then on my way back here Jason and his cronies found me and wanted to know where you two were," TJ tells the group pointing at Lucas and Dustin, he adds, "Of course I didn't tell him but this was his response for not telling him." Dustin sighs before standing up and pacing, he thinks for a moment before speaking, "Look I'm sorry you took a beating for us I really am, but we've got bigger problems then Jason carver right now." Dustin tells TJ, "Dustin man!" Steve scolds the younger boy at his bluntness.

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