The Flea and the Acrobat

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After dropping his bike off at home unbeknownst to his parents, TJ decides he needs to run or do something to burn of this energy.
He's halfway down the street when a car pulls up with Johnathan Byers and his sister in it. "Teddy what are you doing... what's happened to your face?"
TJ looks at his sister and utters in disbelief "Why are you with him?"
Johnathan looks down embarrassed before Nancy replies "Look get in the car please ?"
Begrudgingly TJ sits in the back of the older Byers car while his sister tell him about a potential monster that has taken Barb.
"So you're telling me Barb and potentially will have been taken by this monster thing ?"
TJ questions with sarcasm laced within his voice.
"That's exactly what we're saying TJ" Johnathan replies, evidently losing his patience with the boy.
"Fucking hell I think James hit me harder then I thought."
"You had a fight with Troy and James again TJ... so you're off the team now?"
"Yup our lovely principal shouted it very clearly infront of our whole school and let it be known that bullying is all good at Hawkins middle school".
"And Hawkins high school," Johnathan chimes in .
Nancy ponders for a second before looking at her little brother and saying" I mean you did the right thing in hindsight TJ I'm proud of you".
TJ gives a little smile before laying down on the back seat, "So what's the poa? How do we fight this monster?" Using his fingers as air quotes at word monster.

After what seemed like forever, Nancy had rejoined Johnathan and TJ in the car after talking to Steve. Nancy looked at the two before she turned to TJ "what have you said to him?"
" I haven't said anything" TJ replied, Johnathan scoffed at this.
"Oh okay I just said if he ever does what he did to you again the least he'd be getting is a broken camera." TJ slapped Johnathan on the head who started the car up.

They drove out to a quite, secluded area and set some cans up for target practice, Johnathan was shocking to say the least.
TJ watched as his sister pulled the trigger and spoke about their parents loveless marriage. TJ stood there in astonishment watching each can drop, once she was finished she looked over at her younger brother and gave him a sorry smile for bringing up their parents marriage.
The two older teens were talking or arguing, TJ really couldn't tell. TJ decided to have a few shots with the gun thinking about what Nancy said about their parents loveless marriage and the effect it has had on the family.

As night falls the trio are walking through the woods. "Nancy do you think that our parents marriage has effected us all?" Tj innocently asks.
"In what aspect TJ?" Nancy replies.
" I just think that one day we will be with someone we love but we will never truly know how to love or give ourselves to that person"
He takes a breath and continues "Like mum is with dad who makes her unhappy but why won't she let go... I just think that it's ahhhh" TJ finds himself face down after tripping over something, he looks up and is face to face with a dear.
"Oh fucking hell... oh jeez that was... I'm gonna be sick". Johnathan pulls TJ away and aims the gun at the deer to put it out of its suffering.
TJ stands back up and puts his hand over his mouth to stop himself from hurling.
As Johnathan is about to pull the trigger he stops as the three watch a creature drag the deer away, Nancy runs ahead following the tracks of the creature leaving TJ and Johnathan panicking together.
"Was that the monster thing?" TJ asks.
Johnathan can't even answer as he is shouting out for Nancy, leaving TJ to answer his own question. "I...I think that was the monster thing! Hey hey Johnathan wait up!"

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