The Lost Sister

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As this episode is Eleven centred I thought I'd give a little background on Cassie.
Warning- mentions of abusive home life.

July 4th 1979

TJ always loved the 4th of July as a kid, seeing the fireworks in the sky and spending time with his friends and family down by lovers lake.
The Wheelers, Holland's, Sinclairs and Byers are the families amongst the crowd gathered down at the lake, the only noticeable absence is Cassie's family. TJ cannot remember a time of ever meeting her parents, he knew she had them and she also mentioned an older brother who was in Nancy's grade. TJ remembered Cassie telling TJ and Riley that her older brother lived with his Dad, after their mum separated from him to be with Cassie's father.

The kids are playing by the lake as the families watch them fondly,
"CASSIE! GET OVER HERE NOW!" TJ and Riley see the girl gulp, she puts her head down avoiding eye contact as a man calls her name.
TJ and Riley presume this is her Father and watch as the girl gets into a truck.
At that moment the boys decide that they have to follow them.

Riley and TJ pull up to a house in a secluded area, they watch as Cassie is being dragged into the house, she escape the man's grip and sprints away.
"HEY GIRL! You get back here!"
The man turns running down to his truck, slamming the door and starting the engine back up before speeding away.
Before either can think both boys are sprinting towards the house praying that no one's in.
They push the screen door open and see empty beer bottles scattered around the hall. They look around and notice that the house is not somewhere either would like to call home.
They hear the truck tires screech back outside the house and both boys sprint upstairs, looking for somewhere to hide.
"You're a good for nothing son of a bitch!" They hear the man shout.
"I'm sorry Daddy! You scared me!" They hear Cassie shout back.
"I'll give you something to be scared about you ungrateful little bitch! You're the reason your mum left you know that right!"
The man now confirmed as Cassie's Dad is screaming at the girl, "Get out of my sight. I can't stand to look at you."
The boys hear footsteps and pray that the place they're hiding isn't Cassie's room, but when the door swings open their fears are confirmed true.
"What the hell are you two doing here! He will kill you both!" The girls whisper shouts at them both.
Within seconds they hear her Father bounding up the stairs, Cassie quickly pushes the boys under her bed.
"No one Daddy, I swear!" Cassie lets out a sob.
"What have I told you about keeping these pictures out! Your Momma don't want you or your stupid brother!" As her father shouts this he throws some pictures on the floor.

 "What have I told you about keeping these pictures out! Your Momma don't want you or your stupid brother!" As her father shouts this he throws some pictures on the floor

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TJ examines the pictures knowing exactly who Cassie's older brother is. As her Father leaves the room the boys under the bed flinch as he slams the door. They give it a second and hurrying out from under the bed to comfort Cassie.

Cassie, TJ and Riley never spoke of that day per Cassie's request, she told them her Dad isn't always like that, it's pretty rare. TJ and Riley know that that's not the truth and when Cassie needs a place to stay she's always welcome at either of their places.
TJ did tell his mum about that day though and she sat him down, telling him the rumours surrounding Cassie's parents. Her mum was married to a man who wasn't kind to her, so she tried to leave him and met Cassie's dad soon she got pregnant with Cassie. This caused her husband to leave with their son. Cassie's mum moved in with Cassie's dad and he also began being unkind to her. She couldn't take it any longer, so one day she just left. Though the rumour is that she left Cassie and her son a note telling them they were siblings, the two would meet in private but the meetings stopped when both fathers found out.

"Can't we do something? Anything mum? He's a monster!" TJ pleads.
His mum strokes his face and looks him in the eyes, "We've tried TJ but nobody can find her mum. Whose signature we need to make something happen. She's always welcome here though, make sure she knows that!"

So because of that day TJ always vowed that
though Cassie may not be his blood she will always be his sister!

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