The Mall Rats

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TJs sat on the living room floor drawing with Holly.
"Holly! Oh my gosh... you are so good at drawing." TJ tells his little sister who smiles at him proudly.
"WHAT!! Did Nana call?" Karen Wheeler shouts, TJ perks up worried about his Nana.
"Mum what's happened to Nana is she okay?" TJ asks.
"Nana's fine." His mum replies, completely bewildered at her youngest sons lie.
"I gotta head out. Meeting Steve and Dustin at scoops." TJ says, ruffling Hollys hair.

TJ is stood behind Dustin smiling as he watches his conversation with Robin, the door bursts open and out comes Steve.
"Henderson! Henderson, he's back! He's back." Steve says excitedly.
"I'm back!" Dustin confirms his presence.
TJ watches as the two do a handshake, laughing as they do.
"How many children are you friends with?" Robin asks.
TJ lets out a laugh seeing the look on Steve's face.

They move to a booth watching as Dustin eats ice cream, filling Steve in on the details of his girlfriend.
"No way hotter than Phoebe Cates?" Steve says to the boy.
"Brilliant, too. And she doesn't even care
that my real pearls are still coming in. She says it's better for kissing." Dustin says, as Steve and TJ share a look of disgust, but are also proud of the curly haired boy.
"Wow. Yeah, that's great. Proud of you, man. That's ro-- That's kinda romantic." Steve says, while TJ puts a hand on Dustins shoulder giving it a squeeze.
"Talking about romance, I heard you've got a girlfriend TJ." Dustin asks, recalling what Lucas said last night. TJ sighs and bangs his head on the table. "Harrington! This is your fault."
The boy mumbles out, before sitting up and continuing, "Lori Fraser is not and I repeat not my girlfriend!"
"Wait that was Lori Fraser? You were with the Lori Fraser?" Steve blurts out.
"Erm yeah why?" TJ replies confused.
"You know she sorta has a bad rep round here?" Steve tells him.
"Well people can think what they want about her. But I don't want to hear any Lori slander okay, okay ?" TJ says, Steve nods at the boy acknowledging he understands.

"Sooo... you still hung up on the feisty little redhead? That was intense the other day." Steve innocently asks.
"Wait what! You like Max?" Dustin shouts.
"Shhhh!" TJ covers the boys mouth.
"Oh yeah man. TJ's clueless and Maxs in denial but them two it's like watching a light show... electricity." Steve says, while TJ puts his head back down onto the table.
"Oh shit! That explains why Lucas was so adamant something was happening between you both last year. I accused him of dating her and he said and I quote."Dustin breathes out, continuing in his best Lucas voice, "No man how could I compete with TJ. They're both in denial but they're is  something there. But then Max she kissed him at the snowball and something must've changed."
TJ sighs feeling very confused at this new revelation, "Look I gotta go. Band practice. I'll see you two shitheads later...okay."
TJ stands up fist bumping them both.
"Hey Wheeler! You didn't deny it!" Steve shouts, while TJ flips him off not looking back.

TJs is about to head into the basement when he hears his brother and friends downstairs, Axel and Lori follow him watching as the younger teen sprints down the stairs.
"Woah! Hey! No, no this is not happening. You guys haven't been down here all summer." TJ shouts at his brother.
Mike looks at his older brother and sighs out, "TJ not right now! I'm having relationship trouble."
"So is your brother. Young Wheeler!" Lori says. TJ looks at her very confused, as she carries on "What! That redhead  from yesterday... you're so in love with her." TJ gulps and avoids eye contact with Lucas, who is staring at the boy praying it's another redhead.
"Ugh my life is a mess." Mike groans out.
"Max has dumped me 5 times, but what have I done? Huh? Have I despaired? No, I've marched back into battle, and I've won her back every single time." Lucas says, purposely looking at TJ on the last sentence.
"Didn't she break up with you last night?" Will asks.
"Okay so 6 times, but I'll get her back. I always do. Come on Mike I'll show you!" Lucas says confidently, dragging the boys out the basement.

Riley a bit later then the other arrives with Cassie. "Hey guys! Sorry I made him late." Cassie says, Riley looks sheepish with his hair sticking up in different places.
"I mean at least be discreet about it." Axel laughs out. TJ walks over and hugs Cassie, he missed seeing her.
"How are you? I've missed you." TJ asks. Cassie had been spending a few days with her Mum, who had recently come back into her life.
"I missed you too Teddy. We'll talk later, but right now I want to see you guys kick ass!" Cassie shouts out the last part.
Just as they're about to begin, TJ hears his mum shout from the top of of the stairs, "TJ! You have a phone call!"
TJ runs over to the basement phone.
"Hello. TJ are you there?" He hears the voice of Max.
"Hi Max. You okay? What's up?" TJ asks eagerly, as he's quite confused that the girl has rang him.
"TJ I need you to be honest with me!" Max questions, while TJ gulps afraid that someone has said something to the girl.
Before he can reply she continues, "Look TJ. Is your she really sick?" TJ stares at the phone completely baffled.
"What! No! She's fine. Look Max I've really gotta go but if you're around later we could maybe... I don't know hang out?" TJ, anticipates the response.
"I knew it! I knew your brother was lying. And sure but is it cool if El is there as well?" She replies.
"Yeah of course. Well I'll see you later then Mayfield." He says grinning hanging up the phone.
"Ooo you got it bad brother!" Axel says ruffling the younger boys hair.

After band practice, Riley and Cassie stay for a bit to hang out with their best friend.
"So you two are still in lovers paradise it seems?" TJ asks the couple cuddling.
"Yep. Safe to say I think we're in it for the long haul." Riley says looking at the girl who playful nudges him. TJ smiles at them admiring how happy they are, "I'm happy for you both I really am."
"Well dude. We've gotta go and you've gotta go meet that redhead girl you're so in denial about liking." Riley says to his best friend.
"Don't you start Riles. She's my friend. But have a good night, love you both and be safe." TJ winks at them both, as Cassie hits his arm and Riley swats his head in passing.

Riley and Cassie head back to the Holland's, when Riley realises he's left his house keys at the community pool, Cassie tells him that's she going to go home as she's tired. They kiss goodbye and part ways.
Once at the pool he walks in to the staff locker room, not expecting anyone to be there but he turns around to see Billy Hargrove.
"Billy! You scared me man... I didn't think anyone would be here." Riley exclaims, but he doesn't get a reply instead everything goes dark...

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